Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/293

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272 SIXTY—SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Crrs. 28-31. 1919. gb} 2%cs19£·] 28.——J'oit1;11;1I’i<‘?1scilution Autbo;·i31in%vth<;dSe‘i:Iretary of War to loan tents for

 usea encampmen e yveteranso e or ar.

££;R;“mb:' G'] Resolved by tbe Senate and House cbf Representatives of the United va. ’s·:, p. mes, States of America in Congress assem led, That the last proviso of °‘°°"°°d‘ H. J.a§.es. gl 13 approved March 2, 1913, be, and the same is, amended to re as 0 ows: wIj,‘§?§‘“{{¤,f,"$’§§’,‘§.‘Q,},§ "That hereafter no loan of tents shall be made except to the ·>rs¤¤i¤¤*¤¤=~ Grand Arm of the Republic, the United Confederate eterans, the United S anish War Veterans and to recognized organizations P of veterans of the late World Wlar b whatever name the ma b kno U Y Y Y e wn. Approved, July 26, 1919. July 31,1919. _ ___J · 1 • · na • 1 · I ’ .._.__.;_*;-=j*’-gl rgitilgiiggitmdmmet Iii°¤m““.a°“r?; ti’L°£$..?‘tF°ce¤§?;*§§’§‘m“§.$1t‘?02L"}.?i‘gt1l§‘asr’ 1 [ . .},0. . year _ . Resolved by the Senate and House of Re esentatives of the United umA:°`¤i¤JQiee°IiI$:i1llriiS States of America in Congress assembled, 'ljgit appropriations for the "‘],“‘,,,*Q‘;,’;,}g§2f$;,,,6,,, service of the fiscal year 1920, contained m the Agricultural, Army, 131.16335- District of Columbia, Navy, and Sundry Civil Ap ro riatrons Acts, an cienc pro ria 1on ct, c year 9 , dthe"ThirdDeff A p'f A 119" hall be available from anrgincguding July 1, 1919, for the purposes S . . . . . . . respectively provided in the said appropriations for the service of the ,f{§‘j§'_"’ °*’“€°“°“ said fiscal year. And all obligations mcurred prusuant to the terms of such approlpriations in the aforesaid Acts as approved are ratified and confirme from and incluchng July 1, 1919. . Approved, July 31, 1919. A" ’·“’“· cnn. so.—.i¤ A 1 creasing th s ‘ a rm. 1 ed ‘

 the Government   gflice, and R; §tLlire1?p  an P on amp Oy m

Gamma, pm,- Be it enacted by the Senate and Housigf Representatives of the United i¤g,Q*s§=>gi dmgnmd States of America in Congress assemb ·, That on and after the pasem`pl0yees mgguea. sage of this Act the pag of all printers, printer linotype operators, °"*°· p' ‘ printer monotyyie key oard operators, makers-up, copy editors proof readers, ookbmders bookbinder-machine operators, and pressmen employed in the Government Pr·inti;L1§•OfHce shall be at the rate of 75 cents per hour for the time actu y employed. Approved, August 2, 1919.

Ch.AP._ 31.-An Act Providing additional aid for the American Printing Houne

-——:-—-y N0. H] for the Blmd. Amdm p,;,_,,,,,g Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Hy;g_jg{ ¢¤:p¤g§;=<;;& States of America in Congress assemble , That for the purpose of enum 10:, iuemsedi abling the American Printing House for the Blind more adezuately to {provide books and ari)paratus for the education of the blin there ·,—,,,_,,,_,,_,,,7_ is ereby authorized to _ e appr¢}priated annually to it in addition to €dV¤*·¤4·v·46°·¤¤=¢¤<¤· the permanent approtplrration o_ $10,000 made m the Act entitled i>¤·¢,p.z:sz "An Act to promote e education of the blind/’ approved March 3, 1879, as amended, the sum of_$40,000, which sum s all be expended in accordance with the requirements of said Act to promote the education of the blind. Approved, August 4, 1919.