Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1343

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SIXTY-SIXTH oosennss. sm. III. os. 127. 1921. 1323 For- the investigation and improvement of tobacco and the methods e,g`°b°°°° P*°d¤°'=*°¤» of tobacco roduction and handling, $41,000; ` For the breeding and physiological study of alkali—resistant and crjggfl ‘““ds· °“·· drought—resistant crops, $20,080; _ For sugar—plant invesuggtions, including) studies of diseasm and ga§§*;P1°“‘*m"°S“’ the improvement of sugar eets and sugar- eet seed, $94,115; For investigation, improvement, and utilization of wild plants and G¤*“¤¤*°”dS·°‘°’· grazing lands, and for determining the distribution of weeds and means of their control, $27,200; For the investigation and improvement of methods of crop pro- ,,d§’Y‘°°‘*·°‘°·»"‘°’·"‘ duction under subhumid, semiarrd, or dry—land conditions, $169,000: P , Provided, That no part of this appropriation shall be used in the free rigg”i}ee dismandistribution, or pro agation for free distribution, of cuttings, seedlings, *‘°““m“°"· or trees of willow, libx elder, ash, caragana, or other common varieties of fruit, ornamental, or shelter-belt trees in the Northern Great Plains area, except for experimental or demonstration purposes in the States of North and South Dakota west of the one hundredth meridian, and in Montana and Wyoming east of the Eve thousandfo? contour line; th · ul or investigationsinconnectionwi western ` ation agric ture, U'=“¤*¤8 W;¤*°*¤*°· the utilization of lands reclaimed under the Rlglgamation Act, and °1°;i;;;wd ` other areas in the arid and semiarid regions, $94,420: Provided, Immediately imns That of this sum $11,000 shall be immediately available; b1°‘ _ For the investigation, improvement, encouragement, and deter- gggdgigérkeziiig, mination of the adaptability to different soils and climatic conditions °*°· of pecans, almonds, Persian walnuts, black walnuts, hickoar nuts, buttemuts, chestnuts, filberts, and other nuts, and for me ods of growing, harvesting, packing, shipping, storing, and utilizing the same, $20,000; A _ For the investigation and improvement of fruits, and the method g{§‘,,Y$,;g,m,,k,t,ng__ of fruit growing, arvesting, and, in coo eration with the Bureau of °*°· X Markets and Crop Estimates, studies of ilie behavior of fruits during the processes of marketing and while in commercial storage, $83,200; _ To cultivate and care or the gardens and grounds of the De art- d,E§*’°{,‘,’§,°“?§,{,un‘§§ij ment of Agriculture in the city of Washington, including the lllree D-C- and lighting of the grounds and the construction, surfacing, and repairing ofc roadways and walks; and to erect, manage, and maintam conservatories, dgreenhouses, and plant and fruit propagating houses on the groun s of the Department of Agriculture in the city of Washington, $15,000; H ml 1 For- horticultural investigations, including the study of producing agiiim. mn mw and harvesting truck and related crops, including otatoes, and, in b,,,,"§'§§f‘“8 "°‘°‘“' coo eration with the Bureau of Markets and Crop lelstimates, studies i of the behavior of vegetables while in the processes of marketing and in commercial storage, and the Study of landscape and vegetable gardening, iloriculture, and related subjects, $71,940; N hm For investigpting, in cooperation with States or privately owned C‘4>¤p¤¤hii·¤ i¤€—·sunurseries, me ods of propagalggg fruit trees, ornamental and other §§,°,}§,§ ,,}"s,;},,”k§,°“c‘§§ plants, the study of stocks in propagating such plants and °i¤¤»¤°°- I methods of growing stocks, for the purpose of providi.r§sAmerican sources of stocks, cuttings, or other propagating materi , $20,000; _ V For continuing the necessary improvements to establish and main- “' tain a general experiment farm and agricultural station on the V°*· 3% P- 135- Arlington estate, in the State of Virginia, in accordance with the provisions of the Act_ of Congress approved April 18, 1900, $20,500: hmm resided, That the limitations in this Act as to the cost of farm Buildixiss-

   not apply   this (paragraph; _ _ _ gw? P' 1; md

For mvest tions in foreign see an plant introduction, including p1s1i&u¤a¤¤. the study, colddction, purchase, testing, prop tion, and distribution of rare and valuable seeds, bulbs, trees, shrrig, vines, cuttings, and plants from foreign countries and from our possessions, and for