Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1186

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1166 s1XrY-s1XTH ooiwonnss. sas. III. oe. ae. 1921. Army. MILITARY ESTABLISHMENT. PAY or rim ARMY. my °““° A““" For pay of the Army, including the same objects, except mile , specified under this head m the Army Appropriation ict for agile fiscal year 1921, $$0,000,000.


tions. sunsrsrmraom or rum ARMY. S°b“m°“°°s“ppu°°' Purchase of subsistence supplies: For issue as rations to troops, and so forth, mcluding the same objects specified under this head in the Army Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1921, $22,000,000. · ·mANsrom·A·r1oN or THE ARMY AND rrs suwnms. T'°°°°°"°°°°‘ For transportation of the Army and its supplies, and so forth, including the same objects specified under this head in the Army Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1921, $1,932,000. mm"! ’*°°"°’“’· MILITARY ACADEMY. °°d°*°· For pay of cadets, $124,000. F“°‘· °*°· For uel and apparatus, namely: Coal, wood, and so forth, $11,960. L‘¤“°S· °'°- For gas, coal, o , candles, and so forth, for operating the gas plant, $15,000. . —'¤¤¢<¤¤¤¤¤ ¤¢¤k¤¤· For installation of automatic stokers, under four four hundred and forty horsepower boilers in the power plant, $10,000. Femme ¤¤¤¤¤· PANAMA CANAL. ` Civil z¤v·¤·¤¤¤¤¤¢· For civil government of the Panama Canal and Canal Zone, including the same objects sgilecified under this head in the Sundry CIV'!] Agpropriation Act for the fiscal year 1921, $24,670. C§g;Qj;¤;{§¤6}1¤¤a¤,§¤;}[ or the payment to the McClintic·Marshal1 Construction Comgipny pany. as recommended in the report made to Congress under date of eb· ’i“"m°“’ "’· mary 11, 1916, by the commission appointed under the Act of June ‘°‘· “· "· °*”· 24, 1914, and approved by the Governor of the Panama Canal (House Document Numbered 906, Sixty-fourth Congress, first ses- ,,,,‘§,‘;{,’i,§’{,‘,,,,j° °°°“’ sion), $714,007.39; said amount to be chargeable as part of the construction of the Panama Canal and reimbursed to the Treasury of _ the United States out of the proceeds of the sale of the bonds author- 2-§{j §§;§j§§‘$j ized by section 8 of the Act approved June 28, 1902, and sectxou 39 of the Tariff Act approved August 5, 1909. H;;;gj¤¢¤#* S<>'¢“°¤’ NATIONAL HOME FOR DISABLED VOLUNTEER SOLDIERS. bggggggt ¤¤¤·· 0* For the suplpprt of the National Home for- Disabled Volunteer ' Soldiers, inclu g the same objects specified under this head in the Sundry Civil Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1921 for the following branches an under the following heads, respectively: D¤¤¤¤· '>*¤¤- Central Branch, Dayton, Ohio: For current expenses, $10,000; For household, $30,000; For repairs, $10,000; In all, $50,000. _ _ m"°’°¤k°°· WW Northwestern Branch, Mxlwaukee, Wisconsin; For current expenses, $5,000; For household, $30,000; For repairs, $8,000;