Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/215

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194 srxrirsrxrn coxcanss. sm. 1. cH. 24. 1919. motor-propelled, passenger-carrfi¥i}i-`g omce vehicles; and not exceeding $100 for the purchase of tec `cal and necessary reference books Restoring Hom of and city directory, $38,500. _ _ _ cspaoi. _ For cgipimencing t§ie restoration of.l',lii1H0;)IE1Of Ehe gagpgiéoé Build- _ mg, an or eac an every expense moi en ere 0, . Imp’°“"g "°““d*‘ Capitol Grounds: For care and improvement of grounds surrounding the Capitol, Senate and House Omce Buildings, pay of one clerk, mechanics, gardeners, fertilizers, repairs to pavements, walks, and roadways, $35,570. _ et§°¥’“*'“ ’° "“bl°’· For repairs and improvements to steam fire-engine house, Senate anddSHoti1se stable? ginld repairs {ao and pawéipgop) tillpiors aindhcoiurt- ·rm»aim,s, ar 0 same mc u g persona services, ; s an e our ibregoing sums may, in the discretion of the Secretary of the Interior, 7 be expended for purchases of articles without reference to section 4 l°L 3** F’·“r of the Act approved June 17, 1910, concerning purchases for execu- Public kms five departments. LA VI · PUBLIC Nos smc cn.

 md "` Registers and receivers: For salaries and commissions of registers

Pmm of district land omces and receivers of public moneys at district land Juneau; Aims. omces, at not exceeding $3,000 (per annum each, $47 5,000: Provided, d,§,§$,§,“,,§c°},,},’,°{‘°’m That the President is authorize to consolidate the omces of register

§d_ receiyier atdunepuil Alsgska, and to aprioint, gy Ejnd tge

vice an consent o the nate a register or said office. the plpgviréséiscliugies, gbligations, zpid Iéanailgies iilpip-psgd by law81:1pc_;)n botli _ e an eceiver 0 said 0 ce s e exercis y an $¤1=¤Y»¤¢¤· imposed upon the register, whose compensation shall be a salary of $3,000 per annum; and all fees and commissions collected by said register, §*l§:n earned, shall be paid into the Treasury without abatement or e uction. C°“"“g°“*°"’°“’°’· Continagent expenses of land omces: For clerk hire, rent, and other Perdiem suusmum. incident expenses of the district land omces, including the exchange of typewriters; per diem, in lieu of subsistence, of clerks detailed to examine the books and management of district land omces and to _ assist in the operation of said omces, and in the opening of new land WL 3*3* P· 68°· omces and reservations, when allowed pursuant to section 13 of the Sundry Civil Appropriation Act approved August 1, 1914, and for _ actual necessary travehng expenses of said clerks, including neces- §'°"‘§f·- U, sary sleeping-car fares: rmnded, That no ex enses char eable to _xpe dit wi re- , _ P _ g _ $¢¤¤¤¤¤— the Government shall be incurred by registers and receivers in_the conduct of local land omces except upon revious specific authoriza- Dewting mmm tion by the Commissioner of the General gland Omce, $350,000. Depositing public moneys: For expenses of depositing mone received from the disposal of public lands, by registered mail, bank gxchange, ora othplrwisph as mag be direcggd by the Siecretary of the nterior an un er es to e approv by the cretary 0 the Timber aepmda- Trcasurgb $500- _ _ _ sqm, pmsmai;. me Depredations on public timber, protecting public lands, and set- ‘“$§,‘}P,,{§f“,,“{ if?-,‘0‘f’S‘ tlement of claims for swamp land and swamp-land indemnity: For P¤··t¤· 335- protecting timber on the pub c lands, and for the more emcient execution of thelllavgsapd rulliels relating {to tggl cutting thereof; of protecting public n rom ega an rau ent ent or appropriation, and of adjusting claims for swamp lands, and inldremnity for swamp lands, including not exceeding $15,000 for clerical services in bringing up and making current the work of the General Land Omce, $500,000, including not exceeding $15,000 for the purchase of motor·propelled Pm- l>·51·*- passenger-carrying vehicles and for the purchase of motorcycles for the use of agents and others employed in the field service and for operation, maintenance, and exchange of same and for operation and