Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/467

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PROCLAMATIONS, 1918. 1793 land is shown on a certain blue- rint on Ele in the Navy Department bearing the legend U. S. l*l)aval Auxiliary Proving Ground, Mathias Point, Va. Property Map comlpiled under the direction of Lieut. Com’d’r S. Clement, J. W. ussell, Surveyor, C. E. Isb<éll,NDel. Egisbmitted A. Clemcnipts, Lxut. Comgiander, { . avy, istant ctor in e, roving Ground, apgrovcd H. E. Llfckcy, Comiiilgider U. S. avy, Insipector of rdnance in charge. All bearings in the foregoing escrilption are true._ um tml The said _ above described parcels of land together with all the or smawyxgimma aforesaid rights and privileges a purtenant or appertainin thereto N"’· are hereby eclared to be and tliie same are set aside for the Naval geurposes aforesaid and are placed under the exclusive control of the cretary of the Navy who IS authorized and directed to take immediate possession thereof in accordance with the terms.of the act aforesaid, on behalf of the United States of America. M mm t M The Secretary of the Navy is further authorized and directed to p¤¤sgu¤¤.°° °°°°' take such steps as may in his judgment be necessary for the purpose of conducting negotiations with the owners of property or rights whatsoever therein within the said tracts of land, for the purpose of ascertaining the just compensation to which said owners are entitled in order that the compensation therefor may be made in accordance with the provisions of the Act aforesaid. All owners of land and improvements title and possession of which are hereby taken in accordance with the terms of the Act aforesaid and all persons having claims or liens in respect thereto are hereby notified to appear before the Board to be appointed by the‘Secretary of the Navy and present their claims for compensation for consideration by the said Board in accordance with the provisions of the Act aforesaid. mamma In I M All persons residing withm said above described parcels of land mae. or owning movable property situate thereon are hereby notified to vacate the said tragtsggs laind ltlo remove therefrom all movable ro ert rior to the t a 0 1918. P Ig} TJESTIMONY WHEyREOF,yI have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done in the District of Columbia this 10th day of June in the year of our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and eighteen and [s1=:A1..] of the Indeipendence of the United States of America the one hundre and forty-second. Woonaow Winsor: By the President: Ronmrr Lansmc Secretary of Stale. Br rms Pnnsmmrr or rim UNrrm> Srrxrms or Anmarca A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS, Congress enacted and the President, on the twentieth D"' da · of Ma , one thousand nine hundred and eighteen, approved the P'°‘““"‘°· followingEgublic Resolution: stm mmm R %LVED BY THE SENATE AND HOUSE OF REP- .4»»a,u;§ysi1i° RESENTATIVES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMER- ,1§,Qf,i§;F£f’§;§$g ICA IN CONGRESS ASSEMBLED, That during the present wwsiswremergency all male gersons, citizens of the United States, and all male persons resi in the United States, who have, since the fifth day of June, mneteen hundred and seventeen, and on or before the day set for the registration by proclamation by the