Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1450

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1430 SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 161. 1921. sented to or ac uired by the National Museum Library, $37,500; for the Annual (Reports and Bulletins of the Bureau of American Ethnology, and for miscellaneous printin and bindinglfor the bureau, $21,000; for the Annual Relgort of the ilational Ga ery of Art and for printing catalogues, labe and blanks, $1,000· for miscellaneous rinting and binding for the International Exchanges, $200; the llnternational Catalogue of Scientific Literature, $100; the National Zoological Park, $200; the Astrophysical Observatory, $4,000; and for athe Annual Report of the American Historical Association, $7,000; in , $91,000. For the Department of Justice, $40,000. For the United States Court of Customs Appeals, $1,200. ger the Post Office Department, exclusive of the money-order o ce, $600,000. m,{{‘g,’;““‘°“‘ °‘ ·*g"‘ For the Delixartment of Agriculture, including not to exceed $47 ,000 _ for the Weat er Bureau, and includinghthe Annual Re ort of the 3,l,§{l·822§* l’· °‘°’ v°L Secretary of Agriculture, as required by the Act approved ganuary 12, I _ 1895, and in pursuance of the (Klint resolution numbered 13, a proved F'“"‘°” B“"°"’“· March 30, 1906, and also inclu g not to exceed $250,000 for l)armers’ bulletins, which shall be adapted to the interests of the people of the different sections of the country, an equal proportion of four—fifths of which shall be delivered to or sent out under the addressed franks furnished by Senators, Representatives, and Delegates in Congress, as they shal direct, $725,000. For the Department of Commerce, including the Coast and Geodetic Survey and exclusive of the Bureau of the Census, $325,000. For the Department of Labor, $200,000. For the Supreme Court of the United States, $15,000; and the printing for the Supreme Court shall be done by the printer it may emlploy, unless it shall otherwise order. or the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, $1,500. ger ge glogirt of $30,000. or e raryo o ss, incu` theCo 'htOfIiceandthe publication of the Catalrdgruiis of 'llitleilllgiglitiies ofptli:gCopyright Office, and binding, rebinding, and repairing of library books, and for buildinglan grounds, $250,000. For the Executive Office, $3,000. For the Interstate Commerce Commission, $150,000, of which sum not exceeding $10,000 shall be available to print and furnish to the States at cost report-form blanks. For the International Bureau of American Republics, $25,000. I For the United States Geographic Board, $2,000. ,,,,$,“,§T‘°' Y “u°°’ Not more than an_ allotment of one-half of the sum hereby a r0— mmm pnated for the public printing and for the ublio binding shrill) be m' expended in the first two quarters of the fiscal year, an no more than one—fourth thereof may be expended in either of the last two quarters of the fiscal year, except that, in addition thereto, in either of said last quarters the unexpended balances of allotments for preceding uarters may be expended; and no department or Government establrs hment shall consume in any such period a greater percentage of its allotment than can lawfully be expended during the mm { same period of the whole aHpro&riation. .oyr.q.i‘£.i’i¤.° ”°°°* Money gppropnawd im or _ o foregoing aiiormena than not be expended or printing or binding for any of the executive de artments or other Government esta lishments, except such as shall be certified in writing to the Public Printer by the respective heads or chiefs thereof to be necessary to conduct the ordinary and routine busmem required by law of such executive departments or Govem— ment establishments, and except such reports, monographs bulle ` or other publmatrons as are augiorized by law or specifically provili§ for in appropriations herein; all other printing required or deemed