Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/908

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INDEX. 2227 President of the United Stat¢a—Cont.inued. P¤8¤· Princiqg in Foreign Languages, PNN- requested to designate 2. day of prayer for restnctious during the war 011, articles re- _ succcs in present war, m 1917 .. 1582 spectiug the Govemmeut, etc ... 425 m 1918 . 1586 Prints, Registration of (see also with to recommend special observance of _ jzhe Enemy), M0t.hcrs’ Day, 1918 ... 1586 provxsmns relating to, by an enemy, or in Slavic Lsiiogn may be organized under _ enemy country . .. 420 regq atxoma of ... : .. 868 Pnoleagc, Aaron P., _ _ to determme when Wu Fmamce Corpom- deficwncy approprmtxon for contested election shall commence busiums ... 510 _ tion expenses ... . . 27 urgent expenditqreq for public ixjnprove- Prionty QfSh1g'llL?7l¢3, ment in Dnstrwt of Columbu. 1:0 be to bognvcn the war, to commodities authorized by . 928 for mm security, etc . . 272 Victory _ Treasury note issue authorized pumshment fgr noncompliance . -. - 273 mth approval of .. . ... 1360 exempti from mtemtatg commerce prohiwww ¤1fSq¤ Mmm, vw, _ P. 0*¤=·¤·e·¤ e···<*;·>¤··*¤¤; i ····---·--· 273 spprofprmtxou for cyapel, copstrucuou, etc. 56 mm °’!""’P”·”;"’*» ’” , B1`t»€ 0 Palace of Fme Arts 111, conveyed to %PP!'°P¤9·tw¤ °Y U-m“°·l °°¤m umm ---· 524 University or California; me in ex. P¤—·<»w~._ 11- 0-, change, etc _______ _ ______________ 57, 852 approprmtgqn for payments to abandoned conditions modified ... - ... 862 f¤¤¤1¤¢¤ Of ·------·-----··-·-- - -·-- 945 Presley Anthony W for support qi jail, etc .. 945 J · ’* for tramsportmg. .. 945 P p°;;1°(ge1:;°r°°;:°°d ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 1486 deficiexgr-¥* appropriation for support, etc., '“ , 96 ·» 'j ... 8, 471,823 P€¤¤{0¤ mcrwscd ---—-·-------·-~·······- 1384 for payment; to abandoned families of. . 351 Presley, Samuel VK, _ for trauswmng . .. 471 pemwn increased 1518 Pr;uoncr.;§/ aq, _ _ _ _ Prevention of Qruqlty to Ch·il<b·m or Animals, mmm tcbcmgigeng she": l?“vmt§ l;:m“» °*¤¤¤·z#*~···f¤*· ° tz.£2‘...¤°“t "°’f.‘&"“°"· "‘ m exempt from mcomc tax .. . . 1076 P Pcs] t fo:°.‘m*r éic ·······- - —--- 223 Prewar Period, PHMH H · ’ °’ `'‘' determination of, for war excess profits tax. 303 I relief 0} in Guam texi m*:2.:; izpxésd *<·;2*·;·;*;;@··*· i¤· 10,;., ""'°% -----·---··-·- 1 ---·--·- X ----- sw • °n“° ° ° ‘‘‘‘·· deficiency appropriation for relief of Pribilof Islanys Alaska (ue Alaska Fisheries taken by German forces . 347 1023 _ S€¤'V¤¢‘<;)· {ull pay, etc. to Nurse Corps, field clerks, , Pnee, {Img, etc., while in involuntary captivit . 1321 I}€¤B1°¤ m€?€¤8¢d --··-········--·· - -- 1430 in force from April 6, 1917, to end of tie Prrce, Jvhqn H., war ..-- - ·-----·----·--· - --·-·--·· 1321 peuswn mgzreased . . . . 1428 W; of War, Army, f PW!. _ Tay ·» e ciency appropriation or maintenance, Penman .,...,..,...,.,,. . .. 1564 etc .. . ... . . . . . 889 Pnde, giibqrt, Priaoncra of War, ctc., Pgusmu Ipereased ..,.,.,, 1396 appmpnation for expenses, etc., of, under Przme,_Lew1s J., Navy Department. .-·-··-·-- . ..··· 706 pemwn ... . 1468 qeticiencg appropriation for expenses . 208 Pnmroge, 1'hrrmaa H., Pmonzrs, mted States Courts, P peusxon }D(él’88·S€d ... 1422 appropriation for inspection of prisons md, rmcetcm, n . t . 155, 681 part of pu};l{caBui.ldi11g site, conveyed to for sslfport of, etc ... 158,684 c1ty or ey .. 1156 deficiency appropriation for inspection of. . 383, Pring, Oliver P. 1040 lieu hmd seleétion permitted , 1545 for sugaport of, etc . .. 21, 158, 684, 842, 1040 Prmglq, Dgwui R-, Primm, nited States (see also Penitentaries), pensncu mcréwed .·.. L . . . 1443 appropriatzion for inspection of, and risl 1)‘l·n0n, _ · '*‘•‘ * ·‘'‘‘‘‘'’ ‘‘ * * • ’ 1 Pri and Statumery° Di ’ Tmuw-y P 0¤er¤ P 155 681 n Ingpgpggmnt, ~ ~ ~ O forgupennbendexgt of . Z .. _. . . 802, 1254 appropriation for chxef of d1vm10n, etc- 772, 1227 de¤<¤¤¤¤g *RP*'°Pmm°¤ for m$P€€u°¤ of, Printing Qcmmilteei _J0jnt) (see Joint; Com. F , E :$V,h;'i;°*§uT;bé · ·-·--- 383, 1040 uuttee on ting . b ·d B M . ’ L8 wmg, ew., Amy, , _ PSEEEZL £».§°Az%‘.§m§$?’mp‘i5fw.;.;" ”"’ p¤yv·¥»!<¤ fmm Army ¤ppr<>v¤¤¤¤¤¤ -------- 877 aypro riation for asu hatchery emp10ym. em procured elsewhere than at Government pnww Ewmpmy of Army OEM, cm, Printing Ofhce, if outmde District [OSS, damage, etcq Of, in the sérvice, to be vi C<>1¤¤¤P·i4 --·---·---------·-----· 877 paid rm, em.;c¤m11u¤¤¤ 470,880 contract req uuemeuts 877 prizes, Printing, Gmvernmemt (see also Public Print- jurisdiction of district courts iu, and con- _ jug and Binding), _ demmtxon ... _ . - 395 pmvmmus for remedying neglect, delay, Proba¢z0n_System, D. C'., waste, etc., in ..,, . ... 1270 apfropnatign for, under supreme Court. . . 942 all work _ to be done at Government or yuvemle Court . . .-.---.. 942 Printing Otliee after July 1, 1919 1270 for police court . . . 942