Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1444

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1424 SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 161. 1921. Lm'i¢'°‘·i°°$°“"°°· mmcnarrox snnvres. . EI§f°’°i¤Sl°‘F$’°g°· For enforcement of the laws regulating ` ation of aliens into gliiepgb izimm of tltiedUnited Sgatgs, ;ié`n<gud;lng the contfiiagltélabor hlaws;f ciost og reports "·‘ ‘ 0 ecisionsote eer courts an `eststere0,orteueof the Commissioner General of Immigration; salaries and expensgs of P di bm officers, clerks, and employees appointed to enforce said laws, x?Z1. ;,?ee0, °°°°' mclnding per diem m lieu of subsistence when allowed pursuant to VOL 39 74 X I sect1o&13nc;f the Sundry Clivil Appr0priai;i01ilAcX2 apgrciyeél August ·P·8 = ’°· , 19 ; e orcement ot the provisions 0 the ct 0 e ruar 5, m'p`m` 1917, entitled "An Act_ to regulate the immigration of aliens to {md the residence of aliens m_the United States,’ and Acts amendatory A·n.t¢,p.1305. thereof; necessary supplies, including exchange of typewriting Chime exclusion, machmes, alterations, and_ repairs, and for all other expenses authorere. %edtb(y§1a1;l Acit; pgeventing the unltawful irftrygpf Chineself into tge m e a es y e appointment 0 suita e 0 cers to e orce t laws m relatidn thereto; expenses of returning to China all Chines; — persons formd to be unlawfully in the United States, including the cost Remding had tu of imprisonment and actual expenses of conveyance of Chinese persons to the fr0nt1er_or seaboard for deportation; refunding of head tax and

 bills upor:(pretsiprn)tatf10n of ev}i<§nce showing conclusgrlely

co ec on was m e ug error 0 ovemment officers; to Pmim be expended under the direction of the Secretary of Labor, $3,000,000: mlg$cée&§•¤I§gii<geDb Provided, That the purchase, use, maintenance, and operation of horse and motor_veh1cles required m the enforcement 0 the immi- &ation_ and Chinese-exclusion laws outside of the District of lumbia may be contracted for and the cost thereof paid from the 2£5’°£E££L‘i.Sf°' if °§Z2“€m°““ r°i..¥i§1?"° l““’ ““d‘*i."“°r}? mam . ._ as e rearyo rmay rescriez r Lm°m°° further, That not more than $12,000 of the sum alippropriated herein Excluding mm up mesg pe eigpendecg pnurttihe p¥pl1as51 and marntenanci of such 8/anoiigor mma. v c es: romde er _ a e appropriation e ein m e or ‘_Q‘;b;°{)g;;g?iw8_ the enforcement of the iimmrigtion laws shall be ravailable for carrying out the tplrovisions of Act entitled "An Act to exclude and expel from _ e United States aliens who are members of the §;rgl1;stt;lcyar:kd S1.H1;.l8.1’ classes,’ approved October 16, 1918, and Acts ereo . gi§;"§,,'§‘:’L§,¥’§;,,,°fi?,§l:;,$,’g Nothing in the proyiso contained in the Legislative, Executive, m,,,m,y_ ¤¤ ¤¤ and Judicial Appropriation Act of March 3, 1917, relative to a <>‘- ve¤.as,p. uns. menting salaries of _Government officials from outside sources sliilll prevent receiving reimbursements for_ services of immigration officials incident to the mspection of ahens in forei contiguous territory, and such reimbursement shall creditefn to the appropriation,

 N=·¤·=¤»¤ Fi—’Z‘§°‘3Z?.§S“’;i“1?f§?.€ ““°“"' ,,,1 d 1 d d d

Bank. OD GITOH f ° Bm areas from at camo National Beiiiik l§..i"°-‘““°e "’f°‘i° “”0. Chmn , _ , exico, alrforma, $50 Re,_md_¤€· _ For refund to Chin Fong, San Francisco, California, of court c0Si7S in the case of Edward White, Commissioner of Immigration versus gh? Fong, tha cpsts assessgdthagatipst the United States aver 0 said ong ecr ' Fam: Scum COEN, S3?-2% Fam; Sc Y cc 0 e mted States Supreme _ °'· ¤r re rm to er of $170.50 d `ted ‘th the iz me . . . . . _ e si wi e commissioner of immigration, Island, Newp%ork, in behalf of his two daughters, Malke and Erdel Schimmer said sum having beexrerroneously covered into the Treasury Departinent to the credit N- www of receipts, nies. {mi'}? é.‘§‘i».§a“m“`g’ad cZmp”hy,°r§`Z££2°‘iw"$fi,¤““°“°de se$f$§2°£$£`i Company of Greece, $240.