Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/652

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mnnx. 1971 Aulomobiles, etc., Pm- Aviatabn éfecgion, Signal Qorpa, Ay·my—Con. ?¤z¤- delivery by War Department of, for postal appropr1a.tion for erecuon of buildings, etc. 43 service, not suitable for Army pur- 753 purchase of eqgxxpxgxeiit supplréacs, etc, . 23 pggeg _____,,_,,,,,... . eases o groun s HJ dmgs, e .- 3 Autonwtwe Engineers, Sockty of, _ equipping experimental stations, etc.; two members of, to be chosen for Commm- mstructgon expenses ... 43 sion for Standardization of Screw funds available unul exgzgded ... 43 Threads . . . . 913, 1291 limit of amount for purc of lands. . 43 Auxilahries, Naixzl, _ no piurchaee of-lands if leases obtainable 43 deficiency appropriation for battenes fcréw 370 exc ge of old fl<;51%v§%!1:pnIf;t-.. 43 war ex uses details or Detsc c anfor ammumptigon, etc. . . .. 207; 870 thorized ... : ... 43 Aven·uss,DDb (see Streets, Avenues, etc., oiotlilofrs wage pmd fromfunds . . . or wor crm 43 Aviation (see also Aircr¤.ft)_, _ for additionnrierological stations under appropriation for scxenuiic expenmenfs of Weather Bureau . _ .. 43 requirements of . . 808, 1260 for rent in District of Columbm 59

purchfzsgs, etc., subject fo action of 297 for aviation stations for soacoast defemes. 816

ucm ···· :· ‘. ‘‘‘‘‘‘ '‘'‘’ .' ‘ 8 prop ° fi f allotments of all appmpmuona for, at dm- dcamegucircggse orgluoéloumgtzf eg? ¤re¤<>¤ ¤f we Pr¤¤id¤¤*--~ 4 ··-····· 849 machines ... Z I ... 187 356 1><>¤¤·>¤¤i<>¤ of Nmh 1¤¤=¤1d» Sm D¤•>z·> Her- {OI motor venue, 884 .. ’ 187 lg? authenzed for A-HUY md 247 §or in active ggrvice_ , ,_ ________ 187 “’P°°°s ······ 1 ·*‘‘‘••••* . • ‘ f urposes . A4»¤··¢¢·»·, my we dw S·8¤¤¤ S¤¤¤¤¤· 43 8?n$“$q{§'$8'3884, 84&$°°84 884. 187 Array), _ 818488, 8818881. ts, ew 187 appmpmuon for purchase of sutcraft ctc. 42, 848 amount for bmi _____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 188 or aviation stations, balloon schools. . . . 848 nb of wu maxim for airplanes dudngum fm! ¤l°*hi¤88 ¤¢¢ -·----·----- - --···-· = · · 848 wu- to f governments assisting for travel, em? aviation duty . . 848 the United gum etc _________ _ _ g for edumduum schools, 812.. 848 mundmccipu ____ __’ ___________ __:_:_ 356

  • °' d°"°‘°Pi“g °"g““"· °PP“’°°“"“°°°· 849 may 8: quam mum. as svktmn ma

etc ... . ... umm :4 ‘ , w.,1 aircraft 849 .•°¤°'“““’ -~-··· z ···· 8 ·······-- 244 Ri °44u8;;44§§°“4?8.f4844 °§4 4888..88.4 849 ¢<¤¤@¤*¤g“¤fmq¤¤¤¤¤¤¤s ·¤···¤¤·· L, h , te, ..,... . .· ·········· . ·: ······ :· ·-· c°{l°eg:°9:I‘fm&0n mt escmjal for udp sern;;1roqr1!cm£e;1ta for military svmum tim omcm _________,,,,,..,_,_,,__ 849 g°*’°*!°·“ -·f ··---·-··—·--·-·- 244 M<·¤*»· -¥··¢··¤ . 448,48.8°‘°°"88‘i“8'£..}.’l4 445 ‘‘‘‘‘ E3 A;;;g;;g¤;g;; M dmloving we ¤*·-- 42·8*9 .8884488888p4yg8888g88484y .. 1..;. 245 appropriation for acquiring, etc., air sta- -¢¤11¤¢€d ¤1¤¤$ i'¤·¢11{g§ of 3V1¤¤¤¤ and baltigm site, Cape May, N . J.; restric- g~}0§a1!?:§;1$m¤&M; ·_ ----···-... . tions ,,,,,,.. . . 344 P9·Y m€€‘ CNDB ---·-- . ..·.· for procuring, etc., aircraft . 706 PSY, €§¢·» to ¢‘0¤'°¤P0!1d with . ._ . 245 for establishing stations, procuring land 9·\1th01‘1Z6d ¤¢·\’%¥£%th of Arm; an}? ammgl 245 for, etc . .. 706 Y ¤ Be 9N Y- -·-.·.· for experiments in developing, for naval 06 emergency egcpenses authorized; purchase purposes .. 7 etc., 0 aerial hin , , I'- amount for technical, etc., services. . . 706 anew, etc 245 deficiency appropriation for war expenses. 203 buildings, motor vehicles, etc ,__________ 245 use for amestmm Exposition site for- aviation sites, etc., forstations, buildings, bidden . .. 204 ew .,.,,,,_,__ _ _______________ _ _ _ _ 245 clerical,_ etc., services . 204 'use of public lands for _________ __ _____ 245 for procuring, etc., aircraft . 369 improvements, etc , . 245 for smtivps; acquiring lands 369 construction of buildings, etc . 245 for experiments; in development of ,_,,.. 369 water, li h$, sewerage, em __,_,_ _ _ _ _ , 245 auéount for technical, etc., services, at 369 rozdxé wgarves, etc .. 245 3t10IlS ..,,,_. he ts .. 45 balances of appropriations for, covered in. . 1173 Bfgel suplpclifef g ... g45 claims for progeny damages by naval air- construction machinerv, tools, etc 246 craft to e adjusted, etc .,,..,. , ,,,. 706 special clothing, etc _,,,, ,,,_,,, ; ,____,. 246 iw incrieased allowances to officers, etc., for 718 travel egcapeuses at home and abroad ..,.. 246 uty .. ocatio tm1mng` 246 station site at Cape May, N. J ., to be taken gay of additional officers and enlisted over .. 720 men ..,.,,.,__ _ _________ _ _________ 246 Aviation .Sje»gz'0n,fS’~`gnaZ Corps, Arm?} development of engines, aircraft, etc 246 appropriation or rchase man acture mam` t f mnnufacmuing 1

 848448F,; .. ’ . ,42, 848 84i'T"fT‘??.f . *3 Ti 246

paying for reserve officers and enlisted 42 aviatiog teahnical instruction in schools 7 ¤1€¤- -_ -·... Z . ._ an co eges ,,__,__,____,_, , __,,.,. 24 developing aymtion motor _ 42 exchanges of old, for new equipment 247 ior acquiring sites for schools, stations, travel of foreign instructors in United pmvnng grounds. etc_. ._ . 42 { States ... - 247 ·:se of tormer appropnauon; limit 42 appropriation for hl] expenses 247