Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1665

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INDEX. cxovu Publw Lands—Qontinued. Page. Public L<mdr—·Continued. Pago. patent authorized, to Myrtle Point, Oreg., soldiers’ additional homestead entr valifrom revested Oregon-CaliiorniaRail- dated, of Thomas H. Hollandyas asroad grant. .: ... _ .. 621 signee of Clark S. Bemis ... 1093 payment required; mineral deposits as assignee of George E. Fritzinger- , . 1093 T€S€1'V€d -- . ... 622 stock raising homesteadsz entries of non- R0b€{1‘t W. Stroud ... 1091 contiguous land permitted to exist- Jenme_Dunphy Meyer; conditions 1091 ing homesteaders . . ... 287 Yosemite Stone Company, for power survey authorized of Florida school BBC- site, etc . .. 1435 tions in unsurveyed townships .. 1103 adjoining farm homestead entry by selection of school grant, etc- . . 1104 Warren Henry Leach . 1090 timber cutting permitted for manuiacturenlaged homestead entry, to Elizabeth ini, etc., purposes by corporations . Boucher ... 1090 other than of the State .. . . 1088 Amelia. P. Clark . ... 1090 time extended for payments by homehomestead entry to Charlotte Strommer. 1090 steaders on abandoned Fort Assinnipatents to school districts of town site boine Militari; Reservation, Mont". 1086 lands within reclamation projects. . 326 ceded lands of C eyenne River Indian phosphate deposits in; leasing, etc., tracts Reservation, S. Dak . . 1447 of _________,_, , ,.,,..,,,,,,,..,..., 440 Standing Rock Indian Reservation, preference right of entryto soldiers, etc., of _ N. all S. Dak. . _ .. 1446 13.1:6 war, on opening of ,,_, , ,_,,,_,. 434 'EHHG flH'tl.\€1' extended {01* installrailroads may convey portion of rights of ments for, on ceded lv1lle Indian way through, or public highways or Reservation, Wash . 536 streets . ... 621 underground water _ supply prospecting refund of fees, etc., to Nick Sitch. . 1436 permits authorize m Nevada . 293 Billie H. Evashanks- . . ,.. 1436 Pfltents, etc., to discoverer .. 294 repayment of purchase moneys, etc., in disposal of remainder of lands rejected entries, etc.; condition; _ area of perrmt 1 . _ . . - 295 {fum limit ________________________ 366 Whmle gugovgncgg for umbqy pgqfgcupuy excess payments under land laws; time _ _ 1920, increased.: .. : ... 512 ljmlt ____ _ _____ _ _____________ _ ____ 366 Withdraw;] gf, for Iudygu mggyvguqnq, gxsettlement of. . . ... 366 _ _ cept by act of Congress, prohibited. 34 reserved for irrigation projects, no longer Wlihm Wlwr power pmiecha withdrawn needed, to be appraised, sold at ‘ from entry- . - 1075 9·\1€l?i0l1, 8*70 . . -.-- 605 Public Librm·y, D, (,’_, Frog, and Takoma Park title conveyed; area limitations; condi- Branch, tions if irrigable ... 606 appropriation for salaries .,. 72, 841, 1112 citizenship requirements. 606 for unday and holiday opening. . 72, 841, 1112 recei fs to e credited to project in re- for books, fuel. etc . . 72, 841, 1112 cgamation fund. . .. 606 for extraordinary repairs, etc. .. . . . . 72 restored to public domain, uncovered deiicioncy appropriation for contingent lands inO§lamat§1gi2§§e Bird Reser- 6) expenses 37, 1016 “*ti¤¤» G - an 3 l —·-·- - ·~···· L7 Publzb M s Division Treasury De t- revesbed Oregonglalifornia. grant lands mz? ’ pmildded to _ O1'€¥_>¤, S111Sl¤·Wy Md appropriation for chief of division, etr .. 645 C¤m.N·=¤<>¤¤¤ vm —---------·· 4**5 Public Mawr, dc., Sides Of “=‘¥"““lt‘“'“1 kmds Pt -··-········ 6*2 appropriation for contingent expenses 1:175 timbg sale? on power~s1te lands au- $8 Public Pdnm t oriz .. 7-. · - ’ _ M- prior flgllffit {tilt gomesteacls, deten, on .,58 appmptmuon {Ol`: Deputy, C19! kB, GM-U éé p°w°r'°“ G an S mcogmm ‘ '‘‘‘‘‘ printing machiner su lies eta., no T P”Y’¥‘°“t for dm?1?`gBS ``‘` ‘ ‘‘''`' 758 longer neede<i’l> ogiler officials, may extemmn 9f P"°"m°”5 to revemd CWS __ be requisitioneg for by 233 Bay w“·8°¤ Grant Lands · · - ·_ ·-~~·- 708 stationery for Senate and House of Reprerighta of way through, granted for oil pipe sentatives may be purchased from. . 1036 1me¤ · ...--.-...--·-..---- 449 Publfc panting and Binding, sale of, authorized to S. S. Markley ... 1093 appropriation for Government Printing Of- Saint Anthony, Idaho, of “Island Park, " tice, salaries 227 , 940, 1428 in North Fork of Snake River .. 1093 for paying salaries for holidaysu . 227, 940, 1428 withdrawn for Reclamation Service pur- for leaves of absence 227, 940, 1428 poses, no longer needed therefor 1089 » for expenses of . 227, 940, 1428 sale of erroneously surveyed lands in Idaho i adv?-¤€€ P°Ym€¤lF from d€P¤?·1'UP¤¤t§, to occupants in good mm under ew, fvr Mrk vrdered; CMMS divoid patents , . ..__,,__,_,.,,,,, 630 g for Crggted ---·····--—·~·--·----- · , . · ·_ o gross , , ;.. Sales Dahl? §;);;$_?_?§; Ig’rtD§1?_Hd3`H Mm 550 for executive departments, etc.- 228, 9-11, 1429 . 5 ’ '_ ` division of allotments; restriction . .. . 229, S9g@g&t1OHS 11B(.l€l' C3.1'€}' Act, OI'€gOI1, 942* 1430 com-mued · · ······················ 987 cerciiicate of necessity of work re— 8013 9·Sid€ fo!' water SUPPIY 1’€‘$€i'V6 iD? SHIP quired; exceptions .. 230. 943. 1430 Dynidé, Utah ---- - -------·····---- 1087 authority of Congress for other printing 230 sodium salts deposits in; leasing, etc., of details prohibited unless expressly autracts containing ... . .. 447 thorized by law . 230, 943, 1431