Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/958

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mnmx. 2277 Soils Burequ,_Department of 4gr£cu.lture—§}0n. H86- Sold·iers’ and Sa·il0rs’ Civil Relief—Gontd. BP- appropnauou for clnss1fymg, etc., a.,5>·ncu1- attachments may be stayed before or after tural lands m National Forests .. 993 judgment , _ _______,____ 442 for potash investigations and demnn· 9 stay, atc., by conutimay be continued stmtions .. 93 unng period o serviee ,..,..,,.,,., 442 sale of products .. - . . - 993 codefendunts not in service may be pmfor administrative expenses . 993 cecded against .,.,,...,,., 443 gogdins, period of military servicepqt included in drafted, may be assjgned fozjspocial trai.n· , . Keneml Bt*mV?°°f hmiuhou -··-·- 443 1ng to educemoual IDSUIUEOBB .. 957 °“°uQm`* im"} dweum? mmkd bY P¤!¤°¤¤ eligible for dciommzssions, during the war, 9 6 pmcm °?l`“'?§;l_ 443 regu ess 0 age etc 5 » ~ admissmu to officers; schools ... 956 °°m't ··-··-··~··-·--~-·- -·: -·-· I 443 me em-ses by, under 21, mm to be mm- 1> Mat fvr unlawful ------·-----·--- 443 gujshed umu am., required msi, rent of dwelling of fam1ly may be allotted mm . seo _ f;<>m_Ar¤¤i <>r Nw? pw. -----·---- 443 punishment for soliciting relinquish- rwmqmgms . wt °°mn°tB bY P°”°m ment, etc., by other gersons. ... 960 m , service f°T ¤°¤P¤Ym<·mt» T9 letters by, on duty abroa , free of post- 150 plm;u'mlt°‘%·i(;;é··]·.··-bk --··—· 443 prior ;e;;»aee‘e1iga;a;»y‘.;f;‘ nude ~»¤·»·»¤¢·»··¤ .--. ” -.”'.." 443 durgpg the mr, mmm mlm ee- 1224 *¤r¤¤e;¤;B¤<;¤c <>§;>;¤;·£;d?;{1<;fyvcr:;•;*¤· 443 m0 111ZOd .. . .. , , 2 *1 _ · • pmvasaom for umpam me qs dischawd ¤b1¤z¤¤<>¤¤ ¤¤¢·¤¤1 by v¤¤r rewrww, sick and disamei Pamuta of at et»c.,otpmpertyofper¤on¤m¤m·vnce. 444 Risk Insurance Bureau _____________ 1302 stay of proceedmgs to enforce, for n0n~ vim oi, sewing in Prem; wu, me syn t£¤>¤¤¢¤@ ordered. by <<>s¤¢ ---------- 444 ject m dxsquahticauon ot mnrued 0 cr ¤~1¤¤¤·¤>1¤ d¤¤v<··¤¤<>¤ my *>¤ women fur Government employees, . 956 $9-6- · ··-·- -·-··-·· { --·- 444 ¤~wq;;tg_y¤·¤¤gwx_g¢»v 1*;%, , . ’°’ Q..;:..£;..,.i2,‘;‘ic5“.."‘“ . ?i’i‘i 444 P10 ngsgioggu mm pfqsmt www- M0 ljfc imt;c1r;;e of persons in service pur M4

  • ¤mwggdi;·;;·;v;_¤;;»¤ ·>* ;j*;;_*_%__P¤* 440 appl@ca.tio1;¢;·{0r.Ei;eil£éi1;1;-l;é·deixfl:d

deiiuincn or mqmsnusec; ··pe¤·»¤» in mm- M0 ‘];“’,,,“;§;_$‘{ _Yj'__*}}'j{‘__‘““___"’“‘°° ______ 4.,., ··,,J§L¥§?7.‘i‘i°¤i.;,‘;;;¢ie;·»¢.‘.’.::::1::1: no ¤··¤¤,5¤mgg,;;_g<;;·*1g<;¤;=c*¤, b¤;,g¤* ¤=¤···¤¤· M ‘ P°”°Dz as bidder °f nght agmmt P"' 440 policies exceeding $5,000 not allowed U “°'¥,}'},°""?"· ‘‘‘‘ ‘‘*‘‘ 5 ‘‘‘‘‘ 441 benefits of Act 444 °°“;'t¤ wmfua °° ° ° War ‘*‘‘‘ restrictions if gremium due and unpaid; all t€II’1tOI'y'Of and Quo COI1ItB excessive gang gn p0ucy_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ T·h€1'•¢1¤ €¤1b!'¤¤€d bY PT°V¤¤1°¤¤ of record of applications agproved or ro- ·..¤·¤dA.i°tia"‘¢"`};i.;‘;&é‘Eed ‘`‘°°‘`‘‘ ZZ} i°°‘“‘§ "",}"",‘§§"° °"°§§;,‘,.·,‘,.,q" 222 y n o con e n ..-.---»· notice o ac on uaurernu . persons secondarily liable may hqve tom- applications in expess of $5,000 not slpcmry Bray) em., of acuou, ri grant- loved; reglgxctnon. . 445 ed to pnnc1 al 441 accepted pqhcms pot to lspqo during may be allowed Benefit of setting aside or _ sgmge xgrremnxms not pmd ... 445 vacating of judgment . _. . . z . 441 lumtquon ter and of war .. . M5 measures for protecuug persons wlula m compames to regort monthly names and military service . _ ... 44 1 _ values of po mes pcceptsing benefits. 445 nu judgment in default 1f defendant in 441 Inst of uxgand premmma. . 445 service · payxgnen c on e preafddavit of service required. ... z 441 m1ums._ ... : ...,... 445 attorney for defendant to be appomted computsuonof dxierenca between deb com _______,_,,. , ,,,,_,,,,...,, 441 fzgults and repayments .. _ 445 bond Kefore judgment $0 bs given, unless veniled computsmpn of monthly dxicrdefeudaut be not m servme 441 ence to be cerhiicd to Secretary of other rotective action authorized. . . : . . 441 _ the Treasury .. . Z ,,,____,, l _ . 446 pnmisgment. for making false ailidavxts, 44 United Stgtes boudsttofbe 1T£1ed m- tc. as be tatus .,...,. 1 surer or a.m0uI1 0 mm; y gy. court $0 nppoiuz attorney for person in €]lC€..._ ... 446 service if not present or represented . 442 reggstry, mt¢¤¤¤’¤, ¢*3<> - . .. Z . Z - . 446 judgment against person 11} serjnce may be 0bl1gation for premxums to cease 1f m- reopened atter termxpamon thereof. . 442 surer be gnsolveut. . -: ... _ ... 446 merimmckus defegnse l'€<]U1l;§d Eg gi igr unpmd1¥>rem11uus... m b d °_ mimpair , - ye s. rs en_op pg gms .. _ .. stag? o?I$0cei§§zgs allowed unless inter- ded1gct.10ns_from pohmes 1f msumd dma esta of defendant not affected by m semqe . 446 Service ,___ · __,__.. . 442 lapse of pohcy for upnpayment of Pwfiues and penalties may be relieved by mmms after servme ends . :.- 446 order of mm; ________________,_., 442 cash surrender valye pgyjnble by pnexecutinns zgaimt persons in service may surer 1f msured m mlxtary eervzce be set aside by court 442 it end of W3! ·--·- - ·-·- · ·»·-······- 446 120808 °—voL 40, PT 2--63