Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/965

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2168 INDEX. Fish Who:-j and Market, D. C'., P¤8¢· Fisheries Iiwjeau, etc.—jCoptinued. Peso. appropriation for market master and wharf- approp11s.tion for_bu1ld1ngs, etc., Edenton, igggr, etc , ,,. . . 519, 896 N. C., station ... . .. 665 for reconstructing wéhurves ... - . gg for for Boothbay Harbor, Me., 876 mgjuige re ur . n . . .. sgi wmmngigixrrerpouuaiiigs, sm .. 901 ger zgérésm 6% L0\11BV1l%&, Kyé, rgssotlg 876 .Firheu' Greek, ., or_ ons Orangeurg,. .s p examination, etc., of, to be tion, .. . . 876 made., .. . 1058 for additions to Saratoga, Wyo., station. , 877 Fisher, Cathay-im Ami (wilow), for cold-storage plan , Alaska fur seul Pension ____ , ,,,,,,,... . 1605 islands , . . . . 877 F¤her,_Clora (widow), 1326 for rgnstzngggcung Baker Lake, Wash., 877

  • ‘~*~*"°°'?°*‘*¤··*”`-',..,...6`i*"”· ``````'`'`````'``````" 1396. "°“°*°::,%.;2:."*‘*7"*6*`*ééQm`§§§%%séi%é. ...0

p5P°,hnn?1?Iuqmm¢, VK, nm".--H.--uu-N.- for protecting.Xlesl·is.n.seal }dshei·ies.,... . ’ 380 pension increased . . .. -. . . . 1605 for maintenance of vessels .. 1151 Fwher, Jqlm, · marine biological station, Florida, condi- Pgngipu increased .. . . 1387 tions or donation of land, etc., row, Jenn W, rights, moqiied .. . . 665 Pgpgicn ... . . 1483 sale of fur seal skins to be postponed . . 1222 _F·;;hg·,.]o1iathun, Bpullgé-Eshétws appropriation may be used - ,·.P.,..°““"¥‘ ‘“,${‘i‘°°" ······‘‘··‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ “2° ”" Q W ‘7 S? *3 Pension ..,. . . . . 1586 waters of Texas by, authorised . 1196 F·;,gIm·,.]{qry A. (widow), traveling expenses, etc., of detailed per- Peggie;}. it . . -.- 1242 sloorzsés etc., allowed from rfniuscegx Faber, an arm, expenses union increased. . . . ..·.· · . . 1282 seal fisheries .. . . 223 p£Z»,_wqzem 0., cammmnz, po¤¤10¤ 1¤¢1’¢¤¤°d --··-•-·—- · ··--·-····—·· 1298 appro%1:tion' for International Council for Fwhmir, Am¢*i¤m» ploration of the Seain the interest rmjreo ust, fish and other products of . 160 of _____________________ _ ___________ 669 Fisheries Bureau, D¢p¤1‘¢m¢*§¢ of €"¤‘mm¢'¤¢» .Fi•h¢riu Commimlm, International ¤PP!’0P1'i8*i0¤ {0* C°m!m$*°¤€"» d°P“tY» appropriation for expenses under Cannolerks, etc , . . .. 60,661, 873 dim _____________ _ _ _____________ 450 1123 for Alaska service, Pribilof Islands 661, 873 Emma, (;•0.,,,,m;,_,.;0,M,. of, ’ for 6mP10Y€°s at bf? ···---··---··· 62: 661. 874 a propriation for, de uty, clerks etc. 60 661 873 for dislg1‘ib¤li<>¤ BMP <>Y€€¤ -········ 62, 661. 874 Frhgerrb, Imernatianalp Exposition i>`fSea, , ’ for statroix :?£ggY€€8 -·--—-~--· · · - - gg, gg. acceptance of invitation to participate in. . 778 or vesse s -- , , · for contingent expenses 63, 663, 875 Fisiahtgog 127 for propagation ... : ... 63, 663, 876 Fishing Réés `°°°°°° °°° °``°`°```°'°' °°°' ’ ' mmcwd msmm wml hm Pmwcungga on free list; sticks in the rough for . 164 6¤2h<·=¤» me -····-·-···— - -·-··--· : ·8” Maw Tackle stations restricted to States according duty on md; meh om 127 full authority to employees for oper- FM . I; la ’ * °‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘·’‘'‘‘•‘•· sting, etc ... 663, 876 1 "‘9’°w““f • { . for maintenance of vessels . 63, 664, 876 °”• ·h';d°’°" ‘;1;;*1°* *'°‘·l‘m°d t° be ¤*· {oi- inquiries of food fishes .. 63, 664, 876 of P° t° °° } ··-···-- ·; -·-·-·- ,- 1164 for statistical inquiry .. 63, 664, 876 ¤¤¤ ¤=W•=¤¤¤ ¢¤e¤*¤r¤ or emma mehior protecting sponge tisheries .. 63, 664, 876 °“l• °t°·• ud *9 d°°P‘°"”‘· -··· ; --·--- 387 formvestigating beam or ctter trawlingn 63 d°t“§“ {mm Public Hmm S°'V*°° fw for Alaskan fisheries service, protecting gy °‘;h‘;§’ ··············--- ; ····- 387 seal fisheries, food to natives, Ggtc w°$°“•a@h‘;n8ut °rm““ °n» mw mblxt t° 1169 .,.. . ... . , 664 '.° '’‘'‘‘° ‘'‘'‘• ·: ···•··· for new steel distribution cars .. 64; '*°°h· °t°:· '°q“"°m°“t” f°’ °“]°” mt for €rhBuHng¢•Alb8u`)mv¢____________ 64 _ 5 P11C9·bl€t0·.· 1164 °" H, , who mmmz rmi Um for $:2;. ii, .. 664 “PP'°P"i°'·i°;*{°'5¤**i¥;*;*;¤§·¤;{¢, etf., gf- 437, 1097 r ying G 6 Britain one rapes, rm. °*°*¤%° 9 ¤¤ ¤ mt ¤¤ ¤¤ or pgzagconxzirdgg . . 64, $64, 876 P 1 ¤;·1?0¥:8uF°¤Pm Ya¤:;><;?dded to. . . 12556 for elggiarice . . .. ’ - 64, 664 Fi·7¤z¤Z¤¢¢¤. Bailmy. in Rhode Island; conditions .. 64 !~i¤W °¤»_¤°¤ OF $681 ·-··-·--···---··--... 124 for land, etc., Cold Sprinig Ga., station-, 664 Fulk, A-’¤7¤§ Co rightof wuyto Louisvil e, Ky., P€¤¤*0¤ m€¤'€¤¤€d ~-·- · --····- . -..--.. 1584 ssh hatchery ... 664 FM. §¤7w¢ M., for repairs to wharf, Woods Hole, Mass, credit m accounts 1590 f stetiou.£{J-..}é .. 665 Fi¢z,Somud5f C0 f or c nstruc n e ., ac amos, eg. ymont uri; claims gndjngg to gatchery; side of old site .. _ . 665 pa executor of. . ,? ,,_,__,_______ _ ___,__ 993 for repairs, etc., Beaufort, N. C., biologi· Fitz Gerald, Nathan W, cal station .. 665 pension increased ,_, _ ,.,_ 1315