Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1204

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1184 SIXTY-SIXTH ooivcnnss. sm. III. oa. aa. 1921. For redemption of stamps, $38,122.27. For payment of judgments against internal·revenue officers, $1,917.75. For allowance or drawback (internal revenue), $5,680.55. For compensation of employees, Bureau of Engraving and Printing, $23.20. For materials and miscellaneous expenses, Bureau of Engraving and Printing, $794.47. For Coast Guard, $116,11328. For expenses of Revenue-Cutter Service, $23.30. For pay of crews, miscellaneous expenses, and so forth, Life- Saving Service, $638.70. For contingent expenses, mint at San Francisco, $110.22. For contingent expenses assay office at New York, $27.10. For operating supplies for public buildings, $24.51. For furniture and repairs of same for public buildings, $145.08. For repairs and preservation of public buildings, $8.93. For mechanical equipment for public buildings, $690.76. For general expenses of-lpublic uildings, $36.30. For refunding taxes egally collected, 1918 and prior years, $2,061,163.65. cnams ALLOWED BY run annrron or um wan nnranmmiwr. A ¥<?!i10`%i;rd xii; For contingent expenses, War Department, $475.55. P’·'““°“*· For national defense, War Department, $596. For national securit and defense, War Department, $645.12. For registration ang selection for military service, $17,814.53. For Army War College, $2.88. For contingencies, Military Information Section, General Staff Co s, $593.59. liidr Signal Service of the Army, $15,651.47. For increase for aviation, Signal Corps, $785.08. For pa , and so forth, of the Army, $501%,726.85. For mileage to officers and contract surgeons, $330.55. For extra-duty pay to enlisted men as clerks, and so forth, at Army division and de artment headquarters, $1,828.20. For arrears og pay, bount , and so forth, $319.29. For incidental expenses, iguartermaster Corps, $192.50. For supplies, services, and transportation, Quartermaster Corps, $256,837.18 For transportation of the Army and its supplies, $3,045.02. For horses for Cavalry, Artillery, Engineers, and so forth, $230. For barracks and quarters, $13,859. For military post exchanges, $6,793.46. For shooting galleries an ranges, $1,036.80. For Medical and Hospital Department, $9,230.68. For trusses for disabled soldiers, $3. For engineer equipment of trooips, $1.50. For engineer operations in the eld, $2,827,642.%. For Ordnance Service, $111.78. For automatic rifles, $79,756.95. For arming, equipping, and training the National Guard, $581.92. For encampment and maneuvers, Organized Militia, $9.7 2. For civilian military camps, $7,374.70. For guartermaster supplies, equipment, and so forth, Reserve Oflicers Training Corps, $14. For arming and eqpjipping the Militia, $15.20. For maintenance, mted States Military Academy, $21.60. For repairs of arsenals, $36. · For héadstones for graves of soldiers, $21.81.