Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/444

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1776 PROCLAMATIONS, 1918. such supply, distribution, and movement; and_ to establish and maintain governmental control of such necessaries during the war. For such purposes the mstrumentalitresnmeans, methods, powers, authorities, duties, obggations, and prohibitions heremafter set forth are created, establish , conferred and prescribed. The President is authorized to make such regulations and to_1ssue such orders as are essential effectively to carry out the provisions of this Act." Am P m AND, WHEREAS, It is further provided in said Act as follows: ' ` "That, from time to time, whenever the President shall It essential to license the importation, manufacture, storage, mimng or distribution of any necessaries, in order to carry mto effect any pliguhe ·pfurpose§. of got, xd shall publicly io announce, no person , ter a ate e m e announcemen , engage in or carry on any such business specified in the_announcement of importation, manufacture, storage, mining, or distribution of any necessarres as set forth in such announcement,_ unless he secure and hold a license issued plursuant to thm section. The Presrdent IS authorized toiwue such `censes and to prescribe regulations for the issuance of licenses and requirements for systemso accounts and audrting of accounts to be kept b licensees, submission of reports by them, with or without oath or a&rmation, and the entry and inspection by the 1]§’resident’s duly authorized agents of the places of business of censees." AND, WHEREAS, It is essential, in order to carry into eEect the revisions of the said Act, that the powers conferred upon the Presigen? byil said Act be at this time exercised, to the extent hereinafter set ort . ,,,, ,,,'§ NOW, THEREFORE, I, WOODROW WILSON, President of {E  ;‘=°¤¤¤- the United States of America, by virtue of the powers conferred upon um. me by said Act of Congress, hereby find and etermine and by this P°·"· P· lm- proclamation do announce that it is essential, in order to carry into effect the purposes of said Act, to license the importation, manufacture, storage and distribution of necessaries, to gw extent fl.8?‘8't’I’tGft8’I‘ speci . B'“*"°“°“°°°°°‘* Allieplarsons, Hrms, corporations and associations engaged in business as: · T"°“*’°°””‘ (1) Packers of canned tuna. S"‘”°" "°°'“’”‘ (2) Packers of mild cured, hard cured, salted, dried, smoked, Poultry md egg pidlged) or otherwisp presfzrved sallmon. 1 ud ,,,,,,8,,, perators o pou try an e ac ants not alre C0 d licensed_by the United States Fo0(lg§dI1;1lI1 &l»£)D. y ,,c_ “°“"’°" ““°"‘· (4) Ginners, buyers, agents, dealers or other handlers of cotton seed not already licensed by the United States Food Administration who handle yearly between September 1 and August 31 more than Commndhuus twenty (20) tons of cotton seed. ` (5) Importers, manufacturers or distributors of cottonseed hulls, spd <zwners£%(;>§1;e1lizsvators, warehouses or other places for the storage 0 co tonse . ,,,}§§_d"“”“’ “‘““"‘“°‘ (6) Manufacturers of fermented beverages containing less than gzpésgiu. pane-halfmgf ine per cent of alcohol. P xcep , owever, R“°“”$· (1) Retailers whose gross sales of food commodities do not exceed _ One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000) per annum; °°¤¤*°¤°°m°¤ f(2) Common carriers as to operations necessary to the business o common carriage; F¤¤’¤¤¢¤»*>*¢~ ***1***- (3) Farmers, ardeners, co-o rative associations of farmers or s°°°1p°°d°°tS` gardeners, including live stock fa1P·1i-Biers, and other persons with res ect to the products of any farm, garden or other land owned, leased or cultivated by them;