Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/940

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mnnx. 2143 Diplowmtic and €'0nsuIm· Ser·vice——Contd. P•l•- and C0n•ularSa·vice—0ontd. Pile appropriation for International Commimion eiiciency appropriation for emergenou Table of Constants, etc ... 448, 1122 cies .,,,_,_.,.. , ,,_____, 208, 559, 1133 for Intlerparliamentary Union, promo- for clerks at consulates 231, 232 tion of mternational arbitration. 448, 1122 for contingent expenses, consulates .. 231, for Intemational Institute of Agricul- 232, 332, 1158 ture ... 448, 1122 for mlaries, charges d’aEaires ad infor International Railway Congress. . 448, 1122 terim ... 232,332 for International Sanitary Bureau. . - 448, 1122 for salary ambasmdcr to Spain .- 312 for United States Court for China 448, 1122 for salary minister to Paraguay . 313 for International Office of Public Health- 449, for Britmsh·American claims arbitration. 313 _ _ 1123 for payment to Panama . . 313, 795 for International Seismological Amocra- for nternational Law Commission .. 313 tion  : ... _ 449, 1123 for secretaries of embassies and legations. 882 for British-american Pecumary Claims _ for bringing home remains of officers 832 Arbitration _ . 44 9, 1123 for relie and protection of American seafor compilation of Chinese treaties. . . . 449 men ...,,,..,, $32, 335, 1158, uw for Intemational Conference on Maritime for transportation, diplomatic and con- Law . . 450 sular officers 885, 559, 580, 1157 for Peace Palace at The Hague. . I . . . 450, 1123 for neutralit Act .. 559 for International Badiotelegraphrc Con- for heirs of oécers dying abroad . . 578 ventjon . _ . : . : 450, 1123 for representing mterests of foreign for Canadian Fisheries Commisnom. 450, 1123 Government during European hosfor Fifth Intemational Conference of tilities 1188 American States ... 450 for contingent e nses, missions. . . 1157, 1160 continued 1126 forsalaries, conszifr service . 1158 for Intemational Congress on Customs ambamador to Spain authorized; pay .. 110 Regulations  : . . 450 to .. . 378 for- Second Pan American Scientific to Chile. ..,,.,.,,,,,, 378 Congress ... 450 Conference of American financiers author— continued .. _ - . 1126 ized; invitation to Central and South for Nineteenth Conference, Interparha— · Amenpan Govemmontstoukepart. 1127 mentary Union I . . . 450 appropriation for- expcmss. . ... 1128 for acquisition of embassy premises, envoy extraordinary and minister Mexico 451 Upotentiary autlmnmod to Paraguay. . 241 Tokyo, Japan . : .: 451 to mgnay,...;.; 241 for International Law Gomrmmon .. 451 provisions for improvement of ... 805 continued 1126 appointments of secretaries, cousuls general, for Canadian Boundary Waters Com- and consuls by grades and not to mission .. 66, 451, 1124 posts . 805 for Consular Service . 451, 1124 assignmentto Department duty authorfor consuls general and consuls .. 451, 1124 ized; limit  : 805 rates of compensation. ... 1124 grades and salaries established, secretaries. 805 for consuls generals and consul: for consuls general; consuls ... 805 present year under new rating . 1124 pay of secretaries acting as chargés d’affaim• for consular inspectors; expenses 451, 1124 ad interim. ... 805 for consular assistants ... 452, 1124 vice consuls in charge of poets .. 808 for clerks at consulates .. 452, 1125 subsistence allowance to officers detailed for interpreters, etc., at consulates. . . 452, 1125 outside of Washington; limitation. . 806 for mars als, consular courts 462, 1125 promotion and transfer recommendations for consular prisons, etc . 452,1125 based on eiliciency records . 806 for relief and protection of American report of examinations for appointments to seamen 452, 1125 lower grades ... 806 for foreign hogpital, Cape Town .. 453, 1125 official designation defined; consul general for Seamen’s nstitute, Kobe ... 453 and consul 806 for contingent expenses .. 453, 1125 consulagsagent. ... . 806 loss by exchange .. . ... 453, 1126 vice co  : ... 806 for International Congrem against Alco- consular officer .. . .. 806 holism .. 110, 453, 1127 diplomatic officer .. . ... 806 ior relief, etc., of destitute American omces abolished;vico consul general,deputy citizens in Mexico . 238 consul general, and deputglcousul. . 806 reimbursement to emergencies appro- transacting private businea y 'plomatic priations for rior expenses _ . 238 officers in countries to which ac<:r·edfor International gouncil, Exploration of ited, forbidden ... . 807 the Sea . . . . 669 inconsistent laws repealed . . . 807 for urchase of building, Yokohama, pharmacy regulations in China consular ¥apm1- . . . . 1126 d.1sT.t'1ChS . . .. . . . 8].7 for Pan American Medical Congrem . 1127 Diplomatic Officers, _ _ delegates to be invited to International appropriation for instruction and transit Engineering Congress ... 1127 pay . . .. 443, 1117 for participating in exposition at Panama 1127 for transponation to and from posts, deficiency appropriation for international etc . t .. 445, 1119 investigation of opium evil ... 208 for heirs of, dying abroad . _446, 1119 for relief, em., of American citizens in for ringing home from abroad remains Mexico 208 I of ... . .. 446, 1120