Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1351

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SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. SEss. III. C11. 127. 1921. 1331 BUREAU or cmmrsrnr. Ch¤¤-¤$*f5’B¤¤¤¤¤· SALARrEs, BUREAU or CHEMISTRY; Chemist, who shall be chief of bu1i:gu,g1iarkgu:iic. °f bureau, $5,000; chief clerk, $2,500; administrative assistant, $2,500; four executive clerks at $2,000 each; clerks—fourteen of class four, sixteen of class three, six at $1,440 each, thirty of class two, six at $1,300 each, sixty-five of class one, seventeen at $1,020 each; machine operators—one $1,100, two at $1,000 each; laboratoxéy helpers--eight at $1,200 each, ten at $1,020 each, four at $960 each, ve at $900 each, eight at $840 each; laborator&hclpers or laborers——six at $780 each, twenty-seven at $720 each, teen at $600 each; mechanics—one $2,280, two at $1,800 each, one $1,620, two at $1,400 each, three at $1,200 each, one $1,020, one $960; two student assistants at $300 each; skilled laborers——one $1,050, one $1,020, one $900, one $840; two messen ers at $840 each; messenger boys—one $720, eight at $600 each, three at $540 each, six at $480 each; four laborers at $480 each; thirteen charwomen at $240 each; in all, $330,690. GENERAL EXPENSES, BUREAU or Crmmsrnrz For all necessary §f,‘,;§,'£,1,$,S‘}’§,§‘,§{,‘,;g, expenses, for chemical apparatus, chemicals and supplies, re airs to atcapparatus, gas, electric cur·rent, official traveling expenses, telegraph and telephone service, exipress and freight charges, for the employ- ment of such assistants, c erks, and other lpersons as the Secretary of Agriculture may consider necessary for the purposes named, in the city of Washington and elsewhere, m conducting investigations; collecting, reporting, and illustrating the results 0 such investigations; and for rent outside of the District of Columbia for carrying out the investigations and work herein authorized as follows: Gmmn mm For conducting the investigations contemplated by the Act of May V0l.12,;ll3il7. ` 15, 1862, relating to the app `cation of chemistry to agriculture; for ,;,0,0,,,,,,; ,0,,,, nnd the biological investigation of food and drug products and substances drug i¤v•=¤¤riz¤¤¤¤s- uied thel rganuf apture;1 thegeof, inclgdrlng investigations of the io o `c e ects o suc ro ucts ont e umano anism, $70,400; ,1 1 . . P liliir collaboration with officr depnrtments of the GI§vernment desir- otiiir deparnxiiiinziuth ing chemical investigations and w ose heads request the Secretary of Agriculture for such assistance, and for other miscellaneous work, $14,000; .. For investi ation and experiment in the utilization, for coloring, t,;&*”§i,§gc°i§f§uf§2” medicinal, and technical purposes, of raw materials grown or produced in the United States, in cooperation with such persons, associations, or corporations as may be found necessari, including re}pairs, alterations, improvements, or additions to a uilding on the Arlington Exiperimental Farm, $68,260; _ or the investigation and develnpment of methods for the manu- T°°1° ’"“p’°°°‘ facture of table sirup and_sugar an of methods for the manufacture of sweet sirups by the utilization of new agricultural sources, $20,000: P . Promldod, that $12,500 of said amount may be used for investigation Sweet homo pwdand experimenting in production of sirups, sugar, starch, dextrine, “°‘"" and other commercial products from the sweet potato; Pm md . For enablin the Secretary of Agriculture to carry into effect the seam. provisions of Sie Act of June 30, 1906, entitled "An Act for prevent- °°*‘:”·p‘m‘ mg the manufacture, sale, or transportation of adulterated, or misbranded, or oisonous, or deleterious foods, drugs, medicines, and liquors, and for regulating traffic therein, and for other purposes"; Rmnnn n,Pnnnnn_ to coo rate with associations and scientific societies in the revision of cvpwiathe Uiiited States Pharmacopoeia and development of methods of Ennnnninn nnngn analysis, and for investigating the character of the chemical and testsof Ameri¤mfo0d physical tests which are appli to American food products in foreign p'°d“°“‘ countries, and for inspecting the same before shipment when desired b the shippers or owners of these products intended for countries wiiere chemical and physical tests are required before the said prod-