Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1202

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1182 SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 89. 1921. day of each week; preparing Official Statements of Members' Voting Records; and for recording and Bling statements of political committees and candidates for nomination and election to the House of Representatives pursuant to the campaign contribution laws, $8,660. ,,,g‘3§,‘§}‘°“* P"‘"' GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. H·>¤d¤v¤- Holi?ayls:1To enable the Pltéblic Pri(pt§:· tpg comply wit(lii the provisions o the aw anting o ays an e xecutive or er anting gigif hogiilgyibowitgrpay to the employees of the Government ce, , . Lesvesofabsenw Leaves of absence: To enable the Public Printer to comply with the rovisions of the law granting thirty days' annual leave to the em lbyees of the Govemment Printing Office, $75,000. Samuel R¤bi¤s¤¤. 'Fo ay Samuel Robinson, William Madden, Joseph De Fontes, igiii¤ui>slri¤;¤°i¤g,iiid and Charles C. Allen, messengers on night duty durin the Sixty- °*¤*¥°¤°·A“°¤· sixth Congress, third session, for extra services, $700 eacg, $2,800.

t°;”d°°* °‘ Omoo of superintendent of documents: For furniture and Hxtures,

0<¤¤¤s¤¤¢ ¤x1>¤¤=¤¤· thewriters, and so forth, including the same objects stppciiied under tm head in the Sundry Civil Appropriation Act for e fiscal year 1921, $10,000. Bi¤di¤s.¤t¤- For binding reserve remainders and for supplying books to depository libraries, $40,000. Public P¤¤“°¢ °°° ruauc rnnrrme Arm nmnme. mmm;. mggeparmem acm- _ For printing and binding for the Department of Commerce, includ- ‘ mg the Coast and Geodetic Survey and exclusive of the Bureau of 0, the Census, $40,000. I,,1?,§,Y°"°°°t For printing and binding for the Dgpartment of Labor, $50,000.

 Swim °°m‘ For printing and binding for the Ci Service Commission, $10,000.

rm bum Depart- For printing and binding for the Post Office Department, exclusive ‘“°“‘ of the money-order office, $100,000. Ségggnozng United JUDGMENTS, UNITED STATES (X)URTS. Paymmez. For payment of the final judgments and decrees, including costs v¤i.z4,p.s¤s. of suits, which have been rendered under the rovisions of the Act of March_3, 1887, entitled "An Act to rovidii for the bringin of suits agamst_tl1e Government of the Iliiited States/’ certifieg to Congress during the present session by the Attorney General in House Document Numbered 958 and Senate Document Numbered 388, and which have not been appealed, namely: °*·¤i¤¢¤“*¤¤· Under the War Department, $7,029.58; Under the Navy Department, $2,962.50; Under the Department of Justice, $537.43; mmm. In all, $10,529.51, together with such additional sum as may be necessary to pay interest on the res five jud ents at the rate of 4 per centum per annum from the Eye l'¤l16I'80§l`|;1I1tll the time this appropriation is made. ’%‘*‘€'°°"“·°°“" °' JUDGMENTS COURT OF CLAIMS Claims. 1 · P*""‘“°“‘ °£‘ For payment of the judgments rendered by the Court of Claims and relported to Congress during the present session in House Document umbered 956 and Senate Document Numbered 398, namely: °"'“°“*°"· Under the Treasury Department, $155,324.99; Under the War Department, 893,898.26; Under the Navy Degartment, $637,304.51; Under the Interior epartment, $122,885.31;