Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1482

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mv INDEX. Arm.y——Continued. _ P¤z¤- Army-Continued. Page · appropriation for armones and arsenals 182, deficiency appropriation for Engineer De- _ _ 893, 1384 partment ... . .. 1184, 1190 for na.tional_ cemeteries: . . . . 183, 895, 1385 for Ordnance Department ., 1184, 1190 for disposmou of remains of officers, en- for Reserve Officers’ Training Corps, lisfed men, etc .. 184, 895, 1386 equipment, etc 1184 removal from abroad, etc . . ... 896, 1386 for arming and equipping Militia ... 1184 care of graves abroad .. 896, 1387 for armones and arsenals ,,.. 1184 for breeding horses for . .. 240, 699 for Schofield Barracks, Hawaii .. 1185 for Military Academy ... 538 for increase of compensation 1190 for fortifications .,,...,.. 607, 1347 for sodium nitrate storage ... 1190 for pensions . ... 837, 1104 for guarters for hospital stewards ... 1190 deficiency appropriation for family allow- for cast Artillery posts, commercial telances to enlisted men ... 1 ephone service ..., 1190 for pensions- . . 1 unexpended balances available for payin for incurred obligations, from unex- suspended contracts, for armored peuded balances of Ordnance De— motor cars 1027 partmeut . . . 46 _ automatic rides . . . 1027 of Quartermnster Corps. . 46 barracks and quarters . . . 1027 of Air Service, Military .. 46 hospitals ... 1027 of Air Service, Production. .. 46 Engineer field ogerations .. 1027 transfers of appropriations authorized- 46 zmonal Guard `eld Artillery, . - . . . . . 1027 use for personal services in District of Signal Corps, aviation increase . 1027 Columbia, forbidden ... 46 mannfacture of arms ... 1027 statement of amounts transferred to be Medical supplies .. 1027 submitted ... . . 47 Ordnance service ... 1027 for pay, etc., .. 61, 63, 65, 344, 347, amrmmition .. 1 . 1027 522, 1026, 1038,1041, 1044, 1166, 1184,1190 ordnance stores and supphes ... 1027 for Qum-mermasoer Corps - 61, roms, walks, eu: . .. 1027 63,65, 348, 522, 1026, 1041, 1044, 1184, 1190 sliooting galleries, etc ... . .. 1027 for enlisted men, extra duty pay .. 61, Signal ervrce .. ; . 1027 63, 65, 522, 1038, 1041, 1044, 1184, 1190 supplies, BGIVICBB, and transportation. . . 1027 for barracks and quarters, Philippine allowances for death lll service extended Islands ,.,,___,,,,,,.,,.,, - 61 to retired list on actwe duty ... 367 for transportation ,,.,...,,... . .. 61, beneficiaries to be designated _ - . 367 63, 65, 344, 522, 1038, 1041, 1166, 1190 no other forces than egular Army infor Medical Department . . . 61, Chlded ..----· 367 65, 345. 510, 522, 1038, 1041, H84, U90 amendments to appropriation Act for 1920, for barracks and quarters .. . 65, etc ______,,,,,_,,._._,,___,,,,..,. 453 _ _ _ _ 344. 522, 1041, 1044 National Defense Act, reorganizing . 759 {0* d1FP°mt1°“ °f mmm °f °m°°”· m' appointment authorized of William Shelby ilmd ¤>¤¤· ¤¢¢ --~-·—·-··- - —·--··—·· 65, amiga- as captain or emory cov _ _ 345, 348, 1038,1041, 1185.1190 mjor H, wi Daly Namm A1-my as fc" °'?“m’g°“°‘9* ~-··· · -—·····- · ··~····- 344 first lioutenanton retired List ’ . . . 606 f°’ Signal S°“'“·`° · ········ 344· 522· 1°‘u» 1184 J. C. Garrett as ca tain of Cavalry . 607 for clerks, etc., at headquarters .. 344, 347 Capt Lmnmld F §3umk as captain cf for mileage, officers, conuact surgeons, cavalry on retired ____________ _ 607 ¤*¢ ---·---—- . -----·—-- Mk 10%*% 1038, 1184 m1. wuum A. simpm, mama, as brig- {01* regular Supplla, Quartermaster B D6- adier general Ou retired ugh _ ____ _ _ 606 for r§;i;tn»$}$i1L§Q '»}iif££6éé§ 'ééé QZ Z5 iii J°h¤r§!¤¤j¤1£‘Zt¤8¤¤· ¤¤ M u¢¤¤>¤¤¤* °¤ 60,, for txzailignoelstéficili . 1 ?ft?€m344, 1041 A¥'*i°l°S of Wa? ··~····- · -- —- - -·-···· ·· 787, 812 for encsm ments, etc., Organized Mili· amended; Art. 1l2,dispoeition of effects tig. . . .. 345, 522, 1184 _ _ of deceased persons modified 357, 800 for civilian military training camps . 345, bmldmgs at Watertown, N. Y., transferred 348, 522, 1038, 1041, 1044, 1184, 1190 to Postmaster General . . 623 for burial of indigent B0ld1G1’B- .. 345 cadet course of mstrucuon extended one for National Guard 348, yam. ... _ , . , . - 548 522, 1038, 1041, 1184, 1190 temporary extension of age of admission for Signal Service, telegraph and tele· fcrservxee in World War . :. - 548 phone systems; tuiuon for technical Camp A. A. Humphreys, Va., compleuou studies ... . 509 _ of bungalow quarters authorized 292 for Washington Alaska cable etc ... 510 maintenance expenses provided 293 for bridge across Missouri lliver, Fort commissioned personnel of additional odi- Leajrenworth, Kane.; local contri- cern maintained, and temporary butron . 510 grades of Regulars retained, until for Qrdn¤.nce_I)epartment from nies 510 one 30, 1920 .. 286 for name soldiers. . . 1026 selecmn of additional c£Hoers from emerforprgamzed . 345,1041 gencyserviee ,.. 286 for mtemed llexicm soldiers, etc ... 1041 msnmum oi, allowed afber October 31, fouubsisoenee 1166 1919,. ..,...,_,,,,__,__,,.,,,. 286 1 for Miliiltyjudemy ... 1166, 1184 details of active omeezeiwnrieud ... 286 ~ retired for dinbility notadded blink ... . ... 1184,1190 An istgd list ..,...,,,.,,...,.,,,... 286 or ego .. . . 1184 rvice assignments of cy I¤rGo¤enl St•E0orp¤ . . 1184 o6oor•,li¤it»•d; B7