Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/291

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270 SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 26. 1919. near the border of the United States, cooperation with the Mexican In ti { Government_ or local Mexican authorities, $25,000; .,.,,1;,.,1, °°’ °” b To finvestrgaiie m Mexicg or elsewhere the pmk bollworm as a asis or contro measures 25,000; ,r$¥K°r’}s5ii?a%&`l’f’ To conduct surveys and, inspections in Texas or in any other State to delulect anykilusffntation pnd to copduct such control megsures, rnlululding the esta ent o cotton- ree areas, in coo era ion wit the State of Texas or other States concerned, as ma; be_necessary to stamp out such infestation, to establish in cooperation with the C mm { States concerned a zone or zones free from cotton culture on or near ¤,,.f§§{?m W-ra?¤2§I the border of any State or States ad] acent to Mexico, and to cooperate

  • °°· with the Mexican Qovemment or local Mexican authorities, or otherwise, by undertaking in Mexico such measures for the extermmation

P . of the pink bollworm of cotton as shall be determined to be prac- NZ°”§°§& my mpg, ticable from surveys showing its distribution, $397 240: Promkled, °**’·· d°S"°"°"· That no part of the money herein appropriated shall be used to (pay Ammm hmm the cost or value of crops or other property injured_or destroys : _cm.¤ mkgiupalzlg- That hereafter the Secretary of Agriculture may, m his discretion ‘“’“·°°°·· m ‘“’P · under such conditions as he may prescribe, supply to any mumcrpahty or public_mst1tution_not more than one American bison from Mding P um guy surpluz wgnch rg-axy exist any hprd th¢;hcontrol of bthe e artmen o Agn ture;an mor er a1 m e ropagaron of lihe species, animals may be loaned to or exchangedp with other cmmmoima ¤w¤¤¤·== ¤? A¤¤¤ri<=··¤ *>i¤<>¤· . . . gmt mms. That, in order to carry out the lpurposes mentioned m section 3 of ,7Y,§’§§'§’_ P‘°°1’V°" the Act entitled "An Act to enab e any State to cooperate with any other State or States, or with the United States for the protection of the watersheds of navigpble streams, and to appoint a commission {Ei the pcquisiticiri of lan for the pu3·pi>(Isprg{1conse naviga}.; ' `t o na a o rivers, a rove .1, 1911 -sixt ,,,?,;’,";',,$,'E.,?,*’.§l’c‘Z*"" Statiites at wL§.rge, page 961),Pl1)s amended, there is hereby hppropriated, out of any moneys rn the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, available until expended, the sum 0 $600,000 for the fiscal Tmwlemmx year ending on the 30th day of June, 1920. mgugwvérpms mr, ny t Whepever, tgguiisggldypgrtmtuling June 30, %9t2r(;, tlime Scors- ' oAgrrc s a ee enseso ve can e readliced thereby, he may, in lieu of actualltiiaveling expenses, under such regulations as he may prescribe, authorize the payment of not to exceed 3 cents per mile or a motor cycle or 7 cents per mile for an cw um with automobile, used or necessary travel on official business. a¤g»»E?é`3§i:§8uv;:E;; That hereafter in carrying on the_activ1tres of the Department of ,,,,,,°§,, ,,,,,,,,._, to ,,,, Agriculture mvplvrng cooperation with_State county and municipal gggaggig mgwgugs agencies, associations of farmers, individual farmers, universities •¤¤.,a·g¤3m¤m. colleges, boarpu) of trade, cliumbers of commerce, ord otléeréogg associations o usmess men usmess o anizations, an in 171 u witlgin the State, Terrlitory: digtrict or-rgnsular posgossiulrg in whicg suc activities are to e carrie on, mone contri ute rom suc outside sources, except in the case of the aijilhorized activities of the Forest Service, shall be paid only through the Secretary of Agriculture or through State, county or municipal agencies, or loc farm bureaus or like organizations, cooperating for the purpose with the °"“""""‘""‘“ ”°° Seflllitmhiofals til? loyees of the Department of Agriculture sub` ct to rohibition 9 0 cl igiiiii~"ii"¤&°iiii °“g3g"d if Th° *°°f“l“ ‘l)“?‘£.°S3” “£‘%"’$‘”“g "°*'3g§“t‘il‘ °*‘d eee. an mw oeorm ar on o conn u as rovi e erem, v°"°°· p` ”°°‘ End the persons, cdiporations, or associations makiiig contributions as therein provided, shal1_uot be subject to the proviso contained in the Act making appropriations for the legislative, executive, and judicial expenses o the Government for the Escal year endin June 30, 1918, and for other purposes, approved March 3, 1917, in '§hn·' ty- ninth Statutes at Large, at page 1106; nor shall any ofhcial or ern-