Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1122

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1102 SIXTY—SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. CHS. 54-57. 1921. gation [between Ciastleton and Sghodack Iggnging, bp); and th; nixrne promo. is here y revive and reenacte : Pr at t `s ct s a e m(,i§’§?,$$,'§,?°m°°t°”d null and yvoid unless the actual constructibn of the bridge herein authorized be commenced within one year and completed with1n three years from the date of approval hereof. Amendment Sec. 2. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserved. Approved, February 15, 1921. F°bllslr·is·isi{]1921` _ 55.1TAn Act To authorize the building of a bridge across the Santee River [1>utue,N¤.m.; in ut are na. Snnnn R,m_ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the_ United Buds; agrhorized States of America an Congress assembled, That the State Highway ?1?o(§§ies,yat SE; Department of South Carolina and the Santee River Bridge Commis- F°“Y» S·C· sion, be, and they are hereby, authorized to construct, maintain, and operate a bridge and approaches thereto across the Santee River at a gplint suitable to the interests of navigption, and at or near a point Cnnsn,nnnnn_ own as Murrays Ferry,_ between the counties of Berkeley and V0!-34,p·84· Williamsburg, South Carolina, in accordance with the {provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to riegulate the construction o bridges over nmmdmmn navigable waters/’ apnfoved arch 23, 1906. _ _ Sec. That tgle rig t to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby express y reserv . Approved, February 15, 1921. 7;:§ir‘¥%n§§il;iz· RiGHAPég%;—éAn {tot To authorize the building of a bridge across the Peedee ¢ ‘ · V€l' 111 ll 2\l'0 H13. - _ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re esentatives of the United nc§§g;%?é$§&¤;g States of America in Congress assembled, 'lziilat the State Highway umridaatumrznun Department of South Carolina and the Peedee Bridge Commission, F°""· S·°· be, and they are hereby, authorized to construct, ma1nta1n, and operate a bridge and approaches thereto across the Peedee R1ver_at a point suitable to the interests of navigation, and at or near a point CnnSn,nn,,nn_ known as Mars Bluff Ferry, between the counties of Florence and v¤1.34. pm. Marion, in the State of South Carolina, in accordance with the pro— visions of the Act entitled "An Act to regplate the construction of Annnnnmnnn bridges over navigable waters," approved arch 23, 1906. _ Sec. 2. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby exprwsly reserved. Approved, February 15, 1921. ijubgéeyigiillwil RCZH.APSg’7;éAn 1Act To authorize the building of a. bridge across the Wateree '¢, '¢>·3i5· wer in ut »aro ina. WMM mm S Be it Ejznicted the Sgnate and Ho11.sii>];1R€IZ>£-esentilatiwgzs of HE; Cgtited B -d h' · ,1 tates o mertca an ongress assem e , at e tate g Way

 Department of South C8»1'0l1D8 and the {properly constituted authorren-y, si c. ities of Richland and Sumter Counties 0 that State, be, and they are

hereby, authorized to construct, maintain, and operate a bridge and approaches thereto across the Wateree River at a point suitable to the interests of nav1gation, and at or near a oint known as Gerners C,,,,,,mct,,,,L Ferry, between the counties of Sumter and litichland, in the State of V°*·%¤- M South Carolina, in accordance with the provisions of the Act entitled