Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1648

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olxxx INDEX. Pharmacists-Continued. _ Page. Philippine Islands-Continued, p,,g,,_ retail sales of liquors restricted to . 310 use of branch of corporations for foreign permits, etc., required . 310 iinancial operations, as Government Phormacopccia, United States, _ _ _ depositaries in _____,_______ _ ______ _ 1146 appropriation for cooperating in revision regulations of coastwise traflic in . . 997 of .. 254, 712, 1331 taxes imposed by legislature gf, legalized Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Com- Ph? etcj 2. .21 . 1025 pany, z zppme a an s, Disturbrmces in, deficiency appropriation for paying Court appropriation for arrears of pay, etc ... 193, of I1(11I1gS to .. . . . . . 1161 906 1396 Philadelphia, Harrisburg, and Pittsburgh Rail- Philippine Sgouts, ’ road Company, appropnation for officers, pay . 110 time extended for bridging Susquehanna for enlisted men, pay ...,, , , , _ 110, 954 River at Harrisburg by. ... 1099 for paypf retired ¤Hicers ... 111,955 Pbilaklphim Pa_, orgamaation of, in branches and units . 770 appropriation for assistant `Z1’€88'|J1’0l',B Gllicé 656 dctmls °f Army Ogicem to --··-· _· ; ·-···- - 770 discontinued, July 1, 1921 . . . . 654 °m¢€¤* OB 3€m‘€_h§*· V•’h° are °mZ°m» to for mint at . 657,1275 be r·¤¢<>¤1¤¤¤¤¤>¤¤<l -—-··-~·-—-- 1 — 770 for fuel oil testing Plant, navy yard_ _ _ 133, 813 0t119l‘§ to SBYV8 \1Il(1€l‘ pl'6S9Dt OOIDIIDB- for naval home ... 137, 818 s‘°“·: ····-··-·· . · ·: ······· · · · 770 for mw yard, dry dock, ctc; limit of further appointments limited to Fihpmos, mt imeeei 143, szo as ¤¤¤<>¤<l h¤¤¤¤¤¤¤*>¤ --—-----~·~-·-- 770 for marine nospam, mmoaeuug, ee . 167 vr<2¤¤¤¤<2¤ ¤f ¤¤i¤¢¤¤ -----------~---—---~- 770 for Frankford Arsenal . 182 Yemgd mt P’°“S*°’?B ···················· 770 for operating, etc., Govemment house at 223 gesem “‘?t“¤ of €¤h¤l·95l_m6¤ ¤¤<2h¤·¤g9d- - 771 for naval hospital, public works ________ 822 rmer retuement provisions for officers of, for immigrant station, remodeling build- _ _ *°P°“·l"d ·--······· · ············•·•· 775 ings ... I _ _. . . 935 Phdiipsburg, N ._ J., deficiency appropriation for mmt, repairs. 507 bridge authorized across Delaware River, for mint at 1024 between Easton, Pa., and .. 1055 for navy yard, dry dock. .. Z - . . 1169 p;we»,,,x, A,~,;z_, - bridge authorized BCYON D¢l¤·WM‘¢ R-¤V¢¥' 3p£ropriation for Indian school at.-. 10,415, 1232 ffl C¤¤1d€!1 from -----·----·------—·· 1101 e ciency appropriation for Indian school. 1171 Phihpzmw Iwwmviwn, _ _ _ Phomiaz Inddm Smwxm-zum, Ariz., P<>¤S1<>¤¤ 8Y¤¤l¢¤d for dmablhty *;° P€i'S°¤¤ appropriation for maintenance, etc. of ,,,, 5 serving in Army, etc., during ... 982 ’ 410 122*; for service, on reaching 62 years of age. . 982 phoengmvggggy paw ’ present pensioners entitled $0 ----·· · · 982 appropriation for public building, site., 166, 874 Phil‘iPPi’¤¢ I8l¤‘"d$, _ Phosphates, Deposits of, Public Lands ¤ppr¤pri@·¢ip¤ f¤r pay of R¤¤¤l¤¤¢ Com- leases or public mas manning, huowed mmmoners from, .. , . . 634, 1255 qmuaed gppljcgutg __________,_,,,, 440 for glerk hire, Resident Comm¤¤sione6r§7 1258 genus, eu, _____________________________ 440 wm ----·-··~-·~ _ -·····-·-·----· , area; ent for surve ummfor shelter of tl‘O0pS U1 ·-·--- - -····--- 119, 964 ve mdS ... ..., , . . . 440 limit, o{·Hcers’ quarters . .. 964 form and extent . 440 for care of insane soldiers at asylums in 122, 968 royalty to be speciied in gdvgncg _______ 440 for contingent expenses, Amy Engineer com utation and payment 440 Department, in ...·...--··-----.- 124, 970 annual)rental; rates .·... 441 for care of lepers, etc., Culion. ... 134, 814 crgditgd aggingt accruing to glues _____ 441 for Cavite naval station, fuel oil 822 w bg for indeterminate pm-gmfé __________ 441 for mail equipments for. . . . . . 582, 1155 minimum production required. ... 441 for preservation, repair, etc-, of fofliifica- readj ustment of terms, etc., each twenty tigug; 1;()rped0sf.1’uCtu1’€S, GliC 610,1350 yggrg ____ __,,,,..,,___ _,,__ ,,,,,,,- 441 for sesrchlights for harbor defenses. . .610, 1350 operations may be suspended, to prefor electric plants, etc., seaccast fortiflca- vent loss; condition 441 tions ... 610,1950 surface of urwppropriawd public lands for constructing submarine mine struc- may be used for development f tlxprgsk etc;. . lggg works, etc.; limit .. 441 or p or orf cations, etc .. . · for engineer wharf, Fort Mills ... . 610, 1350 P]§;,s;,c:}p€i(:§§:,n";b:w6’ mth, wi m,,_ gw ¤g·¤¤¤;Sb¤¤¢gl¤¤¤ ---- --¥ -·-----·--· 610 _ cme m de¤$·i1¤e..i .. Ii?. 682,1301 Or f·"¥°’·c new · - 1350 denciegtiy appropriation for determining, 1043 for Ere control ingtallatioug, etc ,__,_, 611, 1351 Ph - lEd` ° `·` ````` ` '``'``` ``’. ° ` · ' for Air Service expenses ... 611 ymm - uFamm" . _ . . fm. mud and protection Of Shipwmcked appropriation for mw estigatmg, etc . 671, 1291 American mmm in ..., 749, 1216 Phymml Hwvwaghy, _ deiciency appropriation for relief of ship- “PPt°Pm‘m°“ Or commuing r·¤¤¢¤¤>h¤¤ wreck American seamen in ,,,_, 43. m ···---·—·--··--·--··-··----- 215»928·1417 1022, 1216 Physical Wzluation of Railroads, for shelter_of troops in . . 61 appropriation for expenses oi ascertain- _ for care of msane at asylums in . . 1026 ing ... _ .. . .. 179, 889, 1103, 1381 limitation on $240 pay in Fed- deliciency appropriation for expenses,

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