Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 4.djvu/16

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Lighthouses. An act to authorize the building of lighthouses and beacons, and for other purposes. (Obsolete.)March 2, 1827.
Roads in Michigan. An act to authorize the laying out and opening of certain roads in the territory of Michigan.March 2, 1827.
Appropriations for Indian Treaties. An act making appropriations to carry into effect certain Indian treaties. (Obsolete.)March 2, 1827.
Compensation of Clerks in the Departments. An act in addition to “An act to regulate and fix the compensation of the clerks of the different offices,” passed april, one thousand eight hundred and eighteen.March 2, 1827.
Canal to connect the Waters of the Illinois and Lake Michigan. An act to grant a quantity of land to the state of Illinois for the purpose of aiding in opening a canal to connect the waters of the Illinois river with those of Lake Michigan.March 2, 1827.
Road in Indiana. An act to authorize the state of Indiana to locate and make a road therein named.March 2, 1827.
Land for a Seminary of Learning in Arkansas. An act concerning a seminary of learning in the territory of Arkansas.March 2, 1827.
Importation and Exportation of Brandy in Casks of not less than Fifteen Gallons. An act to authorize the importation of brandy in casks of a capacity not less than fifteen gallons, and the exportation of the same for the benefit of a drawback of the duties. (Expired.)March 2, 1827.
Wabash and Erie Canal. An act to grant a certain quantity of land to the state of Indiana, for the purpose of aiding said state in opening a canal to connect the waters of the Wabash river with those of Lake Erie.March 2, 1827.
Northern Boundary of the State of Indiana. An act to authorize the President of the United States to ascertain and designate the northern boundary of the state of Indiana.March 2, 1827.
Ports of Entry. An act establishing the port of delivery at the town of Marshfield, in the district of Plymouth, and a port of delivery at Rhinebeck Landing, in the district of New York.March 2, 1827.
School Lands in Alabama. An act to authorize the legislature of the state of Alabama to sell the lands heretofore appropriated for the use of schools in that state.March 2, 1827.
Sale of Moravian Land in Ohio. An act amendatory of the act regulating the Post-office Department.March 2, 1827.
Post-office. An act amendatory of the act regulating the Post-office Department.March 2, 1827.
Increase of the Salary of the Postmaster General. An act to increase the salary of the Postmaster General.March 2, 1827.
District Court for Eastern Virginia. An act for altering the times of holding the district court of the United States for the eastern district of Virginia, holden at the city of Richmond.March 3, 1827.
Land Claims in Alabama. An act supplementary to the several acts providing for the adjustment of land claims in the state of Alabama.March 3, 1827.
Interest to be paid to the State of Pennsylvania. An act authorizing the payment of interest to the state of Pennsylvania. (Obsolete.)March 3, 1827.
Arsenal in Maine. An act authorizing the establishment of an arsenal in the town of Augusta, in Maine.March 3, 1827.
Additional Terms of the Superior Courts of Florida. An act to authorize the governor and legislative council of Florida to provide for holding additional terms of the superior courts therein. (Obsolete.)March 3, 1827.
Navigation of the Ohio River. An act for improving the navigation of the Ohio river.March 3, 1827.
Road from Columbus to Sandusky. An act to grant a certain quantity of land to the state of Ohio for the purpose of making a road from Columbus to Sandusky.March 3, 1827.