Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1566

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xcviii INDEX. Gmsshoppcrs, _ Page. Grindstonq Creek Irzdahqz Rgsermtion, Pago. appropriation for investigating methods of appropr1ation for ungauon project on . 3 €1'3·d1€9·tmg— - - -_ —·····-· _ ---—---—--- 1334 Gros Ventre Indwhrw, G’”¤’F€—‘>‘» Abroad, of AWNWW Sddw`8, @$6-, member of, to serve on commission for al- ¤° PQSSPQ? {998 required of Y€1¤tf·’€$ to 750 lotting lands, etc., be I§lians of Fort WSI -··· · -—·-----·-·-·-··-·—--—-· B lk R t' t 1353 Grams JOM Temple,. . Gm, Ben§m;;pB.,€S€wa m’ on d<*=¤¤g¤¤'¢¢d as Special. resldentplcmber °€ enlarged homestead entry by, validated,. . 1091 Lmcoln Memorial Commxssmn; duty, Grown Conn ‘ Ggrayson p`?3Q2€tc·-`.·-`-.-----.---····I-`- {Of Operating, ef,c_, Gr0V6]']]· ! 7 appropriation for employment of, in m°“t h°“S° at ‘······· · ········ · ‘··· 223 GT gloria document room ... 636, 1257 Gqgigy gggggt to 30 azing an etc., ---·---—-·---··---—---·---· appropriatidn for investigating improve- Guam, _ _ ments of wild plants and 244, 703, 1323 appmpmatgon for cars of lepers, etc., naval Grazing, National Forests, station al: . : - - 134, 814 fees for, may be paid in two installments for naxial statmn, publ1c works.: _ 1 44 GT B during 1921 ________,_____________ _ 1330 for Bg'['1CIlltu],'2.l expenment stamens m E0 eat ritain 7 , appropriation for ambassador to. .. 739, 1206 cumulative leaves of absence to emfor surveying, etc., boundary line Alaska _ ployces . _. . 2 ... 262 and Canada, _____,_,.,,,,,_______ 743, 1210 deficwncy appropriation for care of lepers, for boundary line United States { tetcli, nawéal station at: . . . 49 an anada ,,.,,..,,,,,,.____,,, 743, 1210 or yp oon amage_repa1rs agnc um for arbitmting outstanding pecuniary cxperimqnt Station . 1034 claims between United States and. 746,1212 for naval station, purchase of land .. 1169 for Canadian Boundary Waterways Com- 1212 Gwmzca Qe1;{ral,f f d to 291 mission ...,. 747, appropna mn or re un ... . - for care, etc., of gravesiu Army American Guantaguzmo Bay Nazjal {Station, Cuba, cemeteries m , , ,...,.,.,.. 1386 dcticmncy approprmuon for fuel depot 1030 acceptance authorized of gift [013 digomatic Guaranty to Carriers after Termination of Pledrepresentatives to, from J. `erpont eral Control (see also Transportation Morgan ... 1211 _ fict, 1920), _ _ _ Great Falls of the Potomac River, provisions for, of ranlway operating mcomc invosti$tion Poi value of power plant, by fig mx month:} . . ... 464 ater ower Comnussion . . . 1068 ing ntocmbating I uma Great Lakes, _ dehcioncy appropriailgun fdr expenses, in jurisdiction of district courts m actions for bonded warehouses, etc ... . 506 giaath on the high seas, not apphca.- Guatemala, f 206 c . ... 538 upro riation orministerto .,. 740,1 Great Lakes Naval Training Station, Ill., Gmiliford) Courtlumac Natakmal Military Park, apFro&·iati0u for maintenance _ .. 1 36, 817 . Q., _ _ _ or ore protection and harbor improve- approprmtmn for contmuing estabhshment ment ... 144, 822 of ..,,.. , ..,,,.,,,., 18.5, 897, 1388 deficiency ap;_>r0pria.t:i0n for . . . 1168 Gulf of Mexico Coast, Great Pee Dec Rgvcr apgrqpriation for surveys of 214 928, 1417 bridge authorized across, Cheraw, S. C 390 de CIBHCY appropriation for surveys 0i.. . 515 Greece, _ _ _ _ Gul f Ports Terminal C0·m.pan_y, approprumon for mxmster to .. 1206 tnms extended for bridging channels of Greece and Montenegro, Mobile Bay by ,,,_,____, _ ,,,,,,,, , . . 1100 appropriation for mmister to .. 740 Gulfport, Miss., Gram pay, Wu., _ _ prclnmiuary examination, etc., of harbor to prelxmxtgabrgr exammauon, etc., of harbor 1012 Gu ndbjamadg ...,, _,_.,.,,,..,... 1 011 e .. . .. . ..·.··. n a ot r atceries , Greensboro, N. C.,>r0priati?>n for conslzrnictfglg .. 608, 1348 G termiirfgourt ati; 532 Gzfn oat, Nazjyl reenmi e gency, rz { . imitof cost increased fdes1gna` ted . 156, 833 appropriation for supéort, etc., of Indisnsgl 434 Gunn, Hgh H, 0 at ... ,... , enarg h eswada licstio fathr- Greenville, Calwgf, — , if T) 1435 appropriation for Indian school ._ 12, 418, 124 Gimnefy agn.d_Eng·ine¢r·ipg Exercises, Navy, dehcxency appropnomon for Iudmn 1 appmpgglzron Hrises, troplues, rsn$esi35 815 Greenville, S. C., deficiency a ro ’ 63, deficiengzy appglpriation for hospital for _ pp pm on or 522,1029, 1041, 1190 discharg disabled soldiers, etc., at. 508 Gunnmm Natibml Forest, Colo., Gregory County, S. Dak., appropriation for maintenance, etc., of 249, cash sahlies of lands in former Fort Randall 50 Glu 708, 1327 ' _ Reservation ... . 5 fnpcwder (see E Iqgiveg, High _ Grggsbyl George B., _ _ Gypsum Depositsfp ) _ eiicxency appropriation forcontated elec- leases oi, in_unal1¤ttod lands ci Indians, tum expenses .. ... 1180 authorized .,__,,_,__,_,,,,,,,,, 1231