Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/358

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SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 93. 1919. 337 tion shall be expended for the prosecution of producers of farm products and associations of farmers who cooperate and organize in an effort to and for the purpose to obtain and maintain a fair and reasonable price for their products. Transportation of aliens: For expenses incident to the trans- portation of alien enemies to places of mternment and to the return or y ` removal of said aliens from p aces of internment in the United States to the countries of which they are citizens, or to their places of residence, or, in the discretion of the Attorney General, to such other places in the United States as they may elect; and for expenses of maintaining aliens in hospitals or otherwise outside of internment camps, $200,000, to be available also for expenses heretofore incurred for said purposes Dnrncrroiv AND rnosncurron or cnnuns: For the detection and ,,,,§§§,°$,§i§,";,j,‘,“_,‘,§_P‘°“°‘ prosecution of crimes against the United States; the investigation of the official acts, records, and accounts of marshals, attorneys, clerks, referees, and trustees of the United States courts and the Territorial courts, and United States commissioners, for which purpose all the officiallpa ers, records, and dockets of said officers, without exception, sh he examined by the agents of the Attorney _ General at an time; for the protection of the person of the President p,IQr,?§§°,§f°,§c_°' u‘° of the United States; for such other investigations regarding official matters under the control of the Department of Justice or the Department of State as may be directed by the Attorney General; hire of motor-propelled or orse—drawn passenger-carrying vehicles P _ _ when necessary; per diem in lieu of subsistence when allowed pur- v§{g§f’},‘j“6l§•?{’°°“°“ suant to section 13 of the Sundry Civil Appropriation Act approved August 1, 1914, to be expended imder the direction of the Attorney General; in all, $1,000,000. · runnrc nursnmss. P°“i°°“°°"°°‘ Leavenworth, Kansas, Penitentiary: For rebuilding and repair of lnlipliildvgmsiéliaiisll damage done by fire occurring in the west main cell wing on July 19, “‘°‘· 1919 $100,000. _ mms Ga Atlanta, Georgia, Penitentiary: For mill equipment, $50,000. mueqiiapuamc JUDICIAL. ""”°*“1‘ UNrrm> srarns cormrs. U”“°°8°‘*" °°“"" For salaries, fees, and eépenses of United States marshals and their ’“”""" deputies, including the office expenses of United States marshals in the District of Alaska, services rendered in behalf of the United States or otherwise, services in Alaska and Qklahoma in collecting evidence for the United States whenso specially directed by the Attorney General, and maintenance, alteration, repair, and operation of horsedrawn and motor-driven passengencarrying vehicles used in connection with the transaction of the official business of the office of United States marshal for the District of Columbia, for the fiscal years that follow: ger 1920, $2006330; . or 1919 $45 . mm, ,_,,,,,,,,,_,,, For salaries of United States district attorneys and expenses of t ' United States district attorneys and their amtauts including the office expenses of United States district attorneys m Alaska, an for salaries of regularly a pointed clerks to United States district attorneys for services rendiered during vacancy in the ofliee of the United States district attorney, seen year 1919, $35,000. c