Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/463

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1790 PROCLAMATIONS, 1918. '¤¤· 3-***** Br rim Pansmmur or rim Umran S·ra·rms or Amsmca A PROCLAMATION B"°"'°°* N°“°“’ Whereas it a that the public ood will be promoted by F°iP:$l>l:f transferring to Pthe Blackfeet NlitionalgForest, Montana, certain lands now embraced within the Flathead National Forest, in the same State, and by transferring to the Cabinet National Forest, gIIontana,Fcertain other lands now embraced within the Blackfeet . ational orest; %i?ali°gi§•?' Now, therefore, I, WOODROW `WILSON, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the power in me vested by the Act of Congress approved June fourth, eighteen hundred and ninety- seven (30 Stat., 11 at 34 and 36), entiged "An Act makingh appropriations for expenses of the Government for the scal ear ending June ieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, and for other purposes", do tpgoclaim that the Blackfeet National Forest is hereby changed and at its boundaries are now as shown union the diagram hereto annexed and forming·a part hereof · and t at ""*‘**"’·"““·""°· this proclamation and those changing the boundaries of the Flathead and Cabinet National Forests, which I have also signed this same day, are made and are intended to be, and shall be considered as, one act to become effective simultaneously.

  • '°°m°°m‘ It is not intended by this proclamation to release any land from

pqeservatiog nor to reserve any land not heretofore em raced in a ationa orest. IN WITNESS WYHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be aiiixed. Done in the District of Columbia this 3rd day of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and eighteen [emu.,] and of the Independence of the United States tlge one hundred and forty-second. i Woomzow WILSON By the President: Ronnnr Lavsme s Secretary of State.

 Br rim Pnmsmaivr or rm: Umrnn Srrarns or Ammuca,

A PROCLAMATION. ,,,l,‘$`L’?,°%'f’,,§iud']§‘Z`,}' WHEREAS, the Act of Congress approved April 26, 1918 (Public gz? ***-1885 ms No. 140-65th Congress) to authorize the Secretary of the Navy to ' pp' ’ increase the facilities for the proof and test of ordnance material and for other1_p1urposes,Sprovides as follows: ,,é‘;gQ,‘}{l:,’£,f;,"g‘}.f,“,,‘;l_§j H at the 90I`€t8·l'§' of the N&V_Y is hereby authorized to am, mr. expend the sum of $1,000,000, or any art thereof, in his discretion, for the purpose of increasing the lhcilities for the proof and test of ordnance material, including necessary buildings, construction, eguipment, railroad, and water facilities, land, and damages an losses to persons, firms, and corporations resultinv from the prociuement of the land for this purpose, and also all necessaxg expenses incident to the procurement of said land: Provide , That if such lands and appurtenances and improvements attached thereto, can not be procured by purchase within one month after the passage of this Act the President is hereby author1zed_and empowered to take over for the United States the immediate possession and title of such lands and improve-