Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/331

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310 SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 85. 1919. turer thereof to_ show cause why said article should not be dealt with as an intoxicating liquor, such notice to be served personally or by registered mail, as the commissioner may determine, and shall specify the time when, the place where, and the name of the agent or official Re tp u f before whom such person is requrred to appear. _ _ ,,1,,, §§€*j,g ,_,gS_}’°'· flifhthe manufacturerhoi staked ggrcre fails to sh(eSw to iiliegatisfaction o e commissioner a e ic e corres on to the escri tions $$€;,£‘ sill? equity and limitations provided in section 4 of this ll‘itle, his permit to ri)ianu· °°“”· iacture and sell such argicle shall be revolred. Thel manufacturer may y appropriate procee ing in a court o equity ave the action of the commissioner reviewed, and the court ma aiiirm, modif , or reverse the finding of the commissioner as the iizcts and law oi, the case may warrant, and during the pendency of such roceedings may P mm mmf restrain the manufacture, sale, or other dis sition oip such article. ,,gL¤,e¤.§,°;‘fs,i§.,puZ$ Ssc,b6. No 01130 shall ielanufaiezltsure, leellrjopurchase, traneport, ler ° · ° °·» ¤“°”· prescribe any quor wi out t o taining a ermit rom the exigeagicripcions coeunissiorier so tp do, pixcept fthat a dperspln mag, witholpt a per- ` m.1_, pure ase an _ use quor or me _1cm iuposes w en re- Auema as in. scribed by a physician as herem rovided, aiid except that Iain . . , P . P Y °""**° "°°P“""· °°°· person who m the opinion of the commissioner is conducting a bona die hospital oiglsagarlqlrrlum engageld in tllrenelreatmiglrl of persons su ering rom co o , may, un er suc es, re ations, and conditions as the commissioner shall rescribe, purc ase and use, in accordance with the methods in use in such institution, liquor, to b_e admimstered t0_ the patients of such institution under the direction of a duly qualified uphysician employed b such institution. m,l;s°°,§¤;,,,”j‘§c*j‘ P°’· All permits to man acture, prescribe, selli or transport liquor, Pmim may be issued for one year, shall expire on the 31st da of sxmsiéa. December next succeeding the issuance thereof: Provided, 'Fhat the commissioner may without formal application or new bond umn on mmm ,0 extent eay permit grantt(edD1mder iActé or laws now in force alrter P‘“°'*°°°· _\1€¤S m any year _ ecem r o the succeedmg' year: rovnded {further, That Hr-rmits to purchase liquor for the urpose of manu acturing or se g as provided in this Act shall notqie m force to exceed mnety days rom the day of issuance. A permit to purchase liquor for any other purpose ehall not be in force to exceed thirt%1:lays. Permits to purchase liquor shall specify the qpantiey and d_to beelpurchased and the purpose for which it is to e use . P°”°“’ °‘°l“"°"· lzlootplermit leh U be éesueil to any person who okpe year prior e app ca ion ere or or issuance thereo sh ave vic ate Rmmpg ,,m,,,,d ,0 the_ terms of any {permit issued under this Title or any law of the v¤¤r¤w¤·s¤- United States or 0 any State reqrlating traiic in liquor. No permit shall be issued to anyone to se liquor at retail, unless the sale is tp be made through a pharmacrst designated m the permit and duly Permits to phys. licensed xmder the laws of his State to compound and dispense °*““5· rnedicme preseribed by a dulylicensed physician. No one shall be given a permit to prescribe liquor ess he is a physician duly Dmns hmmm. icensed to praetice medicme and actively engaged in the practice of such pro ession. Every permit shall be rn writing, dated when issued, and signed by the commissioner or his authorized agent. It sgsdr gfive thetname1a1e;d1is;del1e·ess orstlee person to whom it is issued and s esi aean eac t t `ttd dth f when ang? place where such acts miyabg I;Ii·!fIi>1r11i}edimNo geriiilili shall be issued until a. verified, written apphcation shall have been relade therefor, setgigl folrthl the qualification of the applicant and tepurposeorwcteiuor`tob d. F°"°°’°°°‘ The eommissioner may prgscribes the fbnu:8 of all permits and applications and the facts to be set forth therein. Before any permit is granted the commissioner may require a bond in such form and amount as he may prescribe to insure compliance with the terms of