Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/333

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1546 SIXTY—THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. III. CHS. 122-126. 1915. F. W. Theodore Schroeter, out of any funds in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $1,397 .66 to compensate him for mjurres recerv while m the em loy of the Government of the United States on the Panama Canal) September twenty-eighth, nine- {::3:1. hutndred andbseyenz lf’riny:}1ed, Thai; in Else af ge death of the ,,m,_ c an,paymenosucca1m m e eeg representatives. Approved, March 3, 1915. {gin; CHAP. 123.»—An Act For the relief of Hannah Waldo. [m“°°’N°‘°m Be·ite·nactedby theSe1aateandHm¢se Re esentatives thellrvited

:v,,‘},1ff‘{;,,m States of America in Oemgress asseanlnlelg Tllzt the sumqdf $1,500 is

¤‘¤¤¤°¤¤· hereby appropriated, out of any mone in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to be paid to Hannah Vgaldo, widow of Charles Waldo, inspector m the Immigration Service of the United States who lost his hfe m North River, September nineteen hundred and

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V 2 Waldo. 4 · , Approved, March 3, 1915. V A ` latch s, rm. [11.11. rom.] GEL?. 124.-An Act For the relief of L. V. Thomas, V ’ ?:°,:,°;;:L2m Be·it enactedbyt7ge»S’mateaudHm¢seqf vesof the United miégm no, ru States of zimerica on Qemgress assembled, at the Secretary of the Treasu'E\ be, and he rs hereby, authorized and du·ected to tlpay to L. V. _ omas the sum of $1,680, out of any money not o erwrse

pproprrated, for personal injuries received while working on the

anamatgranal in the employ of the Panama Canal Commission as a carpen . Approved, March 3, 1915. umn s, ms. "'*"' [H- B- "m*·l CRAP. 125.-—An Act For the relief of the heirs of Theodore Dehon.

 Be it enacted     Senate and House ofR1egresentatives of the United

rsymmnmaeaa. States of America m_ Congress assembled, at the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay, out of an money m the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to the heirs $1. . of heodore_Dehon the sum of $500, for the seizure of one hundred bushels of rice, under mismformation, by Captain Armstrong, and used bgo feecgtgréeedlmen rn Collleton dgtrict, South Carolina, in Novem r, eig n undred an sixty- ve. Approved, March 3, 1915. Karen 3, 1015. gn. R. rom.] CHAP. 126.-An Act For the relief of Edward Whiteside [Private, No. 224.] . _ , Be1.temu:tedbyt7wSenateandHm¢s R entat' theU·£ted ilixigig ml? $$1 States of Amer·iea in Q0·ngress_assembZee‘l,Qzl'h»i:%7ri:i8 the tratidLn of ‘°°“°· any laws conferring nghtswpnyrleges, and benefits upon honorably discharged soldiers, Edward 'hrtesrde, who was a musician in Com any C, Fifth New York Infantry Volunteers, shall hereafter be helcf) and considered have been discharged honorabl from the military servrce of the Dmted States as a musician of said1com}pany and regiment PWM 311. g;··about_ the fpl_r;1r8t€e;1;.hbcgaK of May;) erihteen undred asld sixty- Nobmk , · · C 8 , 1111 PGDSI gngb my em sh;1 be allcgwed bi reason of Alizt. yl OD, or ow pprov , 3, 1915.