Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1276

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1256 SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 124. 1921. assistant clerk $1,200, janitor $720; Census—clerk $2,000, jamtor $720; Claims—clerk $2,500, assistant clerk $1,200, janitor $720; Coinage, Weights, and Measures-clerk $2,000, janitor $720; District of Columiia-clerk $2,500, assistant clerk $1,800, janitor $720; Education-clerk $2,000; Election of President, Vice President, and Representatives in Congress-clerk $2,000; Elections Number Oneclerk $2,000, janitor $1,000; Elections Number Two-clerk $2,000, `anitor $720; Elections Number Three—clerk $2,000, janitor $720; lflnrolled Bills-clerk $2,000, Ajafnitor $720; Flood Contro1—clerk $2,000, janitor $720; Foreign airs—clerk $2,500, assistant clerk $1,800, janitor $720; Immigration and Natural1zation—clerk $2,000, janitor $720; Indian Aifairs—clerk $2,500, assistant clerk $1,800, janitor $720; Industrial Arts and EXpositions—clerk $2,000, janitor $720; Insular Affairs-clerk $2,000, janitor $720; Interstate and Foreign Commerce-clerk $2,500, additional clerk $2,000, assistant clerk $1,500, janitor, $1,000 ; Irrigation of Arid Lands—clerk $2,000, jamtor $720; Invalid Pensions—clerk $2,500, stenoggapher $2,190, assistant clerk $2,000, janitor $1,000; Judiciary——cler $2,500, assistant clerk $1,600, janitor $1,000; Labor-clerk $2,000, janitor $720; Library- clerk $2,000, janitor $720; Merchant Marine and Fisheries—clerk $2,000, janitor $720; Military AHairs—clerk $2,500, assistant clerk $1,500, `anitor $1,000; Mines and Mining-clerk $2,000, janitor $720; Naval Affairs-clerk $2,500, assistant clerk $1,500, janitor $1,000; Patents-clerk $2,000, janitor $720 ; Pensions-clerk $2,500, assistant clerk $1,600, `anitor $720; Post Offices and Post Roads-clerk $2,500, assistant clerk $1,400, janitor $1,000; Printing——clerk $2,000, anitor $1,000; Public Buildingrs and Grounds—clerk $2,500, assistant clerk $1,200, janitor $720; public Lands-clerk $2,000, assistant clerk $1,200, janitor $720; Reform in the Civil Service-clerk $2,000; Revision of the Laws-clerk $3,000, janitor $720; Rivers and Harbors-clerk $2,500, assistant clerk $1,800, janitor $1,000; Roadsclerk $2,000, janitor $720; Rules-clerk $2,000, assistant clerk $1,500, janitor $720; Territories-clerk $2,000, janitor $720; War Claimsclerk $2,500, assistant clerk $1,200, janitor $720; Ways and Meansclerk $3,000, assistant clerk and stenographer $2,000, assistant clerk Club mmm to $1,900, jamtors—one $1,000, one $720; in all, $181,570. cum or the aime Appropriations in the foregoing paragra hshall not be available for ““°' °‘°*’° °' °°""°““‘ the payment of any clerk or assistant cleiiic to a committee who docs not, after the termination of the Congress durin which he was PrMw_ ippomted, perform his duties under the direction ofg the Clerk of the ampueu. ouse: Provided, That the foregoing shall not apply to the Com- Jmwm mittee on Accounts. Appoiutme¤t,¤¤=- J amtors under the foregoing shall be a pointed by the chairman, respectively, of said committees, and shaH perform under the direction of the Doorkeeper all of the duties heretofore required of messengers detailed to said committees by the Doorkee er, and shall be subje<}t gi igmoval bg the Dogrkeepler at any time alter the termination o the ongress urin w `ch the were a ointed.

 Orman or SEBGEANT A’1gA.RMS2 Sei?-geant aggrms, $6,500; deputy

sergeant at arms, $2,500; cashier, $4,000; two bookkeepers, at $2,400 eac ; deputy sergeant at arms in charge of pairs, $1,800; pair clerk

 messenger, $1,800; messenger, $1,400; stenogra her and type-
s;1l£0$900; skilled laborer, $840; hire of automobilh, $600; ill 8-H,

B,§?§‘{,§_H°““° °m°° For olice force, House Office Building, under the Sergeant at élilnggogieutenmt, $1,200; thirteen privates, at $1,050 each; in all,

 “’°°”° Ormcn or DooaKm·:rna: Doorkeeper, $5,000; maintenance and

repair of folding room motor truck, $500, or so much thereof as may be necessary; special employee, $1,800; superintendent of repcrtclf