Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/375

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1588 SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. sm 111. ous. 199-202. 1915. R°d¤'¤k °’°¤¤¤°*· The name of Roderick O’Connor, late of Coxpipany C, One hundredth Regiment New York Volunteer Infantry; an pay a pension at the rate of $40 er month in lieu of that e is now receiving. _ imc P*¤¤=¤*· The name og Isaac Premer, late of Company E, Eighty-mnth Regiment, and Companyig; Twenty-sixth Regiment Indiana Volnmteer Infantry, and pay a pension at the rate of $30 per month H C inrljileu of thagzflfg. is mbw receiwzig. tm Tw mah _ _ °"Y ·L*¤¤· nam enry . teasm tsurgeon e un gavalijythaxld pay him a pexision at the rate of $40 per month in ` u o at he is now rece1vmg` . '“"’m” D“¤¤°¤· 6The name of Thomas Duggan, late corporal Company C, Fifth Regiment New York Heavy til1ery an pay 111111. a_pension at the rate of $50 per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. Approved, March 4, 1915. u§ih”i"i“ii5' s.‘?1”*’e.”°°·”*t ASI £t3,‘¤%’”“°““ ‘i’ ‘“§¤€.“i§3g°· .i“‘R"".;°§t“’i‘i.S.,.“i“...* §2L?‘ T¤7·*`€?»'¤?~7`¤a¤e`°`eZ?La¤Z1`£¤“.?`J'»·i¤1£¤.` "”'”°P°"° "" °' ° ° ’ Be·i¢ernaetedby the»$enateand Houseo °veaof the United machxé i>[2ii°{£ States of America in Gongress assenwbkd, t the Secretary of the “g,,$,°,§g¥§}°g;mw¤& Treasury be and he is hereby authorized and directed to pay to the zm¤'<;ix¤¢¢¤d mn- Chicago, Milwaukee and Saint l’aul Railway Company, a corporation, corpora versa, p.112. the amount of the tion tax, if any, which as been excessively or impro ,_ ly collected for the year ending December thirty-first, . mneteenun anmne,yte mte ta uner eco ra- Dt°lm_d' £¤rd.redd'bhU'dStesd_thrpo megsem °° tion tax_Act of August fifth, nineteen hundred mne; an the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, under the d1rection of the Secretary of the Treasury, is vested with full authority and power to determine the amount, if_ any, so excessively or impropgly collected, R·“·*"°·’2”·¥’·°” notwithstanding the limitation contamed m section t ty-two him- _ dred and twenty-eight of the Revised Statutes of United States; A”'°P"‘"°‘L and for the purpose of carrying into effect this Act there is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Trea.s1u·y not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $4,583.67, or so much thereof as may be_ necessary, go pcay the amount due such corporation for the excesswe tax so co ec . Approved, March 4, 1915. Masrriliziddii m :,g1lt;—·rg:1xu.%;:etd aipn§&p;·<¥‘;i:°t§m to M. C. Burke for tax liens held by [rams, so. 245.] · Be·it enactu1b#ythe:Se1wte andHouse of Reiqesentatives dthe United géc-gygké; M tu States of America. an Congress assembled, at the Secretary of the umm “Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to ay, out of gny money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated? M. urke, the sum of $732.51, for taxes due and unpa1d, for Wl11Ch sa1d M. C. Burke holds tax hens on lots numbered one, two, three, four, five, and six, in block numbered one hundred and forty-three, West Superior, fourth division, in the city of Superior, Douglas County, Wisconsin, which said property is now owned by the United States, and upon which said tax liens were outstanding when it acquired the same. Approved, March 4, 1915. l'§c1i.1.i»his%ij5` CHAP. 202.-An Act For the relief of Andrew J. Inwrence. {mma' Nam'] Be it enacted by Senate and Hou.s·elZ{R’1epresentatives of the United %:are\z{.t16a»;r.;¤ie.y; States of America an Congress assemb , at the Secretary of the mgm · Treasury be, and he IS hereby, authorized and directed to pay to