Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/489

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1814 1>Ro0LAMA’r10Ns, 1918. regulation, by the means and in the numbers permitted by Regulations 3 and 5 hereof, respectively, and when so taken, each species may be possessed any da during the respective open seasons erein prescribed therefor and for an additional period of ten days next succeeding said open season. _ `”°*°"°"‘·°‘°· Waleimvl (exceptwood duck, cider ducks, and moans), coot, gallmules, and W rm mi or jack.m·ipe.——The open seasons for waterfowls (except wood dliiazk, erder ducks, and swans), coot, gallinules, and _ Wilson snipe or jacksnipe shall be as follows: ¤£.¤°?g”°h`°“l "‘““"` In Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, New York (except Long Island), Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia, Kentucky, Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois, Minnesota., Iowa, Missouri, North Dakota, outh Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado, Vggoming, Montana, Idaho, Nevada, and that portion of Oregon and ashington lying east of the summit of the Cascade Mormtains the open season shall be from September 16 to December 31; In Rhode Island, Connecticut, Utah, and that (portion of Oregon and Washington west of the summit of the ascade Mountains the open season s a be from October 1 to January 15; In that plortion of New York known as Long Island, and in New Jersey, De ware, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California the open season shall be from October 16 to January 31; In Maryland, the District of Columbia, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, Arkansas, and Louisiana the open season shall be from November 1 to Janua 31; and In Alas?a the open season shall be from September 1 to December 15. BW- Rails (except coot and gaZli·n,uZes).—Tl1e o en season for sora and other rails (except coot and lgallinules) shall] be from September 1 to November 30, except as fo ows: In Louisiana the open season shall be from November 1 to January 31. £l$'°'{*f§§;_ Blaclc—belZ1Zed and golden lovers and greater and lesser yello·wlegs.— .r> { . The open seasons for black- ellied and golden plovers and greater and _ _ lesser yellowlegs shall be as follows: ¤,§g‘j¤'*P"*‘“'_"¤‘*‘°‘ In Maine New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New ersey, Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia the open season shall be from August 16 to November 30; In the District of Columbia North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Arkansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arizona, California, and Alaska the open season shall be from September 1 to December 15; In Vermont, Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia, Kentucky, Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois, Missouri Iowa, Minnesota. North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado, W omin , Montana, Idaho, Nevada, and that ortion of Oregon amlr Wasgington liiiplg east of the summit of the Cascade Mountains the open season s be from September 16 to December 31; In Utah and in that gortion of Oregon and Washington lying west of the summit of the ascade Mountains the open season shall be from October 1 to January 15; and In Georgia, Florida, Ala ama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas the open season shall be from November 1 to Janua 31. W°°d°°°$· _ _ W0odcoek.—The open seasons for woodcock shsli be as follows; ti§;<j8*¤Ph**¤* l¤=¤*°¤· In Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia, _Kentucky, Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois, Missouri. Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, and Kansas the open season shall be from October 1 to November 30 ; and