Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/566

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ABBITRATION—AUSTRIA.-HUNGARY. Mar 6, 1914. 1783 Arbitration xwemeat between the United States and Austria-Hu Mw °·i°14~ extendtng duratum of the conoenttonqf January 15, 1909. at Washmjgtem, May 6 1914; rattjieation advised I? the Senate, May .90, 914; ratged by the President Mary 27, 19 4; ratified by ritwtma-Hungary, ay 13, 1:914; ratifieatabm exchanged at Washmgum, May 28, 1914; prodavmed May 98, 1914. Br rim Pnnsmnur or- mm Ummn Sratms or Aunmca. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas an Agreement between the United States of America. ¤·§'Q,***. **°¤ *"¤ and Austria:—Himgary egctendinq, for a further uperiod of five years, Ahumgw ` the arbitration convention conc uded between em on January 15, v°l°°°’°'m°` 1909 was concluded and Slglléd by theu· respective Plenipotentrar-ies at Wlashmgton on the srxt day of May, one thousand nme hundred and fourteen, the original of which Agreement, being in the English, German, and Hungarian languages, IS word for wor as follows: The President of the Seine Majestat der Kai- 6 Fels? Ausatria esa- °°“""°"”€ P°"°“ UnitedStates0f America servonOsten·eich,K6ni szara, CB90l!BZ6g kiralya and His Majesty the Em— von Biilmxen u. s. w. und atb. és aposgeror of Austria, King of · Kénig von toli kinilya, és az Ameriohemia, etc., and Apos- ngam und der Prasidont kai Egyesult Allamok eltelic Km; of Hungary, der Vereinigten Staten nbke. Az 1909. évianuar helix desirous of extend- von Amuuka habsn von h6 15l napjanotévrelkowtt mg eperiod of liveyears dem Wunschebeseslt, dis valasztott birésagi egyezdurlng which the Arbitra- Wirlmamkeit der am 15. m»ényha.t§.ly£tm tion Convention concluded Janner 1909fureinenZeit- bitani éhajtvin e · on Ianuary 15, 1909, is to mum V011 fllllf Jahréh tak, hogy az afabb k6vetremain in force, have re- vereinbarten Schiedsge- kezb szerzbdést kdvtik meg solved to conclude the fol- rlchtskonvention zu ver- és e célra kinevezték meglowing Convention and for langern, Sich bestimmt hatalmazcttaikkat that ose have ap- §u¤den, nachstehende . pointeduxeir Plenipoten- nvention zu schliemen tiaries: und zu diesem Endo zu Ihren Bevoilmachtigten ernannt: . The President of the Seine Majestat der .Kai· (5 Felséf Ausztria csé.- Plenlpotentiarles. United States of America, ser von Osterreich, Kiinig szzira, Cse orszag kuélya theHonorableWi1liamJen— von Bohmen u. s. yr. un sth: Magyarorszagggesnings B , Secretary of A_post0hscber K6n1g von wh k1r£l'Bm, Dumbo ns- State of Ee United States; bngam, den Herrn Cons~ tantm ivadar urat a and tan in Theodor Dumba, Ferencz-.T6zsef rend nagy- His Majesvthe Em ror 'Gromkxeuz des _Franz~Jo· keresztesét, a vaskoronaof Austria, king of lgdhe- seph-Ordens, Ritter des rend III ik osztélyanak mia, etc., and Apostolic Ordens der Eisemen Krone lovagjat, valésagos belab King of Hungary, Constan- III. Klame, Allcrbéchst txtkps tanacscsit, rendkitine Theodore Dumbs, Ihren Geheimen Rat, aus- viii és meghatalmazott Grand Cross of the Order serordentlichen und be- nagykovetét az Amerikai of Francis Jose h, 3*** Class vollmiichtigten Egyesiilt Allamokmilz és Knight of the 81-der of the bei den Vereimgten Staa- Iron Crown, His Msjesty’s ten von Amerika; und _ _ PrivyCouncillor,Ambassa- Der Priis1dentderVe1e1- Az Amenlmi Eg§esii1t dor Extraordinary and nigten Staaten von _Arne- Allamok elnoke, ryan Plenipotentiary to the rika, den Herm William William Jegnings ur-at az United States of America; Jennings Bryan, _Staats· Egyesnlt llamok alllamgekretar der Vereimgten titkarét; taaten; Who, after communicat- Welche nach gegenseif;i— Aki]: j6 és kellb alakban ing to each other their ger Mitteilung ihrer be- talalt meghatalmazésaikrespective full powers, ziiglichen, in guter und nak kozlése utan a kévetfound in good and due geh6ri%r Form befunde- kezb cikkekben éllapodtak form, haveagreedupon the neu ollmachten iiber meg: following Articles: nacbstehende Artikel ubereingekommen sind: