Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/538

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1860 rnoommrrous, isis. °°‘°"°*"·"“” Br um Pnnsmmrr or um Um·rm> Srnns or Anmares A PROCLAMATION R°¤"?“*°° “Y “‘ WHEREAS Congress has enacted and the President has on the drtrtfxmulbuw thirty-first day of August, one thousand nine hundred and dighteen, 1_;"°mb`°' a roved an Act amending the Act approved May eighteen, one """"7°‘ ul)? a ‘ 11 dred d te P ousan mne un an seven en. ¤£'¤¢¤¢¤ry¤¤¢¤¤¤¤· Alfll) WHEREAS said Act, as amended, contains the following 4.;,, P, ess, provisions: _ t'1i¤1¤ {wm dba- Sec. 5. That all male persons between the ages of eighteen and °°"g ° lg"` Q forty-five, both inclusive, shall be sub'ect to reglsgation in accordance with regulations to be prescribed by the ident, and upldpl proclamation by the President or other public notice given by ` °' by bl? ‘“‘°°éZ£’3 **‘§2i‘§itIif%6“i£'t° 3'$§“Z?’”d *’E`°° ‘?’tK1“‘é°S·°f an suc regis on, e u ers ns 0 e esig- E’°°°°°°°‘ nated ages except officers and enlisted men ofpthe Regular Army; officers enlisted men of the National Guard while in the service of the United States;_0Hicers of the Officers _Reserve Corps and en-

mgrtiags  vgfhxlalmltxhe serviézelgf the

m ;ocersa11e men e avyan arme Corps; officers and enlisted and enrolled men of the Naval Reserve gorce ansi; Marine Corps_Re&arve wlhile in the {df thpl Iénited tates· 0 cers commission m the 0 United States under ’the provisions of this Act; plrsons who prior to any day set for registration by the President rounder, have registered under

    • "“#P· ‘”· the terms of @118 Act or under the terms of the reso ution entitled

"Jomt resolution providing for the registration for military service of male persons citizens of the United States and all male persons residing m the United States who have, since the fifth day of June, nineteenhunldred anii seventedn, aid on orgaefore the diy islet for the registration y proc amation y the ent, attain f twenty-one years, in accordance with such rules and gegulaltidgg age the President may prescribe under the terms of the Act agoved May eighteenth, nineteen hundred and seventeen, entitled _ _ Act to aut onze the President to increase temporarily the Military Establishment of the United States,"’ applroved May twentieth, nineteen hundred and eighteen, whether ca ed for service or not; and_d1plomatic representatives, techmcal attachés of forelgi embassies and legations, c0nsuls general, consuls, vice cons , and consular agents of foreign countries, residing in the United States, who are not citizens of the United States, to present themselves for

idr;ub1r;igt ptéo regisltpgficgn Ender (ph;) plillovisionis of Act; and

e s rson s e eeme ve no ice 0 - ments of this Act upon the publication _0f any such p1r0clai’ndt’§>‘iir<£ir any such_ other pub 1c notice as aforesaid giveuby the President or by his direction; and a11y_person who shall _ ully fail or refuse

,)d_Op1r§Ze1nghl;i]ilni)e;Hgf1ci§ym(§m;'rauo1(d or to subdlntfihlpreto as herein

_ _ __ misemeanorans ,u0 tion in a district court of the United States having liuliiislifibldincri thereof, be pumshed by 1mpr1sonment for not more t an one year and shall thereupon be duly registered: Provided, That in the call of the docket precedence shall be given, m_c0urts trying the same, mamma subject to the trial of crimmal proceedmgs IlJ1d91'·this Act: Prov: ed further, wd,.,,,,_ That persons shall be subject to registration as herein dfovided who shall ave attained theineighteenth birthday and W o shall not have attained their forty-sixt birthday on or before the day set for the registration in any such proclamation by the President or an such other public notice;]-given bg him or by his direction, and all persons so registered sh be an remam subject to draft into the