Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/165

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1510 SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. sms. II. Ch. 182. 1918. W“““” H· N°“· The name of William H. Nott, late of Company K, Sixteenth Re i- ment Connecticut Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at the S bm I Cm rate of $40 per month m lieu of that he is now receiving. belf °° lr The name of Solomon J. CampbeH, late of Compan G, Thirtieth Regiment Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, and payliim a pension Chdmplmc cheap at 'gnle rate of $E1(élppr mopth gi of lthat li; is npvégeceivingf On nar . e name 0 istop er . ear art, te 0 m any e t hundred and forty-eighth Regiment, and Compan B, 'lewo huiidred and eleventh Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, and pay him_a_pension at the rate of $40 per month in lieu of that he is now receivmg. . J°h° w` Mmm` R The nanif of .¥[>lm W. l\{orrill, late of Company F, Fourteenth egiment ame 0 unteer nfantry, an ay him a ensi at th Wuhm D mm ratrleh of $30 pep Vnaointh inDli¢§1 og that he iiow receiviiig. on 6 ` e name 0 i iam . as late of ompanyB Tenth Re iment West Virginia Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at the rate me h S LG mw of $50 per month in lieu of that he is now receivin . . P ` The namepf Joseph S. Le Hew, late of CompanygH, Fifteenth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at the rate of He Cm mm $50 {per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. my P T e name of Hemiy Chapman, late of Company C, One hundred and fifty-first Regiment llinois Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a pension Thomas}! at Ifvlée rate 0 ¥33I)_Iper mopfzhdlin lien; of thplé he is now Eeceiving. ' e name o omas a gan, ate 0 om any On hundred and forty-first Regiment Illinois Volunteer Inlpantry, and gay him a mmm H com pension at the rate of $25 per month in lieu of the at he is now receiving. mer. _ The name of William H. Comstock, late of United States ship g`2ai1)ry, Un1teg1Sts3tes l\}a§1y,te;1;nd pay him a pension at the rate of pension. , er mon in ieu 0 - a e IS now receivm . G'“°°E· w”°""“’Y· Tliie name of Graee E. Waterbury, helpless angdependent daughter of George H. Waterbury, late of Company K, Thirty-ninth Regiment

V1sconsm Vollunteer Infantry, and pay er a pension at the rate of

2 .0 ,,,,,,1 12 er mont . miligilanilns fi. McG¤v- Tliie name of William H. McG0vem, late of Company G, One hun- ‘ dred and iiftieth Regiment Illinois Vohmteer Infantry, and pay him pnpension at the rate of $30 per month in lieu of that he is now receivm,§*;’f’“°' H· “°°°" Sim, name of Samuel H. McCormick, late of Company G Thi1‘tY- exghth Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and pay him ei pension ,,,,,,,,,,,, McB,,,,_ atégg glut; of ?§0 per_?xop;hBinl§e1; of ftléat he is now receiving. a eo eremi c ee, aeo m FFift thR ‘- (I;}€§;0K8HS8S Vtciluntper Cx;val1y,hand payohhlirialsiyfpensionesibfsl the rig]/e H2, n _ per mon in xeu 0 t at ° _ O l" Joh Sm Rélhlgeplzgrriei of Ogd%ylJ0l;nsori, Et? §i“Ccl(xE§i:;$iair1l;r1gD, ’1Wventy-third 4 ssouri 0 un eer n t , h' ' George M_ Sawyer. the rate of $30 ger month in lieu gl] tllivatlhle ispghw igizeiivilizgllsion at mélgéevname cifv ciorge Stawyer, lats of Company C, Second Regiermon ‘o un eer n ant , h' ' George Q_ Mmm of $30 per month in lieu of thatiilieailsl niigvyregdigiiigmlon at the mtg The name_of George O. Miller, late of the Second Battery Maine V°l¤¤t€€f Light Aftl lcry. and pav him a pension at the rate of $36 §g¤s;q?_ Simp Pégvllgogthngn l;epI of tligt gg is ncpv receiving. H . Sl'; zx . , a 0 L arv O. at ’ td f G _ late of C0m(pany G, S1xty-sl<i)ve1i)ti•limIll<gm(iaviit0Indi(zi.If1¥ Viiliiiilggii . . 1 1.. fifting nanée 0 Edward llillsg late of Company G, One hundred and _ _, rst egiment Illinois I olunteer Infantry and pay him a en-

Sa,._,,¤,·,,,,,,,,,,_ $1011 at the Fate of $36 per month in lieu of thialz he is new receiviinv.

R The name of Isaac I ilhams, late of Company H, Twentyéirgt egunent Iowa Iolunteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at the rate of $oO per month in hen of that he is now receiving.