Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/328

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i SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. III. Cas. 103-107. 1915. 1541 ug1»°il1$·§§ei2lE».§»°¤”rAma°t TY¤Tiiz°il3$°2’m%P°.¤.·,l’,‘}l$1i,’{,i§’{§’,'§,§’§§Yy ‘°°‘ by him "*’”° [ l??°d.°:li§H PHVBW, 0. . Be·it enactexZby theSenateandHmwele<g1?Ie£resentativesoftlw United E Dm States of·lca in_0ongress assemb_ , at the Secretary of the 1-l°§’¤°ii¤&t$l" Treasury be, and he IS hereby, authorized to pay to Epps Danley, of the e1t%pf Pascagoula, Jackson County, Mississippi, out of any money in the eas1u·y of the United States not_otherwise appropriated, the sum of $331.70 for property losses sustamed by him urmip. storm on September twenty-seventh, nmeteen hundred and six, w le light keeper of the East Pascagoula River (Mississippi) Lighthouse Station. Approved, March 3, 1915. GEAP. 104.-An Act For the relief of Hnmton Allen. @17% 12 a mate me same mz new wee master ae mae """’“”· "°·’°“‘ Statzs of Amerlga in Cggress assembled, {HZ? the Augtor of the gbliihliiubuexéuu. gzrreastgiciy for tch; Piglet ce ?epaI1;Itment iilherebti authorized am; ' 'ec tocr`t eaccouno unton en e tmastera Williamson, in the State of Georgia, with the sum 0iX?237.16, the gmopnt and Lgalue of postggge stargps sliiolen from siaid post officetlliy 2 urgaron aythirteen mneeu undredan thu·teen_ wi ou any fault on the part of said Allen; and said amount_1s hereby appro- *”'°’"‘°°”‘ pnated out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. Approved, March 3, 1915. CHAP. 105.-An Act To authorize the sale of certain land in Alabama to Walter gl-lc]¥.%?2lli Dm- . (Private,N0. my Be it enactedby theSenateandHmuel:g‘Rr1e£resentativesof the United wnwnm. States of America in Congress , at the Secretary of the L•¤° P•*¤***·°· Interior be, and he 1s_hereby authorized to issue a patent to Dean, of Calhoun County, Alabama for the north half of section twenty-four, township fourteen south even east, Himtsville Exdian the Staples of;0 Alabama: fh f,mTh§t the lpaartli Dian {;°,K§'1‘{,,'§;,,,,_ wi six mon mapprov ereo e isa p ca on or said tract andugay the register and receiver of the land omce at Montgomery, bama, the sum of $1.25 per acre therefor. Approved, March 3, 1915. CHAP. 106.-An Act For the relief of William H. Shannon. 1li?1l£"gll• Be it enacted by the Senate and Houspjf Representatives of United ll;. fE"ZiZ."{..‘gi."£§§‘°’f;£ €% if ’“é"1’h.¤..’0Z'.°h‘{£$“0ih€.h‘Zd'§2`$‘£t2?e‘¥.‘££ Z`.`§T:r¤ ···=····* ·=··~ Batteey Indiana Light Artillery, hereafter be held and consider to have been honorably as of the date of Ma; PWM eighteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-five: Provided, That no bac No mei: pq-, ew. pay, bounty, or allowance shall be allowed by reason of this Act. Approved, March 3, 1915. (IEAP. 107 .—A.n Act For the relief of Alonzo D. Cadwallader. l‘§·mR·3i&l. Be it enacted by the Senate and House 3fR of the United [IP"] NWDNETI State 0 America 'n Congress assemble , That in the administration neu. m` of th`; {ension lavls Alonzo D. Cadwallader shall hereafter be held m§j§_“'Y ”°°“* °°" and considered to have performed ninety days actual military service