Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1709

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INDEX. wxh Wamortation Act, 1920-Continued. Pago. Transportation Act, 1920—Continued. Page. R oad Labor Board established. ... 470 provisions applicable to transportation and composition; labor group. ... . . 470 ti-ansxmssion within the United management group .. 470 States, ___________________________ 474 public group . . . 470 exceptions; transportation wholly appointments if carriers or employees within s State ,,,_,,__ _ ,_________ 474 fail to Offer 11211168 .. . . 470 transmission wholly within a State. - - 474 _selectg1on from appropriate clam. .. 470 water carrier transportation ... . - 474 disquahficationsz tenure of office. .. 470 "common carrier" inc udes also pipe line, pay: removal restricted to cause . . . 470 wire or wireless companies, expres Board to hear and decide matters in which and sleeping car companies .. - 474 Adjustment Boards failed to . 470 rsons en d therein ..., , . . - 474 causes of grievances, etc., not sett ed by "raili·6oad’ ’ incijggs bridges, ferries, etc. . - 474 mutual conferences 471 all the road in use .. . .· . - 474 disputes as to wages not decided by mu- switches, terminal facilities, etc., - 474 tual conferences ... 471 freight depots, yards, etc. ... - 475 suspend decisions as to wages made by "trsnsportation" includes cars, facilities mutual conferences 471 for shipments, etc . . . - 475 final action ... . 471 services or receipt, transfer, delivery, concurrence of majority required. in de- storage, etc ... . .. 475 cisions . .. 471 " transmission' ’ includes all facilities for of one public representative as to memages by wire, radio, etc ... - 475 wages . . .. 471 carriers to furnish transportation on request 475 record and publication of decisions, etc., establish through routes and reasonable to be made. . . 471 rates. T ... 475 decisions of Board to establish just and prov1de operating facilities for through reasonable wages, etc .. 471 routes. ... 475 elements to be considered in determine- make just division of joint rates, etc 475 tion of ..,. 471 all charges for any service to be just and chairman to be elected by Board; cenual _ mawnable . - . 475 oflice at Chicago ,... - , 472 unjust and unreasonable, declared unduties specified; to study and investigate 1¤wf¤} ---··---·-·~·----·~· ·--- · 48*5 relations between carriers and em, classification of memage transmission- . - 475 pioyees _____ _ ______________ Z _____ 472 _ interchange with C8.1'l:1€1‘B qllowed - 475 compile, publish, etc., data obtained. 472 lust and *`°¤¤°¤°·m€ C1¤¤¤U7€3·U°¤» 6**% vf make necessary regulations . . . 472 Eniperty to be m’“l° ······· : ······· 475 annually publish all decisions, etc .. 472 regu mm ‘!f.tEck°t“· illus of bdmgv cw- 475 allow hearings in person or by counsel , - 472 bagggggiggzbtgu; receipt, delivery, etc., 475 °x°°“n°n °f p°w°l`s °f B°"d by members unjust classification, etc., forbidden and to secure ev1dence . .. 472 unlawful 475

  • %k° d**P°¤i*i°¤¤» edminimr °°*h¤» °*°·- 472 car service m i¤{c`1{uié `siéiniiiéé ii,}

d¤¤¤‘i¤* °°“”“ t° assist ·····‘····‘·····‘ 472 portation equipment etc .. 476 °°mPuiS°5y.t°Sti‘u?uy‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ Q 472 suppl oi trieins, etc. . ., . .. . . 476 C! . lmmumty °f Datum} p°r°°°S* safe endladeqinate, required . . - 476 penury excepted ·················‘ 472 just, distribution of coal cars .. . . 476 to have access to books, records, etc 472 emergency ratings to mines ____ _ ____ 476 penalty f°r mfuB°l# °t° ‘‘‘‘‘‘· ·‘*‘‘‘ 472 nalty for refusing etc . 476 G¤vgg¤¤¤* °*¤P*°Y°°° ¤> fmh dm 4,3 mléié and eguzanmym, ;e.‘»;e‘si.;¤2;; 476 records of former Federal control ncies Ommlssmn `'`'`````````'° · ```°'°'` _ ¤¤*» ¤¤¤¤f<>¤¤¤¤> ·------- ---»- 473 ’“E1'1°.;§“f?*€*."F?;tY?.‘?`???i‘i‘iT‘.‘."f ??T‘?f’. 476 wages 07 salaries established bY °·dl¤¤l?· established by Commission authorized ment boards, etc., not to be reduced eu complaint, etc _ _________,_, , . , - 476 Prior to S?Pt€!ub€? 1» 7920 ~-····· · · 473 in eme ncies Commission may tempopenalty for violations; suit for recovery m;·i7; Suspend rules, etc ... . . - 476 B»U7h0l'1Z€d ····· - · · - · · ····- · . . ...- 473 dirgctggrvicg witheutfegatd to OWDGI- 3.ppOl.I1tIH€Ilt of Bal8¤ry· · . · . . . . . colupgnsatigjnn _ _ _ _ ____,, . . . . P¤‘°"i¤i0m’ MY wher °mP1°Y°°8» °XP°¤¤°5, 4 3 roquirejoint use ofterminalsmtc .-.·-· 477 ctc ·----···--··---··~·— · -··-··-··- 7 `v ri ri of traffic etc ..--·- · ·-·- 477 appropriation for fiscal year 1920 . 473 glregegenizetgi time 0{Wei for nations,] restriction on powers of Board of Media- deieiiee etc _________ _ ________ _ ____ 477 tion and Conciliation .. . .. 474 diversion of tramc ii carrier unable to amendments to Interstate Commerce Act- 474 tmnepeii _ _ __' ___________ _ _____,__ 477 provisions aptplicable to common carriers ageement as to terms, etc . . ._ ..-- 477 engage in rail and water transpor· execution of directions by agenmes theremtion ,. . ..,...,. 474 for . _ .. . .. _ ..-· 4 77 transportation oi oil, etc., by pipe lines 474 compliance with orders required; transmission of messages. .. 474 penalty for refusal. .: . . . . ..··· _ · 477 between States and Territories .. 474 State aut.honzy_ over mtmstste bumwitjgig the country .. . .. 474 DQS D0?} lmpcurefi ... . . . .: · - 477 thro vh a forei country to any plwce futureextensxons of railroads reomctedu 477 iuuilie Unite§nSt.ates ... 474 certificate of necemnty for, to be obwinhin the United States from or to a tamed from Comnusnon 477 foreign country __,,,,, , .,,..,,... 474 for abandonment of road ... . . 477