Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/417

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396 SIXTY—SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cris. 51, 53, 54. 1920. Jan 2¥.i9¤¤· CHAP. 51.- easmg` claim' of the!] ° S Govsrnmentto the [gg °°°°‘] block or uare city Smith, as thelégte zitgkansas, upon which li mh N°' ml thetgld) Jailéhtgthebécty of Fort Smith for a site for {convention , QOIRIIIIIJII mkllx, 01‘ 0 {HI SPIITPE. · Be it enacted the Senate and House'}: R esentativevof the United di? §?`l.i]$"i'e]3»m¤ States of Amerilgz in O A ess tb,e,Secreta1;v of the M wm ‘°· Interior be, and he isrlglerqilgry, authlonzed and ésstxitel a patent iid iiii°é of eriumod data Si Apieria m,¤¤·1.s¤ the block or square of land in the cit _‘of Fort Sni1th,_in the State of Arkansas, boundedb Secondand Tgird Streets and Barker Avenues, frontin time hundred feet on Second an Third. Streets and two

and ninety. and twenty-·five one-hundredths feet on Bo ers

and Parke1:.Avenues, upon whichis situated the old being a part of section eight, township eight north, range west,_to tlwhcgilyof Fort Smith, Arkansas, m trust,.fe1j a site for.; PWM convention ,_ commimity buildinggmor other public nm.-rim. Provided, however, That if said land s not be used for suc purpesesitsha1lrevertto the.UnitedStates. .. » _ · Approved, January 23, 1920. 4. · - . · . · fi ‘““,_,;“?i°,§,},E; mE.%.:.i£hes.fa¤ acura increase me efficiency of the mum nmausnmeurer [Pu No. SUNG- y . . Be it enacted by the·Senote and Home 3/`Representativee of the United ‘$,','§‘f,,’§;,,,., ,..-gm; States of Ameria1 in Congress assemble , That section 1110, Revised “¤g,*°¤,§*°¤s;‘;L¤*;{,°,g’· D Statutes,»and theiirst proviso of section 12 of the Act entitled "An zngrvplialed. ' Act for further and more effectual provision for the national ‘Ll3_°°’ °‘ I"' "' defense, and or other. es," approved June 3, 1916, be, and pw P3¤‘P°¤ the same hereby are, repealed. Approved, January 24, 1920. ¥¤¤¤*'Y 2% lim CHAP. 54.-An Act To amend an Act entitled "An Act to the officerq

 me members of me are department et the naman ot ceiumba, me lor com pur-

’ ` pesee," approved June 20, 1906, and for other purposes. · Be it enacted by the Senate and House 0 Representatives of the United i·)‘i?$ri§.l$’l.9¤Yl`$T§ll°’* States of America in Congress aceembleeff That sections 2, 3, and 4 of an Act entitled "An Act toclassiiy the officers and members of the fire department of the District of olumbia, and for other purposes," approved June 20, 1906, is hereby amended to read as follows: m*§_g¤¤g;§c*{f,gf$_F’ ,,,,.,';’_ "Siw. 2. That the Commissioners of the District of Columbia shall lucgxeu. d appoint, assign to such dutly or duties as they may prescribe, remote, ,.,l°m’°`m’°m°° rediilce, fine, susipend, wxt or without pay, and remove aB officerg and members o the fire department of the District of Columbia, according to such rules and regulations as said commissioners, in their ex usive jurisd1ct.ion_and judgment (except as herein other- P~¤*2¤•- ml t._ wise provided), may from t1me to time make, alter, or amend: Pro- ¤,,§T’“"°‘ °s m I vided, That the rules and regulations of the fire deplartment hereto. fore promulgated are hereby ratified (except as erein otherwise provided) shall remam 1Il force until changed by said commis- Appoigjrmerigelx sinners; Provided further, That all officers, members, and i’§.,°‘i‘Q..‘§{ °' °‘ employees of such department, except the chief engineer and deput vol- 22. r- *<¤· Bhjaf gnineem, shall ereafter be appointed and promoted in accom; ance wit the provisions of the Act entitled ‘An Act to re§ulate and improve the civil service of the United States,’ approve January 16, 1883, as amended, and the rules and regulations made in pursuance thereof, in the same manner as members of the classified civil