Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/812

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2014 PROCLAMATIONS, 1914. detained in any port, harbor, roadstead, or waters of the United States more than twenty-four hours, by reason of the successive departures from such port, harbor, roadstead, or waters of more than one vessel of an opposing belligerent. But if there be several vessels of o posing belhgerents in the same port, harbor, roadstead, or waters, the order of their de arture therefrom shall be so arranged as to afford the opportunity og leaving alternately to the vessels of the o belligerents, and to cause the least detention consistent with ihe objects of this proclamation. No ship of war or privateer of a belligerent shall be permitted, while in ant? port, harbor, roadstead, or waters within the jurisdiction of the mted_ States, to take in any su plies except provisions and such other things as may be roltluisite Ear the subsistence of her crew, and except so much coal o y as manly be sufficient to carry such vessel, 1f without any sail power, to e nearest port of her own cotmtry; or in case the vessel is rigged to go under sail, and may also be propelled by steam power, then with half the quantity of coal which she would be entitled to receive, if dependent u n steam alone, and no coal shall be again sopplied to aniosuch of war or privateer in the same or any o er port har r, roadstead, or waters of the United States, without special permission, until after the exgiigion of three months from the time when such coal may have last supplied to her within the waters of the United States, unless such ship of war or shall idch x btgil lied, ha tered f h privateer , smce t us supp ve en a port o the government o w e o . , *° And I do further declare aiids proclaim that the statutes and the treaties of the United States and the law of nations alike require that no Eerson, within the territory and jurisdiction of the United States, _take part, or mdirectl , in the said wars but shall rerzooixri at ofatlhe said {elhgerents, and shall maintain a s c an 1mpart1 neu t . __,*¥i$·_,_·g*,L·-¤¤¤ ¤* km And I do hereby enjoin all Zitizens of the United States, and all poisons residing or being within the territory or jurisdiction of the nited States, to observe the laws thereof, and to commit no act o1ontr»}ryhtoIthe ];l'0'V;S1011S•0ft£bi said statutes or treaties or in viola.- onoteawo naionsm a .

,,?f’°""' And I do hereby warn all_citizens of the United States, and all jogsons residing or being   its territory or jurisdiction that, w e

the free an full expression of sémpathies in public and private is not oy the wqf Itihebemted Stiles, military ftorces aid oa lhgerencannoau ongma oroan1zewit'its ,,,,_°°"""’““' °‘ ”'· jurisdiction· and that, while ill persons may lawfully and without restriction IEE reason of the aforesaid state of war manufacture and sell withm _ e United States arms and munitions of war and other articles ordinarily known as {contraband of war", yet they cannot carry such articlw upon the high seas for the use or service of a belhgerent, nor can they transport soldiers and officers of a belligerent or attempt break any blockade which may be lawfully esta lished and inamtamed during the said wars without incurring the risk of l&o§;d§€<;]:pfwm and the penalties denounced by the law of nations in N"“°" And I do hereby give notice that all eitizens of the United States and others who may claim the protection of this government, who may misconduct themselves in the premises, will do so at their peril, an that the?} can in no wise obtain any protection from the governgierzt of the mted States against the consequences of their misconuc .