Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/758

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INDEX. 2077 Gas Masks, Army, _ _ Page- General Ceramics Company, N. J., Page deficiency appropriation for purchase, proclamation including stockholders of, in manufacture, etc ... 196, 364, 1031 restrictions on trading with the all expenses of |]],?.]\l]i;l(‘!_l]]'(*, gig, included gugmy __________________ _ ,_,______ 1903 in approprmtions for, until June 30, General Grant National Park, Calf, 1918 ·-···-—··- - --·--··--·---··-·.. 480 appropriation for protection, etc ... 152, 678 Gas, Natural, deficiency appropriation for . . ... 382 appropriation for investigations for eco· GMWGI 0.Uiw Building, D- C-, nomic production, em., of 146, 671 approprumon for repairs ...,... 141, 666 conservation ot, for national security and or employees, care, etc., of .. 793,1247 defense . . .,_,_,,. _ ,.,_____ 2 76 deficiency appropriation for reconstruction, Ga.: Oil, etc ... 18 proclamation requiring licenses for engaging General Land Ojlu, Interior Department, in business oi . 1743 appropriation for Commissioner, assistant, Gmmmze 12rm,f110., ‘ fm_i;1¢;ékg»¢;§>LB· LR ---------—-·-·- gg appropriation or improvement of . 259, 1282 V _ . . v . ········· ‘ ····· L v G~#~cRM=·»d L §3§ 1‘£§§·§;‘&‘r22*;°‘;e ············· &3i·l§fi§ I 7 """"*"" 1 penéwn mclreued ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 1464 deficiency appropriation for bringing up G““k'·l]· S}/l“$m' H-: arrears of work . 18 1>¢¤¤w¤ mcrwéd -·---------·------------ 1547 for ming cases . 372 Gaakill, Wibon, General Ojiurs, Army, pension increased ..,,.,,. 1440 emergency appointments of, authorized for Gaalcim, Andrew J., · staff and other duty m Signal 244 pension increased _______________,________ 1386 General Cvrp·v.)A¤·my (see ako Ghw of GGMHM (sec also Food Products, Fuel, etc.), · ·’ Army ’ · · - · ¤1>v¤>:¤i=¤¢i<>¤ f<>r i¤v¤¤¢iz¤¤¤z, ¤¢¤-» for °Pp"p£ra$1r§IiriZ§§S'$ir0¤g w' mhmno sw nmial iing ``````° `'`’ i ' 706 for pay of officers- longgivityo - l · O - - - · · 46, 853 f" fummbing Army m‘Y°'°*“° with ‘‘‘‘‘‘ .‘ 859 deficiency a propriiation for vru erpenses , for experiments, etc., in mskmg, substr- _ pay ofomcew longevity · 189 . mm {mm hgmm md put ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ HM composition of; Chief of Staff, rank and Ga“’h1wsclc·r pl·9c6d€uc°_______________ ____ _____ 46 proclamation requiring licenses for dealers ofhgg Omwm __________________________ 46 m ‘°'‘’*‘‘‘•‘·'··· · ·····-·--· · - · - 1649 0iHcers to be detailed for four years to ..,., 46 Gaston, Shepherd M., tour of detail; temporary assignments for penswn increased 137 6 duty ...-.-..-. 46 Gates, Jolm, redetails limited. . 47 pension increased ,,,,_,_,,,,_ _ ,,_,,,,,,,_ 1523 filling vacancies created by - ... 47 Gates, Mason, limitation on details in District of Columbia pension increased 1419 may be suspended during existing Gamm, Josephus, emergency _ 7 3 pension increased . . ., 1449 General Supp y Commune, Treasury Depart- Gatterdg2m,_Cm·l F., ment, _ _ pension increased ,._.,,,,,,,,,,,.,,.. 1570 appropriation for supenntendent, chief Gauon, Asa., clerk, clerks, etc ..,, . .. 771, 1226 pension increased ,._,_.,.,.,..,,. 1415 deficiency appropriation for expenses trans- Gaugers, Inzemal Re-venus, ferring war activities office supplies, appropriation for salaries and expenses. 7 78, 1233 etc,, no longer needed, to other de- Gauges, partments, etc . 1163 appropriation for standardizing, etc., by pay restriction ,,..,.,.,.. 1 ., 1163 Bureau of Standards, etc . . . 808, 1260 proceeds to be covered in as miscelladeticiency appropriation for standardizing, neous receipts ... . 1163 etc . 216,495 cooperation o departments, etc .. 1163 Gay, Eliza J. (mother), motor trucks to e fumished by War pension . . .. 1363 Department . . . 1163 Gay, Joseph W., Gmerala, Ar1ny(acc Officers, Army). pvnrdorx inc·r<·n.¤&><l 1485 Generals Cut, Ga., Gaé;lord, William R. , appropriation for improvement of 1278 efiviency approprizition for <·<mtoetc<l Generals 0{Lhc Line, Army, elovtiorr expenses .. . ... 27 Chief 0 Staff to be appointed from 46 Gaynor, Pam U., rank and precedence of, over all other pension increased 1461 officers .. . 46 Gu, John WY, rank of general and lieutenant generals repension im·rease<l . . .. 1406 vxved for present emergency ... 410 Geer, Om-ar L., (`hief of staif and commander of forces in pension . . , .,.. . ..,. 1537 France to be generals . . .., 410 Gehres, Mary (whlow), commanders of armies orarmy corpstobe pension .,... . ., . . . . 1382 _ lieutenant generals . 410 Geign, Sarah M. (widow), bngadier generals relatiwm with rear penéon 1550 admirals of the lower f .. 411 Gamer, Gmkln, chiefs of staff corps, departments, or bupension . . .. 1567 reaus, as major generals ... 411 Geiringer, Johnston B., Geneseo, Ill., pension increased ... . 1381 appropriation for public building . . . . 108