Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/312

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SIXTY-SIXTH ooxonnss. sees. 1. ons. vows. 1919. 291 P. 70.——Joint Resolu ion 0 r · · $$.0 ..1 ot as Regulartmmiilr s£1?Q€‘s‘i1°,f.`?50£*l`Z’. ‘31“,¥.E‘i‘3‘ft13i?T“”°l my “"°“ "‘* Sii¤‘?’fT“£%3?$i°’ Pu . Res., No. 14. Resolved by tlte Senate and House of Representatives of the United [ b 1 States of America in Congress assem led, That those enlisted men gggm n dg of the Army who enliste in the Regular Army prior to April 2, enema to riiiiuse 91- 1917, and who have accepted or may accept their discharge from l°w°d °”"°l"°" such enlistment in order to reenlist under the terms of the Act V°‘·“’·¥’·”“· entitled "An Act to authorize the resumption of voluntary enlist.- ment 111 the Regular Army, and for other purposes/’ approved February 28, 1919, shall upon such discharge receive travel pay at the rate lprovided in the Act entitled "An Act ermitting any V°l· *°·P·’“°3· person who as served in the United States Army, Niavy, or Marine orps in the present war to retain his uniform and personal equipment, and to wear the same under certain conditions," approved February 28, 1919, from the place of such discharge to their actual bona ii e home or residence or original muster into the service, D tb as they may elect. The Secretary of War is authorized to discharge 19eai°°h°'“°S °° °r` any or all of these men enlisted prior to April 2, 1917, who desire discharge from their old enlistment for the u?ose of so reenlisting, regardless of whether or not the eriod ori their original contract P,,,,,,,,_ or enlistment has been completed): Provided, That in case any $5% enlisted man has been or hereafter shall be discharged for the pur- ° ' pose of reenlisting in the Fggular Army, he shall be entitled to the vol 40 lm payment of $60 as provid in section 1406 of the Act entitled ° ’p' ' ‘An Act to provide revenue, and for other purposes," approved February 24, 1919. Approved, September 29, 1919. Se mber29,1919. CHAP. 71.—Joint Resolution Tendering the thanks of the American people and [Eli- B¤S·2¤-I the Congress of the United States to Genera John J. Peruhmg, and to the officers and [pug Beg, N°_ wl men of the Amerimn Expeditionary Forces. Resolved the Senate and House 0 Representatives of the United · States of Amid/mba in Congress assembled? That the thanks of the Ameri- ,,,,‘§°,;f°“"°”" J' P"' can eople and of the Congress of the United States are due, are t0T;¤l§g*=_{¤g>;n¢cgg¤*,,°;§ hereby tendered, to General John J. Pershing for his highly distm- pzcilitionary roms in ` hed services as commander in chief of the American Expe itionary “’°l’°‘ Fdilces in Europe and to the officers and men under his command for their unwavering devotion and heroic valor throughout the war. Approved, September 29, 1919. Se amtewm 1919. CHAP. 72.-Joint Resolution Authorizing the appointment of an ambamador to YS- J. Res-itil Belgium [run. Ru., No. ia) Resolved the Senate and House 0 Re esentatives 0 the United States of Axriea in Cmyress assevnblejd, 1fat the Presiiant be, and ,0, ,,,. he is hereby, authorize to appoint, as the representative of the tbgjgaf $$16.,5, P_m_ United States, an ambassador to the Kingdom o Belgium, who shall mmm. receive as compensation the sum of $17,500 per annum. Approved, September 29, 1919. oemmio, 1919. CHAP. 78.-An Act Granting the consent of the Congress to the county of Hen- nepin, in the State of Minnesota, to construct, mamtmn, and operate a bndgeacroes [Public, No. $.1 the Minnesota River. Be it enacted by the Senate and House ¢i;1Re1g1resentat€ves of the mnmmmwt United States of America in Congress assemb , at the consent of