Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 4.djvu/523

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and Ohio Railroad Company are hereby authorized to exercise the same powers, rights, and privileges, and shall be subject to the same restrictions, in the extension and construction of the said lateral railroad into and within the said district, as they may exercise, or are subject to, under and by virtue of their said charter or act of incorporation, in the extension and construction of any railroad within the state of Maryland, and shall be entitled to the same rights, compensation, benefits, and immunities in the use of the said road, and in regard thereto, as are provided in their said charter, except the right to construct any lateral roadRestriction. or roads within the said district from the said lateral branch or road hereby authorized, it being expressly understood that the said Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company shall have power only to construct from the said Baltimore and Ohio railroad one lateral road within the said district, to some point or terminus within the city and county of Washington, to be determined in the manner hereinafter mentioned:Proviso: proceedings for appropriation of lands, &c. Provided, always, and be it enacted, That before the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company aforesaid shall proceed to construct any railroad which they may lay out or locate, on, through, or over any land or improvements, or to use, take for any earth, stone, or other materials, on any land within the said district, they shall first obtain the assent of the owner of such land, improvements or materials, or, if such owner shall be absent from said district, or shall refuse to give such assent on such terms as the said company shall approve, or, because of infancy, coverture, insanity, or any other cause, shall be legally incapable of giving such assent, then it shall be lawful for the said company to apply to a justice of the peace of the county of Washington, who shall thereupon issue his warrant, under his hand and seal, directed to the marshal of the said district, requiring him to summon a jury of twenty inhabitants of the said district, none of whom shall be interested, or related to any person interested in the land or materials required for the construction of the said railroad, or a stockholder, or related to any stockholder, in the said company, to meet on the land, or near to the other property or materials so required, on a day named in such warrant, not less than three nor more than fifteen days after issuing the same, to proceed to value the damages which the owner or owners of any such land or other property will sustain by the use or occupation of the same, required by the said company; and the proceedings, duty, and authority of the said marshal, in regard to such warrant and jury, and the oath or affirmation to be administered, and inquisition to be made and returned, shall be the same as are directed and authorized in regard to the sheriff, by the fifteenth section of the said act of the General Assembly of the state of Maryland, incorporating the said Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company; and all the other proceedings in regard to such jury, and the estimating and valuation of damages, and the payment or tender of payment of any damages ascertained by such valuation and effect thereof, and of the view of any lands, or other property, or materials, as to giving the said company a right to use the same for the use or construction of any railroad within the said district, as hereby authorized, shall in every case, and in every respect, be the same as is provided in and by the above-mentioned act of incorporation in regard to the railroads thereby authorized to be constructed by the said company:Proviso: other roads not to be obstructed. Provided, also, and be it enacted, That whenever the said company, in the construction of a railroad into or within the said district, as authorized by this act, shall find it necessary to cross or intersect any established road, street, or other way, it shall be the duty of the said company so to construct the said railroad across such established road, street, or other way, as not to impede the passage or transportation of persons or property along the same;Wagon ways to be provided. and, where it shall be necessary to pass the said railroad through the land of any individual within the said district, it shall also be the duty of the said company to provide for such