Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/123

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1468 SIXTY-FIFTH oonennss. sm. II. Ch. 132. 1918. L°¤’ H·P°w°“- The name of Lory H. Powell, late of Troop H, First Re§?Ient United States Volunteer Cavalry, War with Spain, and pay a _ pension at the rate of $12 per month. _ J"m°’ 0* S“‘g1°t°°‘ The name of James O. Singleton, late of _Company B, Second Regiment Oregon Volunteer Infantry, War with Spain, and pay him a pension at the rate of $17 per month. _ _ Chmes F-R¤$S<=“- The name of Charles F. Russell, late of Company E, Third Regiment Georgia Volunteer Infantry, War with Spam, and pay him a · pension at the rate of $17 per month. _ _ Gilbert R- G¤¤*¤°f· The name of Gilbert R. Gardner, late of Company E, ·S1Xlil1 Regirégiiit United Stattgls Volu.ngeer2Infantry,t1War with Spam, and pay ` ns` n t rate 0 $1 per mon . , W**“°' R T“’"l°" Th8ei);mi=i)0faWa.l1?er R. Taylor, late of Company G, First Regiment Missouri Volunteer Infantry, War with Spain, and pay him a pension M D S¤··¤·— “<rti§° rm °f?ti1"‘i’ m1§’“§h1¤‘.d.¤ 1 my 1 11 th R t "S· enameo ares . ",ateo oop,0ur e'en, and Troop I, Second Regiment, United States Cavalry, Rligular _ Establishment, and pay him a pension at the rate of $12 per month. L°‘“"·P'“”°· The name of Lewis J. Prime, late of the band, Nineteenth Regiment United States Infantry, Regular Establishment, and pay him Ed ML E t a plehnsion at tgigkxiate piflfllg per nionth} K F R we · ° °“· e name o war . aton, ate 0 mpan irst egiment Maipe Volungaeer Infantry, 1War with Spain, andypay him a pension at the rate o $12 er mont . Mmm E·R°°g°”‘ The name of Malirern E. Rodgers, late of Battery C, First Regiment United States Field Artille , Re lar Establishment, and a him a ` t th t f $12 ry guth P y _ pension a e ra e o per mon . Wh°°'°' smh The name of Wheeler Smith, late of Company B, Second Regiment glnited Stptes Infantry, §Var with Spain, and pay him a pension at e rate o $12 er mont . ’°h“ H- D°”°Y· The name of 521111 H. Dorsey, late lieutenant and assistant surgeon, Fourteenth t Minnesota Volunteer Infantry, also major, Second Regiment esota Volunteer Infantry, War with Spain, and _ _ pacyéhhim a pension at the rate of $17 per month. C“‘“ I- ’“°‘”"°’“’· e Vigame of CalvinVJ Newmaingflate of gpmpanty A, Second Regiment est irginia 0 unteer an , ar wi S d _ him a pension at the rate of $17 per niloyiith. Pam, im pay G°°'¥° Rm St'.El1G of Gggrge Riggéate of Baittery L, Sixth Regiment United (Kass; per Hirlyih ar wi pam, an pay him a pension at the rate md °· H**m“°°¤· The name of Fred O. Hamilton, late of Com any M, Fourth Regiment Missoiiri Volunftger Infantry, JVM with Spam, and pay him a

 "“i~“E§‘§13§.2§i’§—£2.§’S11?r“2p°fE°(Z}‘¤;.m ·

, C, F t -firstR 1; United States Volunteer iixfalntry, Warpwlgh Spa‘iii,yand payeighxgfina Pwkmmmmd pension at the rate of $12 er month. wu1§amH,w11m·;}111. The name of William H.§Vharton, late of Troo M, First Regiment Illinois Volunteer Cavalry, War with S ain andp pay him a pension Pensions at the rate of $17 pir month in lieu of that he is now receiving. Mm New- The “&m° Of JO D€m°Y» lam of C0¤1P8~¤Y E, Seventeenth Regiment United States Infantrlyi, War with Spain, and pay him a pension B Bam at rfvlge rate of pelxériontl . f C °" · enameo ev aer,ateo ompanyA,Se dU'tdStt ggfgpgiiylgigegglzir Estabhshment, and pay him a pteiisionnhs the gag;

  • ““h““E·°’D°““°“· The name of Michael E. O’Donnell, late of Company E, Sixth Regigggit lgassaclhusiegls V11lun§e§;·2I11fant1y,t11War with Spain, and pay

_ _ a ensio a eraeo permon . §g{‘_§,*;§,&§}§’f°d· The name of Lewis Mulkey, late of Captain William 'l`om’s company, Texas Rangers, Indian wars, and pay a pension at the rate of $30 per month m heu of that he is now receiving.