Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/379

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358 SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cris. 113-115. 1919. now marked, and thence south sixty-five degrees east, fourteen perches to the said b ack oak, thence of l south sixty-five degiees east, twelve and a half perches to a post north, aixt —live and theequarters degrees east, twelve perches to a post standling southwardly nine feet from a large white oak, thence south forty-seven degrees east, forty-e§;ht perches to a marked samafras, thence still south forty-seven agrees east, two perches to the water of Chesapteeke Bay, thence on the water on said Bay and Pataslpco iver south, seventy-four egrees west seven perches, south eig ty and a half degrees west ten perches, north seventy-one degrees west fifteen perches, north iift(y·seven and a half degrees west twelve grches, north forty-six an a half degrees west, twelve porches, nor forty- six and a half degrees westilfprt -four perches and eight-·tenths of a gzrch, until it intersects a e drawn south forty-eight degees west m the place of beginning, and thence to the beginning, containing seven acres and twenty-two square perches of land more or less. ' Approved, November 19, 1919. · N°'°”‘°¤s.%m lm"' cnr, 114.-in se runes-aug the me of me mem is cmsy nasa

 from thejurisdiction of the War Department   the jurisdiction of the Treasury Department and transferring the tract of land , known as Fishermans Island from the

jurisdiction of the Treasury Department to the jurisdiction of the War Department. Be·ite·nadedby¢BeSena£eandHouseo Re esentativeso the United

&iCfi'»- States ey? America in 0 ess assembled, `zlhalwthe militaryjiieservation

“° H“‘“"“°"*°°‘”°· known as Craney Islazlfnow under the control and jnuisdiction of the War Department, lying-on the- western side of the Elizabeth River in Norfolk County, and bounded by the waters of the Elizabeth River, Craney d Creek, Thoroughfare Creek, and James River, be, and the same hereby. is, transferred to and placed mma under the control and jurisdiction of the Treasury Department for

 ,5, the use of the Public Health Service· and that the sandspit or island

Am? M- called Fishermans Island, or Linen l3ar, now under the control and jurisdiction of the Treasury Department, situate, @:1., and being in the county of Northam ton off the t of Cape glee between the Atlantic Ocean and Chesapeake Bil`: in the eastern district of Virginia, about twelve miles south of (gpc Charles City about one and 0ne·quarter miles from Cape Charles Light, contanmng two hundred and twenty-five acres, more or less, above high-water mark~ be, and the same hereby is, transferred to and placed under the control and jurisdiction of the War Department for use for military purposes. Approved, November 19, 1919. Ncnfgllilsgj mm CHAP. 115.-An Act Toauthorizethe State read departmentof the StateofFlorida ——-···········—··· to construct and maintain a brid across the Choctawbatcbee River, near Cary- lP°°u°’ N°‘ ul ville, Florida, aipggoximately one Tundred and seventy feet south of the Louisvil e and Nashville road Bridge. Be it enacted by the Senate and House Re esentatives of the United B£2:?°"""‘*°"°° sam gr Anwrica in crmgym mmmgz, allies aumoraqhs hereby m$,,°€°§,.'°$,°m$f"E'.tZ grante to the State roa department of the State of orida, its rvv¤¤¤» FL successors and assigns, to construct maintain, and operate a. bridge and approaches thereto across the Choctawhatchee R1ver at a point

uitable to the interests of navigation, near Caryville, Floridagalgproximately one hundred and seventy feet south of the Louis e and

Nashville Railroad Bridge, m accordance with the provisions of the Act