Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/103

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82 SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 7. 1919. School, the assistant principal (who shall be dean of girls) of the Central Hégh School, principals of dgrade manual traimng schools, heads of epartments, director an assistant director o primary instruction, directors and assistant directors of drawing, physical culture, music, domestic science, domestic art kmdergartens, and penmanship, teachers, clerks, librarians and clerks, and librarians V°" “' “ m to be aid in strict conformity with the provisions of the Act entitled "An Xct to fix and regulate the salaries of teachers, school officers, and other employees of the board of education of the District of 3m";'·§;’·,;Fvf,’,_*3,V‘;}j Columbia," approved June 20, 1906, as amended by the Acts ap- 156· ° ’ proved May 26, 1908, May 18, 1910, and June 26, 1_912, $450 000. rmeniua Annowancm T0 PnrNcr1>ALs: For allowance to principals oi grade ,,,·;hl$$°i'S.?.ii.T’°’ M school buildings for services rendered as such, in addition to their grade salary, to be paid in strict conformity with the provisions of V¤1-54- v- 320- the Act entitled "An Act to fix and regulate the salaries of teachers, school officers and other emplo ees of the board of education of the District of Columbia," approve! June 20, 1906, $36,000. ”‘¤""°"°°’·* Nrcrrr scnoonsz For teachers and janitors of night schools, including teachers of industrial, commercial, and trade instruction, and teachers and janitors of night schools may also be teachers and E mmm sw jariitors of tglay schooils, $150,000. ludmg q · · orcon` ntan otherneoessarye nses, ino ° euiment and purehasegeof all necessary articlesxlaicnd su plies for iilasges in _ i ti industrial, commercial, and trade instruction, g4,000. ,,,,,*§°"°'"‘ " °“ Aunmcaurznrron wonx:_For Americanization work and instruc- Instrucfins rmlan- tion of foreigpers of all ages in both day and night classes, including a °”°"u“‘“‘ principal, w o shall give his full time to this work, at $1,800 per annum, and teachers and janitors of Amerieanization schools may also be teachers and janitors of the day schools, $10,000. E‘*’°"’°“‘ For contingent and other necessary expenses, including books, eepliipment, and supplies, $2,500. K*¤d¤*¤”°¤¤- NDEBGABTEN SUPPLIES! For kindergarten supplies, $6,000, I¤¤i*°¤· md °*¤° °' Jamrons AND Ganz OF BUILDINGS AND GROUm>s: Superintendent bm1dmgs.etc. Ofélzgitors, $1,500; Sp¤¤i¤¤¤¤¤¤¤i¤za _ tra] High School (new); Engineer, $1,500; two assistant engineers, at $900 each; electrician, $1,200; four firemen, at $720 each; two coal passers, at $540 each; yamtor, $1,100; three assistant janitors, at $900 each; gbardener, $840; night watchman, $720- two charwomen, at $480 eee ; fifteen laborers, at $500 each; in all, $22,280; Dunbar High School: Engineer, $1,200; assistant engineer, $1,000; two iiremen, at $720 each; coal passer, $540; janitor, $1,000; assistant ]anitor,_$900; mne laborers, at $500 each; two charwomen, at $480 each; might watchman, $720; in all, $12,260; Centr High School (old) and annex: Janitor, $1,000; four laborers, at $500 each; in all, $3,000; Business High School: Janitor, $1,000; assistant janitor, $900; four laborers, at $500 each; in all, $3,900; J. Ormond Wilson lflormal School and Ross School: Engineer, $1,000; jamtor, $800; night watchman, $720; four laborers, at $500 each; in all, $4,520; $2.%(§`)erson School: Janitor, $1,000; two laborers, at $500 each; in all, } Y _ Western High School: Janitor, $1,100; four laborers, at $500 each; in all, $3,100; _ _ Franklm School: Jamtor, $1,000; three laborers, at $500 each; m all, $2,500; Myrtrlla Miner Normal School: Janitor, $1,000; assistant janitor, $900; three laborers, at $500 each; charwoman, $480; in all, $3,880; _ Eastern High School: Jamtor, $1,000; two laborers, at $500 each; in all, $2,000;