Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/895

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2214 INDEX. Philippinq Iglando-—Couti.nued. Pm- Phonogra ha, eu:. (see Mechanical Musical P¤8¤- apzvropmuon for seacoastg batteries ... 818 lgeproducuom). or preservauon, repur, etc., torpedo Phosphorus, stxuctpres . _ 1 818 provisions for increasing supply, producfor qlectnc plants, scacoast. i0ru1lca.· 1.1011, etc., of, for nauoual security tions _ . .. 8 18, 1307 and defense . .. 1009 for preserqauon, etc., of fortifications. . . 1307 Photoyraphab Films, and Plates, for searchhghts for harbor defense .. _ 1307 excxse tax on, other than moving picture fogsubmanua mine structures, etc .. 1307 films, sold by producer, etc ..,. 1122 deiimency qppropriation for shipwrecked Physical Constants, etc., American seamen in . 347, 463 appropriation for operating testing mw for war expensespf fortifications in .. 481 chines to determine . 807, 1259 act of legislature certain taxes, Phymlval Education, mtxlied z ... 597 appropriation for investigating, etc 1249 income tax to be collected by insular Physical Hydrograffiy, oilicinls, etc ... 1087 appropriation or continuing researches returns bypitizens or residents . 1087 in ... 162, 688 corponmons ... - . 1087 Physical Qualities of Matmkzla, nonresident aliens, on income from in- appropriation for experimentsincoustants, sular sources ... 1087 eu: ... 1260 foreign corporations, on income from in· Physical Valuation of Railroads, etc., sular sources ... 1088 apgropriation for expenses of ascertaining 123, 649 imular corporation tax not allowed as dc cieucy appropriation for expenses ofascredit, et.c.z in income returns .. 1088 certaining .. . . 824 ,` authority of lqgslature to amend, ctc. - . 1088 proceedings relating to, may be considered income taxiu, su ject to legislature thereof 302 by not less than five members of jurisdiction of courts of first instance, in Interstate Commerce Commission". 271 offenses under National Defense, Phgsvbally _ iongge, etc., Act, . . 231 may be exclu ed, etc., from m1.litu·y servunder with tbo Enemy Act 425 icc . . .. 79 l etc., m, may be called into United Piano Players, étaws service .. 432 excise tax on mechanical, and records, members may be drafted as National sold by producer, etc .. 1122 Guard 432 war excise tax on mechanical, md records, pay, etc., Igot to exceed allowances of sold by producer, etc .. 316 Phili mo Scouts when serving m Pianos, Pm m' hugs . 432 P excise tn: ou, Q01; by p?Td1;:er, etc .. 1122 i pine wuts, ioatinny rama , over, . ., spgropriation for pay of retired 0Eccrs-. . 48, 854 appropriation for water supply, magazine, for psy of officera; longevity ... 49, 855 etc ... 127 for pay of enlisted men; longevity .. 49, 855 for bridges, roads, etc .. 127 deficiency appropriation for pay of en- for plant for drying powder 127 Gmc listed men, 3,919.-.: ..., 1027 d gu- magazine, etp.£ib;.i ... 127 ersmnyaccep C0lII1II1.£0IlBiDlI\].l1D8,·-• e den a pro rm orwuexponses, etc., of the islands .. 500 adfjzipgndgmd ·-- · ·-·-·-··--·· 185 status continued and eligible for resp- for blllldlpgl .. _ . : .. 352 pqimmem .,,,,,,,,,,,__,_,,,,,,,,, 500 for enlnging gurvcnllancs, magumo 1026 servmo credit for time in etc. . . 501 for road reports 1028 Phixzipg, Arthur M. • {og hnupea or employees ... . 1026 ,s,;¤¤*°;*r;,·:¤,;·* ··-····--··--·-·-··-···· *5* ·"·¤“",,m.h;?***.,,.,,.e(.’·· 1406 1pI, · y ·••·•·••"•"’°•"""" usiou incretscti ... - 1373 Piéiw'6 FV¤'m¢¤, Plglelipr, Eva L. (daughur), pxcine tax on, bought for use . 1123 anion __________,________,____,__ , ,__,,_ 1390 Puce Work Employees, Government, p5%u;p,, Bmw M, (widow), ~ perceugige glcrease of pay for you 1918, 384 nsiou increased 1485 0W ··--·---~-··--··-···--··-··· Piglalipa, Iaanhh M., basis of computing; not allowed regular eusicm increased .. _ .. 1500 _ per; chem employew -·-----.·-·----- 384 Pgllips, Lasik G., alia: Gordon L. Phzllipe, 1477 Pwrce, _Day~ui F., 1416 eusion .. penmon mcreosed ... . .-·. Plgllips, William H., Purce, _Debora}n A. (widow), ensinn increased 1512 penmon .. T .··--··--··--··--···-·- 1495 Pgpps, Benjamin F., Purcc, Ellen (undow), nsiou increased 1470 pension .-.-·-----------···---·--- 1554 Pgmiz, Ariz., Purcc, _Isaqc C., appropriation for Indian school ... 568 pe¤m¤¤_u;cre¤¤¢<1 -···-···--··--·---·-·--· 1414 Phomia: Indian Sanatorium, Ariz., Purse, _Wz{lwm R., appropriation for maintenance, etc., of 564 peuswn increased ----..--·---------·----- 1406 P7•neni:m~i{le,_Pa., _ _ _ Pwrre, S- f I _ sch I 585 appropnglunu for public bmlding .. 110 Pggpropnatlcu OT ¤dm¤ 00 ~------··-· P ’ 1 · . , • • excise {sx ou, and records, sold by pw acquuqng, ctc., with plants for slnpbmldducer, em zi ..,.. . . id K . 1122 P_ can Bmgéftg ---··---·--~···-·--··---- 1022 exm-SQ 80 v -2 wu ducet::€cl{’? . . .i .. 316 zgppropgatiou for improvement of . 256