Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/199

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1544 SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 126. 1919. Columbia Cormty, Wisconsin, to H. B. Rogers, upon the payment by him to the United States of the sum of $l.25_ per acre. _ mg'§,?§Q§§§d;“0g Ed' Sec. 15. That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized L¤¤d D¤¢¤¤¤¢¤-- to issue and patent to Ella Ohver Richardson and Edmund Richardson the west fractional half of southwest fractional quarter of section two, twenty-seven and twenty-four one·hundredths acres; all fractional section eleven, three hundred and twenty acres; all that part of northeast quarter of northwest quarter section thirteen lying west of the eastern bormdary of what was formerly section forty, approxi- _ mately twenty-four and eighty-four one—hundredths acres; northwest quarter of northwest quarter section twenty-seven, thirty-nme and ninety-five one—hundredths acres; south half of northeast q_narter and northwest quarter of northeast quarter section twenty- e ht, one hundred and six and ninety-one one-hundredths acres; ali situated in township eighteen nort , range ten east, Louisiana meridian, be` ap roximately five hrmdred eighteen and ninety- three one—hun%edtli)s acres in East Carroll an Madison Parishes, Louisiana upon ayment to the Government the sum of $1.25 per acre, lands which they and their grantors have occupied under P . claim and color of title and open and notorious possession for upward riliiémior m1¤g,a¤. of fifty ears: Provided, That proper a plication for the purchase of these lands be filed hereunder in' the cEstrict land office within six months from the passage of this Act and that no adverse claim thereto be officiallly on record as pending when the application is _ _ allowed and the sa e is made. ' ivoiiahg-$§We$iQa°°fih,d, Sec. 16. That the location numbered thirty-three in township ¤*¤· six north, range nine west, second principal meridian, Indiana, which has been surveyed in the name 0 William Watson, as appears from the field notes of surve on file in the General Land Office, be, and the same is hereby, confirmed to the said William Watson, and the Commissioner of the General Land Ofhce shall issue his certificate as register ex officio and cause a patent to be issued for said claim to {’{g'{Q’Ij}l¤,shmBut Wi1lia.m Watson, his heirs, assigns, and legal re resentatives: Procmy or neun or Gov- vided, That this Act and the patent which may be granted in pur- °"“”°‘“‘ suance of the same shall only operate as a relin uishment on the part of the United States, and shall in no way prejudice any valid adverse right, if such exists, to the said land; the intent being that title shall inure to the true owners of the land under the laws of Indiana including laws of limitation and %r`_}escription, as though patent had I P t issued durmqg the lifetime of said illiam Watson. H“§,§$§,,g,,"§"° °‘§;,m, Sec. 17. hat the homestead entry numbered naught six thousand "¤“d¤°°d· three hundred and seventy-six made by James Parmeter on February tenth, nineteen hundred and fourteen, for the west half of the southeast quarter and the east half of the southwest quarter, section fifteen, township five south, range thirty west, fifth rincipal meridian, on which proof of compliance of law has been made. be, and the same is hereby, validated, and the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized to issue patent thereon.

§§§§{;?{eQ,}3’§;§,‘§$;§; Sec. 18. That the additional homestead application numbered

¤¤¤ ¤¤·>-’¤d,¤¤¤- naught twenty-seven thousand four hundred and ninety-e` ht, filed by Andrew J. Brasswell on July sixteenth, nineteen hunldred and thirteen, be, and the same is hereby, validated and allowed as to the west half of the southeast quarter, section thirty-two, township fourteen south, range thu·ty-six east, New Mexico prmci al meridian, effect1ve_as of the date Eled, and that the State of Rew Mexico, through its proiper officers, be, and it is hereby, authorized to select eighty acres o surveyed, nonnnneral, unappropriated, and unrevm vm: served public land in lieu of the above described tract. um pmm ta _ SEC- }9· That lQ}POI1 the tender of a valid and sufficient soldiers? additional right, within a period to be fixed by the Secretary of the Inte-