Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1396

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1376 SIXTYSIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Gs. 161. 1921. gl•;_{¤${<¤t¢~ Lands and other property of the United States: For custody, care, a.s.,sZés.sv49,z·zs0, rotection, and expenses of sales of lands and other property of the P·73°‘ Qlnited States, acquired and held under sections 3749_and 3750 of the Revised Statutes, the examination of titles, recording of deeds, advertising, and auctioneers’ fees in connection therewith, $300. °“"°”“”"’i°‘°· onsroms snnvron. ,,,$§,’},1,‘§§Yi“" °““°m’ For collecting the revenue from customs, including not exceeding $200,000 for the detection and prevention of frauds upon the customs _ revenue, $11 300 000. ,c$§f°m°°‘°* "t°" Scales for bustbms service: The unexpended balance of the appropriation heretofore made for construction and mstallation of special automatic and recording scales for weighing merchandise, and so forth, in connection with imports at the various ports of entry under direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, is continued and made available for the fiscal year 1922, together with the further sum _ _ _ of $125 000. ¤;°.§$£’t?;’$.??°°”'“1`°“ Compensationin lieu of moieties: For compensation in lieu of moieties in certain cases under the customs laws, $10,000. _ mum Health sew- PUBLIC HEALTH snnvrcn. I 1%. P¤v,{=¤§E¤f S¤rs¤<>¤ For ay, allowance, and commutation of quarters for commissioned ’ medic5 officers, including the Surgeon General, assistant surgeons general at large not exceeding three in number, and pharmacists, $1 020 000· mgm =¤i¤*¤¤*¤¤*· lforipayi of acting assistant surgeons (noncommissioned medical ` officers $300 000· other empxeyees. For pay of all other employees (attendants, and so forth) » $840,000 ; rreagm, mvsx, ae. For freight, transportation, and traveling expenses, including the expenses, except membership fees, of officers when officialli detailed to attend meetings of associations for the promotion of pub c health, $55,000; F¤¤1·¤*°· For fuel, light, agd water, $135,000; F¤mi¤¤¤· For furniture an repairs to same $8 000 ; Supplies Folxi purveying depot, purchase of medical, surgical, and hospital su `es $85,000; HY€i€¤i° ‘·=*b°'°‘ giir the Hygienic Laboratory, $50,000; Marine hospitals. For maintenance of marine hospitals, including subsistence and "”“’p"m‘ alldother negieelsag miscellaneous expenses which are not included un er speci ea _$625 000; 2tQ¤°·‘¤*d° “¤¤¤¤°'”· For medical examinations, care of seamen, care and treatment of ` all other persons entitled to relief, miscellaneous expenses other than marine hospitals, which are not included under special heads, $220,000; Trans rtin re- ' ` . ,P° K For preparation for shipment trans ortation to their former mm 0 Omcm homes of remains of officers who die in the line of duty, $5,000; B°°k¤» °*°- For Jlpurnals and scientific books, $500; §¤,j¤¢,g*;*)¤8¢g5¤H¤¤¤- In a , $3,343,500, whiclrshall include the amount necessary for ` ' tl;eFmedical inspection of ahcns, as required by section 16 of the Act o ebru 5, 1917. d,§_§g,•f,¥;§g,l‘°Q;i,;i°“sQ{ For mgm, surgical, and hospital services and supplies for benedieyrsistib ficiaries (other than W&I`-I'1SlS 1I18111‘ance patients) of the public Health mf' ’ W mz Service, including necessary gersonnel, regular and reserve commissioned officers of the Public ealth Service, clerical help in the District of Columbia and elsewhere,_mamtenance, equipment, leases, fuel, lights, water, printmg, freight, transportation and travel, maintenance and operation of motor trucks and passenger motor vehicles, court costs and other expenses incident to proceedings heretofore or hereafter taken for commitment of mentally incom-