Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/262

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SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Ssss. I. Ch. 26. 1919. 241 exchange, or shipment of any virus, serum, toxin, or analogous product manufactured in the United States and the importation of such products intended for use in the treatment of domestic _ animals: And provided further, That of said sum $30,620 shall be rei)e§idh}$s?l°g`°a1 available for researches concerning the cause, modes of spread, and methods of treatment and prevention of this disease; For all necessary expenses for the investigation, treatment, and D°“’“‘° °’°‘“°““°”· eradication of dourine, $88,800; xd _ _ _ For general administrative work, including traveling expenses and w6rk.m1mSmmv° salaries of employees engaged in such work, rent outside of the District of Colum ra, office fixtures and supplies, express, freight, telegraph, telephone, and other necessary expenses, $26,686; In al , for general expenses, $4,326,121. M,_,,,,nspm,0n LIEAT rxsr-norton, BUREAU or ANIMAL Innusrnrz For additional $<¤i1i£¤¤¤l<+xp·.=¤isesexpenses in carrying out the provisions of the meat·inspection Act of °' ’pp °m’126°` June 30, 1906 (Thirtg-fourth tatutes at Large, page 674), as amended by the Act of Marc 4, 1907 (Thirty-fourth Statutes at Lar e, page 1256), there is herebgl appropriated for the Hscal year ending § une 30, E um mm. 1920, $903,960, of w `ch sum $100,000 may be used for the inspection trail ‘ mspw of equine meat in the manner provided in said Act, as amended. And, hereafter, no person, firm, or corporation or officer, agent, or q,£,“:Q{u”‘* °°°‘* "` employee thereof shall transport or offer for transportation, and no carrier of interstate or foreign commerce, shall transport or receive for transportation from one State or Territory or the District of Columbia to any other State or Territory or the District of Columbia or to any place rmder the jurisdiction o the United States or to any for,;e§n country any of such meat or food Qproducts thereof unless pl y and conspicuously labeled, mark , branded or tagged ‘Horse-meat" or ‘Horse—meat Product" as the case ma&cbe, under such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the retary of ceumicalimvisiens. Agriculture. All the penalties, terms and provisions in said Act, as °*°‘*‘”“ ’°‘ amended, except the exem tion therein applying to animals slaughtered by any farmer on a Farm, to retail utchers and retail dealers in meat food products supplying their customers are hereby made applicable to horses, their carcasses, parts of carcasses and meat food products thereof, and the establishments and other places where such animals are slaughtered or the meat or meat food products thereof are prepared or packed for the interstate or foreign commerce, and to all persons, firms, corporations and officers, agents and employees thereof who slaughter such animals or {prepare or handle such meat or meat food roducts for interstate or ereign commerce: _ Emp, ,,,0,,,,, That, hereafter, the Secrets? of Agriculture is authorized, in his for ¤»¤¢°i£$°w¤. discretion, to ay employees o the Bureau of Animal Industry employed in estaI>hshments subject to the provisions of the Meat Inspection Act of June 30, 1906, for all overtime work performed at such establishments, at such rates as he may determine, and to accept from such establishments wherein such overtime work is performed reimbursement for an sums apaid out by him for such overtime work. Total for Bureau oiy Anim Industry, $5,783,231. Plant Industry Bu- Bunmv or rrinrr n~mUs·rnY. rm ‘ or bu- Sxrxnms, Burman or Pmisrr Irvnusrnrz One physiologist and »e¤PtZ%Zik°=iii¤iipathologist, who shall be chief of bureau, $5,000; 9¤c_ essgsta-nt to the iihlef, $3,000; one executive asslstémt m seed dlstnbution, $2,500; one officer in charge of publications, $2,250; one landscape gardener, $1,800; one officer in char e of records, $2 ,250; one executive clerk, $2,000; three executive clerks, at $1,980 each; one seed inspector, $1,000; one seed warehouseman, $1,400; one seed warehouseman, $1,000; one seed warehouseman, $840; mne clerks, class four; fourteen clerks, class three; four clerks, at $1,500 each; twenty·£.ve