Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/77

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1290 six·rY.·r1=111zn conennss. sms. 11. ce. 114. 1914. °°°’¤°W· B°¤· The name of George W. Ross, late seaman, United_States ships Princeton and Sabine, United States Navy, and pay lum a pension' at the rate of $24 per month in lieu of that he is now ’“¤¤ R- D*“‘» The name of James R. Davis, late of Company B, Eleventh Regiment Missouri Volunteer Cavalry, and pay him a pension at the rate MMD T. of $30 per month in lieu of that he is now . ‘ "°" The name of Reuben B. Taylor, late cap-ism mpany D, Four-; teenth Regiment West Virginia Volunteer antry, and pay him a pension at the rate of $50 Er month in lieu of that he is now receiving. L“°’ W°“‘· The name of Lucy We , widow of David L. Welkillfate captain } I 7 °°;*z€:z.G Sw. ..*t.§rm ..*.§;··,.2·:‘.;.*..§’.:*.‘*.*:.·*12::. .. *.:;.*:1.1.:**%. P¤ , PGM now receiving. » ’°"'°’w‘“"""· The name of James late of Company B, Seventh ment Missouri State Militia Cavalry, pay him a pension at rate of $36 per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. IaryA: seam. The name of Mary A. Solter, widow of Samuel W. Solter, late of· Company K, Thirteenth Regiment New York Volunteer Infantry, Pndmmming and pay her a {pension at the rate of $12 per month. - _ David S. Fahvhm- The name 0 David S. late 0 Company D, Second ment Ohio Volunteer Eleayy Artillery and pay him_a_ pension at W smh rate of $50 per month m heu of that he is now receiving. °°°"° ‘ ‘ The name of W. Smith, late of Company B, Seventh ment West Virginia olimteer Infantqkband pay him a pension at AM"' Kama rate of $50 per month in lieu of that is now _ _ ‘ The name of Andrew K. Spencer, late of Company A, Sixth Regr . ment Mimoun Volunteer Cavalry and pay him a pension at the rate W of $24 per month in lieu of that he is now receivin . °‘“"°‘ ‘““ The name of Samuel W. Ake, late of Battery Eg Fifth Regiment Unitai Airtilllexy; and pay him a pension at the rate of $30 per mon m ‘euo t at eisno recei ° . ’°'“‘ R·’°"°’· The name of John R; J onesflate oggxgmptafny F, Two hxmdred and

 Regiment Pennsylvama Volunteer antri, and pay him a

c_mnw_ mn dm pension at the rate of $30 per month in lieu of that e is now receiving. cava. w. nm-aa. The name of Calvm Birg, alias Calvin W. Burton, late of Com- 2·¤y.£tSay¤““.“:;.aa°¤*#vnd ‘€::.mP;:2* ”· Onetwdmmd wen gimen ana o un r ' Hwy l__ Waco; pension at the rate of $30 $r month in lieu of a1a%e ithnnovlygceivingllt The name of Henry P. ilcox, late of Company E, Third Regiment Massachusetts lylihtia Infant , and pay him a pension at the rate of Pmhm Siiggier month m lieu of thai.-lie is now receiving. num .4.1»:a1¢. e name of Helena A. Edic, widow of Charles J. Edic late of Company C, E1ghty·first Regiment New York Volunteer Infantry, and Pmms in I pag her a pension at the rate of $12_per month. mus aswnes. he name of Julia A. Bachus, wi ow of Lucius A. Bachus, late

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8. l’lS10l'1 8 6 I'8 0 www w_ Cm? in lieu of that she is gov}; receivilhe . per mon Mid- Tl:lB·é1QI:·1ei10§t RAl;t Camp§eld, lm of Battery G, First Regimen m a e , an ` t th f Halma mum. $36 per month in lieu of thi he is gg; receigihmllsion a B mm 0 The name of Malmda Skinner, widow of Jacob Skinner, late of Company G, E1ghty-fourtb Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and pay her a pension at the rate of $20 per month in lieu of that she is now 1-ece1v1ng. Eumbm H°m°b°°' The name of Elisabeth Ilartleben, widow of Robert Hartleben, late of Company H, Sngcth Riiiment West Virginia Volunteer Infantry, and pay her :1. pension at e rate of $20 per month in hou of that she is now I'EC€1Vll1g.