Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/314

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srxrivsixrn coxonnss. sm. 1. Cns. 75-77. 1919. 293 Sec. 2. That the Secretary of War be, and hereby is, authorized to ”¤*¤*°¤°¤!°° °*· expend not exceeding $20,000 from sums akeady appropriated for Kcridisiiigiiiiiditigi the support of the Army for the year ending June 30, 1920, such main- 192,,, P ug tenance and repair funds as may be necessary for maintenance and ’ i I repair work, storage of material and clearing up debris at Camp A. A. Humphreys, `irginia. Received by the President, October 2, 1919. [NOTE BY THE DEPARTMENT or STATE.——The foregoin joint resolution having been presented to the President of the gUnited States for his approval and not having been returned by him to the house of Congress in which it originated within the time prescribed — by the Constitution of the Unite States, has become a law without his approval.] CHAP. 78.-An Act To amend an Act of Congress approved March 12, 1914, author O]tdi)ii.1$i1ii]9` izin the President of the United States to locate, construct, and operate railroads in ·-—·—·-····· the of Alaska, and for other purposes. [P"bu°* N°‘ S9'] Be it enacted by the Senate and House we esentatives of the United States of America in Con%ress assemb , Blchat the Act entitled g‘,Q{f,,*§,{,‘}§,'0'.}’?·‘l,§;,,,,,_ "An Act to authorize the esident of the United States to locate, sd- ' construct, and operate railroads in the Territoi of Alaska, and for other purposes " be amended by inserting at the conclusion of section 2 the following: "Pro·vided, That in order to complete on or before December 31, Aqaiumai sum su- 1922, the construction and equipment of the railroad between $,§"'§g,,d_f°‘S§2$‘§f§“?g Seward and Fairbanks, together with necessary sidings, spurs, and F¤l*l¤*¤*¤· lateral branches, the additional sum of $17,000,000 is hereby author- Pm, p. ass. ized to be appro riated, to be immediately and continuously available until expended." Received by the President, October 7, 1919. [NoTE nr THE DEPARTMENT or STATE.—The foregoing act been presented to the President of the United States for his approv , and not having been returned by himto the house of Congress in which it originated within the time prescribed by the Constitution of the United States, has become a law without his approval.] oewwz ms. CHAP. 77.-An Act To encourage the reclamation of certain arid lands in the l=1-9-l State of Nevada, and for other purposes. [puma, Nm w] Be it enacted the Senate and House o Re esentatives o the United States of Amenpcilz in Congress assembled; Tiigt the Secreliary of the ¥S£`l§‘ authorized Interior is hereby authorized to grant to any citizen of the United *°°?,§,°_§°,$°a§,§,“c;“‘,§§§j States, or to any association of such citizens, a rmit, which shall gmwi P¤¤>¤¤ ¤¤¤¤¤ `ve the exclusive right, for a period not exceediiig two years, to ° dlrill or otherwise explore for water beneath the surface o not exceeding two thousand five hundred and sixty acres of unreserved, unappropriated nonmineral, nontnnbered public lands of the Umted States in the State of Nevada not known tosbe susceptible of successful irrigation at a reasonable cost from any known source of Pmim Water supply; Provided, however, That not more tharrone such permit Permits umm shall be issued to the same citizen or the same association of cite- F ew W zens within an area of forty miles square:_And fw-ther, ,,,,,§§‘,.$°?* " That said land shall not be fenced or otherwise exc usively used by _ the permittee except as herein provided: promdedtiurther, That um °°$*g°““°“ ’°‘ said land shall theretofore have been designated by e Secretary of the Interior as subject to disposal under the provisions of this act.