Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/410

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SIXTY—SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 39. 1920. 389 tions thereafter from his salary shall be computed as herein provided and from his age at the date of such reinstatement. Sno, 10. That in case of the death of a teacher while in the service, ini);?l'§i§;§{$i$eimd’ the amount of his deductions, together with the interest then credited thereon, as provided in section 2 hereof, shall be paid to his legal representatives. In case of the death of an annuitant before he shall have received fognpeggggg drgsbt annujt payments equal to the amount of his deductions, together ¤:`aaiuca¤mS° °°° with the interest credited thereon, as hereinbefore provided, the balance thereof remaining to his credit at the date of his death shall be paid to his legal representative. Sec. 11. That the provisions of this Act shall aipply to all teachers Eiisibiiky- who were on the rolls of the public schools of the istrict of Columbia for the month of June, 1919, if otherwise eligible. C0mmumc°,¤sm_ Sec. 12. That every teacher who shall continue in the service of me deemed a mmm the public schools of the District of Columbia after the passage of °°d°d“°"°“‘ this Act, as well as every} person who hereafter may be appointed to a position as teacher in the public schools of the District o Columbia, shall be deemed to consent and agree to the deductions made and provided for herein, and the salary, pay, or compensation, which may be paid monthly or at any other time, shall be a full and complete discharge and acquittance of all claims and demands whatsoever for all services rendered by such teacher during the period covered by such payment, except his claim for the benents to which he may be entitled under the provisions of this Act, notwithstanding the provisions of said Public ct Numbered 254, approved June 20, V°1‘3'*’p‘ m‘ 1906, and of any other law, rule, or regulation affecting the salary, pa , or comppnsation of the teachers employed in the service of the public schoo of the District of Columbia. Sec. 13. That nothing in this Act shall be construed to prevent v,I§{§°d1}“'““ “°° P"' the disch e of any teacher at any time in the discretion of the lioprd of lzlducation of the District of Columbia under the provisions 0 aw. Sec. 14. That the term "teacher," under this Act shall include all l?·§'9,f,‘i,,§,l§’,’{?: teachers permanently empgcged by the board of education in the public day schools o the trict of Columbia, including the supermtendent of public schools, the assistant superintendents, all supervisors and directors of instruction, group principals, principals, spe- __ U cial teachers, and librarians therein; the term "basic salary shall be B”l° °°‘l‘”‘ construed to mean the lowest salary of the class in which the teacher um! ,, is placed; and whenever the tpronoun "his" occurs in this Act it ' sha be construed to mean be male and female teachers. Rmdg M to M Sec. 15. That the Secretag of the Treasiu·y shall prepare and nep:. ’ keep all needful tables, recor , and accounts required for carrying out the provisions of this Act. The records to be kept shall inc ude data showing the mortality experience of the teachers in the service of thedpublic schools of the District of Columbia and the rate of withdraw from such service, and any other information pertaining to such service that may be of value and may serve as a guide for future valuations and adjustments of the lan for the retirement of teachers. Mmm, NW, to The Secretagi of the Treasury slilall make a detailed compar8·t1V6 emma;. report annu y to Confgress showing a.ll recei ts and disbursements under the provisions o this Act, together the total number Of mmtm of mth persons receivingrpennuities and the amounts paid them. And the msazrundnae. ecretary of the asury shall have made every third year after the passage of this Act an actuarial valuation of this retirement fimd and the operation thereof, which shall show the financial condition of the fund, and shall report the Endings of such investigation to Congress at the opening of the following session. _ Apmwmm Sec. 16. That in order to carry out the provisions of this Act during the fiscal years ending June 30, 1920, the sum of $30,000,